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Orly Taitz - Another "birther" case bites the dust

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posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Keymaster1

Yea I heard that rumor before too. In fact it was supposedly part of a debate between Keyes and Obama in 2004. So I went and got the transcripts of those debates. (available in the Kenyan Born Obama article thread) Guess what? He never said anything of the sort. It's amazing, if this were true, you KNOW people would have splattered that ALL OVER ATS by now.

More lies

All this issue is now is lie atop of lie on top of more lies, and it's not Obama doing the lying.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

I've seen that image, do you see at the bottom where it says "FILED BY REGISTRAR"???

I want to see the version that states "ACCEPTED BY REGISTRAR"

There IS a difference between the 2, whether you realize that or not

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by redhatty

And that means??????

C'mon, now, don't speculate, educate.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by redhatty

If his is the only birth certificate ever in Hawaii to say that. Then I'll admit that would be odd.

Barring that, I see nothing significant.

I kinda admire him for standing up to what pretty much amounts to "show me your papers, commie", "prove you're my President".When honestly, he's already proven that to the people that matter. The people that voted for him.

The same people crying show me your papers are the same ones calling him a socialist, and saying hes destroying the country. Honestly, what good would submitting to your will serve? You don't think he's doing a good job leading the country and he's a bang up swell guy, but there's that pesky little birth certificate snafu...

A funny thing I learned about America is that its a democracy. And when you're in the minority, your opinion doesn't really matter.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:50 AM
I think this entire birth certificate controversy is fabricated it's being used to maintain the left/right game and to keep the contributions coming for both parties.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster
A funny thing I learned about America is that its a democracy. And when you're in the minority, your opinion doesn't really matter.

Damn, you should have paid more attention to Civics class, We are a Democratic REPUBLIC, NOT a Democracy - BIG difference. Mob rule does not reign here.

Have you seen another BC that says the same as Obama's, re: Filed v Accepted?

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by redhatty

To be quite specific, we are a Democratic Republic, To be even more specific we are a Representative democracy

Which means we elect our representatives to make decisions for us.

So it means you have little voice in the affairs of the Republic. You elect people to do that job for you. After that you have piss all to do with it. Sure you can tell your REPRESENTATIVES what you want them to do, but you elected them to do a job which is to make decisions.

But apparently to YOU this means you can propose outlandish bull dunk and expect everyone to bend to your will. It doesn't work like that. While it's not mob rule like a democracy, the majority sure has more voice than the minority.

The reason Orly Taitz keeps eating dirt in each and every case here, and the reason that she will continue to always eat dirt in these cases is not that the courts don't want the truth to be known, its that they have no jurisdiction over this case, this is why NONE of these cases will EVER go anywhere. The only people that can do anything about removing a duly elected sitting president is CONGRESS.

Of course birther IDIOTS won't ever get this fact. They bitch and whine about preserving the constitution, they whine and moan about the rights of the people, but they not only want to subvert the constitution, but they want to destroy two of our most sacred and important RIGHTS. But they don't care about those rights as long as they can try and throw a political figure they don't like out of office.

From the start I have been telling this board that Congress has jurisdiction over this and not federal court, but you don't believe me. Why? Why don't you read the Constitution and understand that the Judicial system have no jurisdiction over the executive branch?

But that complicates your position now doesn't it? How are you going to get a Democrat controlled House and Senate to bring up Impeachment proceedings against a duly elected President?

Have fun with that, read the constitution and tell me I am wrong.

[edit on 10/30/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:22 AM
Hey look, I apologize.

While I do believe the "Birther" controversy is a joke, I didn't start this thread to debate that issue specifically.

I started this, more than anything else, to bring attention to and poke fun at Orly Taitz.

I think the Realtor/ Lawyer/ Dentist is becoming a sort of cultural icon, in the vein of Jon Gosslin, the Octomom and that "leave Brittany alone" guy from you tube.

A societal joke so to speak, her flailing about, her filing of the same claim in different courts, her alleged incitement for witnesses to lie on the stand and so on. It was intended to be about her, Orly Taitz, her escapades and what I believe will result in her disbarment.

I didn't expect (although perhaps I should have known better), for this to be about the Presidents legitimacy or our Democratic Republic.

-sorry for getting some of you so worked up.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by redhatty

Originally posted by ThaLoccster
A funny thing I learned about America is that its a democracy. And when you're in the minority, your opinion doesn't really matter.

Damn, you should have paid more attention to Civics class, We are a Democratic REPUBLIC, NOT a Democracy - BIG difference. Mob rule does not reign here.

Have you seen another BC that says the same as Obama's, re: Filed v Accepted?

Please, explain the difference between Democratic Republic, plain Republic and and Democracy?
Let's start with the latter: from ancient Greek (ancient Athenians invented democracy, remember?) = city state governed by its citizens as opposed to a king, a tyrant or dictator. Republic comes from Latin res publica which literally translated means public affairs, but technically it means the same thing as Democracy, a city state, Rome, governed by it's people. And last, what's in a name? *shrug* If you translate the title of the Hellenic Republic from Neo-Greek to English it should read Hellenic Democracy. So, why are we calling ourselves a Republic, then? Well, diplomatic convention: for a long while French, a Roman based language, was the world wide lingua franca, the commonly used language in diplomatic negotiations and red tape. That's why technically Hellas (Greece) is a Democracy, but is called a Republic. And that's also why technically the USA is a Republic, but then it is also a Democracy, because those two words are synonymous. A democratic Republic is an oxymoron and does not make sense at all, because both democratic and Republic denote the same thing: a state governed by its people through free and fair elections. I know a lot of our US friends, especially those who are Republicans, hate to call their country a democracy, because it might hint that they are maybe crypto-Democrats instead of Republicans?
What a silly notion!

[edit on 30-10-2009 by WalterRatlos]

[edit on 30-10-2009 by WalterRatlos]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by WalterRatlos

just to let you know an oxy moron is when 2 things are opposites like huge tiny or Government Organization... Democratic republic is not an oxymoron. and there is a slight difference in athenian democraqcy and roman democracy roman democracy was where the council of representatives... hint hint... would settle difference about the law. Athenian Democracy was a public forum anyone could go and air greivances

so umm i dont really know what you are talking about but hey w/e

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Silly Goose, it WAS NOT the debate with Keyes! It was An INTERVIEW with only O.B. and the INTERVIEWER!, So, try again please. Until He SHOWS his BIRTH CETIFICATE (NOT CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT FORMS!) Birth cert. has Fathers name, Mothers name, Hospital/Doctors name, etc, etc, etc,. and is issued by the hospital. Cert. of LIVE BIRTH Is only REGISTRATION OF A BIRTH!, and is issued by the government, As in when you give birth at home or in an airport bathroom, etc, THAT is what you get! Until such time he produces IN PUBLIC, his BIRTH CERTIFICATE, HE IS AN USURPER! So, anyway I appreciate your effort, but, you have to pay attention to details.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Keymaster1

Of course, hes an usurper, now go get your white robe and hood.

"y'all know what I heard? I hear tell that Obama feller said that he was a feriner! Yep, Billy Bob told Jimbo who said it to my uncle Larry, that's how I was knowin it's true."

"Ah hell Cletus, that's good enough proof for me, get the truck and the rope!"

If you can't show me a video of him saying it himself, it didn't happen.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by whatukno

Actually, I'm JEWISH, and used to be a democrat, before the Clintongs, turned the party over to the communist. Now i'm INDEPENDANT of ALL parties, due to the fact that they are just two sides of the SAME CRIMINAL CABAL! So, 1, learn to spell, 2, maybe you should see a psychologist to help you with your inborn hatred of TRUTH! REALITY! AND THE AMERICAN WAY!!!!

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Keymaster1

When you actually get some reality, send it my way, cause there ain't no reality in this story. What you heard from a guy, who heard from a guy, who heard from a guy that Obama said "So what it's not like I'm running for president." and I am supposed to take that rumor for fact?

The birther issue? Complete and total bull dung.

But it's fun!

Do you know why the courts throw these lawsuits out time and again? It's not because they don't have merit. It's because the courts have absolutely no jurisdiction over the office of the President. They CAN'T do anything. Congress can impeach Obama, THEN the courts can do something.

[edit on 10/30/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 06:31 AM
Normally I would advocate simply ignoring crack pots such as those who make up the birther movement . However in this case since the Birther movement is racially motivated it is vitally important to speak out against the cancer that is racism . Not of all of Obama critics are racist but without the shadow doubt the Birther movement is . Either that or they are just extremely naive and stupid .

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