Today my attention distracted on a story that was discussed some while ago on national television.
I missed it but gladly I could review this. First of this discussion TV program is a very credible and reliable on source and authentic material so
they don’t discuss crap for what I can say.
But to get back to the story the subject in person describes a woman that is the field of archeology a profound and respected archaeologist.
And she has great abilities to decipher old inscriptions in Latin and old Greek and many other languages.
So when she started in 1990 in a weekly repeated program that analysis Old Dutch art that are from normal civilians (like an auction) who can bring
this art that have been earned or inherited to price.
So when the hosts of this program asked her what is the most bizarre happening you had in this art program she told this story:
One day a man came in and presented a golden disc .He told her that he had bought this at an antique store but sat in a blob of wax. When he melted
the wax the disc appeared out of it. He was stunningly amazed.
So when this disc was lay down before her. She immediately frowned her eyebrows and lifted her shoulders. In all the archeology features she had
learned in decipher ancient artifacts, this she couldn’t decipher. What was lying before her?
So after many studying this object, she had to price the artifact that she thought was coming from the medieval ages.
So she gave merely estimation of the price and said could be 10 gulden or maybe 10 with lots of zero’s. That the last had been picked up by the
government, because this show was on national television.
So the whole press was down under and jumped right in the story. The rooftops were secured by the government and the disc had to be in safe place like
a bank.
After while this Golden disc was analyzed by many world leading archaeologists’ and brought from Louvre to metropolitan and many other places all
over the world. But finally the disc came in possession of NASA they eagerly wanted to know what this golden mysterious disc was.
But couldn’t decipher what this symbols on the disc mean .She said that many great archaeologists could conclude one thing NASA included this disc
has to come from outer space.
Real golden disc image
Pauw and witteman 14 October 2009(dutch)
Person in quest(mieke zilverberg)
I did a quick search on Google about this disc couldn’t fount anything about this. Maybe that some bright minds could find anything about this that
would be awesome.
[edit on 11/02/2007 by 0bserver1]