posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 09:18 PM
That this article, memorandum, is presented as definitive proof that WHO is weaponising viruses is rather misleading. Any virologist who read the
piece would laugh at the idea that it is to do with weapons research. Nowhere in the article does it even vaguely hint at this idea.
I mean, don't go sending this thing to friends and family saying, "hey look, here's proof." They will think you are a fool.
Of course they are weaponising everything they possibly can but proof of it ain't here unfortunately. Don't take my word for it. Download the full
text article.
Of course for serious researchers of the hideousness of military research, who aren't about to go off half cocked, it is a valuable item.
PS: if I see the words "smoking gun" again I am going to vomit.
[edit on 29-10-2009 by mrwiffler]
[edit on 29-10-2009 by mrwiffler]