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Why I won't take the H1N1 vaccine.

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posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:30 PM
I know a lot of good sheep are taking their vaccines and celebrating what ever security blanket that gives them in todays harsh reality.

When I first read about Baxter back in February of this year [2009], and how they released live H5N1 avian bird flu to over 16 labratories in 4 countries as part of their seasonal flu formula I personally thought the man made pandemic was going to be H5N1.

That said, it tipped me off greatly that there was a desire by Big Pharma to release a pandemic. Baxter did release AIDS in their Factor 8 treatment back in the 80's so it's track record has not been exactly good. Especially since they knew about it for over a year and ensured they would not suffer any profit losses by selling this tainted junk over seas.

Here we are now, Baxter has the patent for the H1N1 vaccine, filed over a year ago. They are the primary producers of the vaccine and this trickles down to all the other companies now using their patented vaccination.

We all know that this H1N1 sprang up in Mexico in a time when it was spring break, a high amount of tourists. At a time when they would be going home. The disease was brand new, never seen in nature before. There has never been a solid convincing link that it came from a swine... period. Enough to say that they removed the Swine from the Flu and just called it H1N1 as the disease clearly was a combination of avian/human and swine influenza. A cocktail that seemed nearly impossible to just combine in nature.

Which takes us to man made transgenetic viruses. How we, the lovely scientific brainiacs we are today, are able to create custom viruses and combine traits from other diseases. The H1N1 has all the makings and hallmarks of a man-made transgentic virus.

The 1976 outbreak of Swine Flu which happend on a US military base and brought the exact same response clearly fits with in someones plan for this outbreak. The forumla is the same, even one of the key players... Donald Rumsfeld... is the same.

Well, I am convinced with out a shadow of a doubt that this virus was release by who ever the Rumsfeld group is. That he has involvement in this disease and is guilty of the crime of mass murder and exploitation of our health for profit.

Knowing all of this, am I ready to just roll up my sleeve and give Rumsfeld some of my hard earned money using his patented TamiFlu and swine flu shot... hell no.

This is an act of war against humanity. We are victims of a massive conspiracy against us, as many of you know. And this pandemic is just a flagship test pilot... the success of it only brings newer and more Big Pharma monsters. Our future is not ours, and now our health isn't even ours. We are under attack.

This is war, plain and simple. We don't even know we are fighting it, and just rolling up our sleeve to let the enemy stick their poison in.

Instead we have a National Emergency which opens up several executive orders giving Obama more power then he deserves. This not only distracts the public, weakens the public health, kills the public... it lets the globalists further their agenda and power, stripping all our freedoms away with every new emergency they create.

I won't take the vaccine because I don't support the murders who created it. Plain and simple.

Neither should you. Boycott Baxter and anything that Rumsfeld's slimey hands have touched.

You'll live longer, healthier and happier doing so. That's my two cents.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by YouAreDreaming]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:33 PM
Well said, dont forget the makers of the H1N1 Vaccine aren't the vaccine they made! and then why should the people take it?

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
Well said, dont forget the makers of the H1N1 Vaccine aren't the vaccine they made! and then why should the people take it?

The makers are worse then the vaccine. It is a good question, why should we take it? Because we are being told too?

I know German soldiers where told to torture, starve and kill Jews during WWII. Just because we are told to do something, should we?

With our reason, we probably wouldn't. That is where "propaganda" comes in. And this H1N1 is a steaming pile of propaganda. If it smells like propaganda, then it's probably bad for you.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Hear! Hear! I agree this pandemic is looking more and more contrived by big pharma and, I might add, the governments in a pre-conceived move for power and freedom grabbing as fast as they possibly can.

I won't take it and I will not allow my kids to take it. Our immune systems are already pretty well shot as far as fighting off anything new added to the mix. We are working on building them up now and taking any shots would be a big step in the wrong direction for us. And from our past experiences, we will never take vaccines again.

Great post and the feelings of everyone here should be addressed as such.

S & F for sure.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:53 PM
I can tell you why I am not taking it...

Because I never get the flu shot and I don't see any reason to start doing so now, just because I'm supposed to be more afraid of getting the regular flu vs. getting the swine.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by SoLittleTimeToRead

Thanks, I really feel like I am living in a movie like Johnny Mnemonic or 12 Monkeys. What is really concerning me is not the H1N1 but the potential bridge it could create for H5N1...

I still think H5N1 is the intended coctail for depopulation and this gives not only a scientific explination... H1N1 bridged with H5N1 and now we have the killer pandemic we all feared.

Which by the way, based on Baxter's release of H5N1 will most likely be the next pandemic. It's the one I am fearing because of the 60% mortality rate. If it does happen, I guarantee is cooked up in a lab just like H1N1.

That is... if the globalists are planning depopulation in the near future, this is the perfect propaganda vehicle now by which to release the next level virus on us all.

Scary really.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 04:00 PM
Could the people who get the H1N1 vaccine be more susceptible to the H5N1 virus that could come out? Could that be possible?

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 04:01 PM
S & F

Want to see a good dose of propaganda? Here is a picture taken from a local on-line paper. It is a pic of several ER nurses (one the director) giving each other the H1N1 shot. The tag-line reads "We got ours, did you get yours?" It reminds me of some of the ads from 1976.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by Maddogkull
Could the people who get the H1N1 vaccine be more susceptible to the H5N1 virus that could come out? Could that be possible?

This is my fear... this H1N1 is a setup for H5N1... that any new batch from Baxter may have H5N1 ready swine flu and we just suddenly have propaganda and psuedo science explaining how in nature this happened yet the real villains behind this had it planned all along.

H5N1 is the pandemic to fear... I am terrified the day I read that it is as virulent as H1N1.

But this is purely my fear, based on the history of Baxter and who is involved in this current pandemic. It's fear, but likely in my view of these murderes. Anything is possible with them, they have total control now.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by YouAreDreaming]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:17 PM
the H1N1 vaccine is perfectly safe and its saving lives. pregnant women in particular are dying from respiratory complications due to the swine flu.

Ive had the shot, so have my kids. and my wife has administered the shot to hundreds of patients. theyre all fine too.

for a shot that allegedly is designed to depopulate the planet, allow the govt the excuse to declare martial law, and put the people in FEMA camps, its a total failure.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by admriker444

Why are more and more here sounding like a roll up your arms operation agents?
sorry but i dont buy your statement.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by YouAreDreaming

Why I won't take the H1N1 vaccine.

All well said. Bravo!

Your wording was most important because, as I understand it, there are issues with bloggers who are seen as handing out medical advice when they suggest that people avoid the vaccine. It makes them libel to both those who might follow that advice and to the state, that is actively promoting it.

Placing the message as an opinion and what 'you' would do is both a safe way to share your feelings and spread information.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by You Are Dreaming

Nice thread well all the reasons i will not take the shot are in my thread.
Yes and how can we ever forget Baxter hmm.
There is so much against than for in my opinion but people have to make there own mind up the only thing about the MSN is they never tell you the bad we have to find out on are own.
S+F good topic very important.


posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by admriker444
the H1N1 vaccine is perfectly safe and its saving lives. pregnant women in particular are dying from respiratory complications due to the swine flu.

Ive had the shot, so have my kids. and my wife has administered the shot to hundreds of patients. theyre all fine too.

for a shot that allegedly is designed to depopulate the planet, allow the govt the excuse to declare martial law, and put the people in FEMA camps, its a total failure.

Let me know if you catch H1N1 or any of your vaccinated friends and family members. I am not convinced that the vaccine itself works based on the rapid deployment of such a vaccine... where are all the real tests... you're telling me in 5 days they can prove it's effectiveness because that is all the time it took to test and approve.

I never said the vaccine was a killer. Rather for profit and for the purpose of establishing a form of medical fascism where by more future virus for profit pandemics may follow with the advent of the globalists playing God in their labratories.

If there is a desire to depopulate, it will be through something like H5N1, and not H1N1... hence why I express my true concerns over that particular strain of human killing virus.

Mind you, SARS was as bad if not worse then H1N1 yet we never saw vaccines or the level of propaganda and fear as we see with H1N1. And sars is still out there.

Makes me really wonder why... and if it's that easy to cook up a cure, then why hasn't Ebola, Nippa or any other real deadly virus taken us by storm.

Just weaken it, snort it up our noses and protect us from all our virus fears.

Why... because this is propaganda, and virus for profit. I think this is more about power, money and control then an actual natural disease.

This is a man made viral false flag.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 05:48 PM

Thanks, I really feel like I am living in a movie like Johnny Mnemonic or 12 Monkeys. What is really concerning me is not the H1N1 but the potential bridge it could create for H5N1...

Hah! I'm feeling like I'm living in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. This topic being too controversial to talk about in polite company or my wife, but it's the only thing going on in my mind. I want to warn people like a screaming maniac wherever I am, but I have to act calm to "pass" as Pod people.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by YouAreDreaming
reply to post by SoLittleTimeToRead

Thanks, I really feel like I am living in a movie like Johnny Mnemonic or 12 Monkeys. What is really concerning me is not the H1N1 but the potential bridge it could create for H5N1...

I still think H5N1 is the intended coctail for depopulation and this gives not only a scientific explination... H1N1 bridged with H5N1 and now we have the killer pandemic we all feared.

Which by the way, based on Baxter's release of H5N1 will most likely be the next pandemic. It's the one I am fearing because of the 60% mortality rate. If it does happen, I guarantee is cooked up in a lab just like H1N1.

That is... if the globalists are planning depopulation in the near future, this is the perfect propaganda vehicle now by which to release the next level virus on us all.

Scary really.

Well, your concerns aren't shared with the CDC. In fact they have carried out criminal experiments to reassort H1N1 and H5N1.

...scientists at the CDC recently launched experiments in the agency’s labs in which they infected ferrets with both the new H1N1 virus and the highly lethal H5N1 avian flu virus to see if they might “reassort” to create a new hybrid. The scientists want to know whether a combination of the H1N1 virus -– highly transmissible, but not terribly deadly -– and the H5N1 flu virus could create an easily transmissible, deadly scourge. The H5N1 virus has only sickened 440 people world-wide since 2003 and generally isn’t transmitted from one person to another. But it has killed 262, or about 60%, of those people, according to the World Health Organization.

When people start dying en masse, the culprits are probably not only pharmaceutical companies, but also government agencies.

About reassortment:

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:37 PM
To the people that have written that "so and so got the vaccine and they are o.k." Have you learned nothing from the past ?????

This vaccine could take weeks maybe years to do damage. What about Autism??? What about Aspartame ?????

Please think before you write.......

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Drunkenshrew

That is precisely what I am afraid off... except the re assortment will not happen in ferrets but in human liver cells and with the help of gene splicing.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by dnvrliz
To the people that have written that "so and so got the vaccine and they are o.k." Have you learned nothing from the past ?????

This vaccine could take weeks maybe years to do damage. What about Autism??? What about Aspartame ?????

Please think before you write.......

please show me the link to a medical study that proves autism comes from vaccines

There isnt one.

Oh unless you still think that one study where the doc falsified data is still worthy ?

Or maybe you will quote the numbers about the amish people who dont have autism so it must be vaccines. it couldnt be diet or heredity or environment, etc.

no single study has ever shown a link to autism from vaccines but I can show you plenty that show vaccines are safe and DONT cause autism.

Okay so now the vaccine is a soft-kill weapon that wont murder me for years ? Since its not killing us now, lets change our conspiracy theory to something else so we dont look like fools.

Hey what about the reports by Alex Jones that said FEMA Camps are opening their doors, martial law is coming, and forced vaccinations are on their way ? Guess the elite changed their mind because we woke up and discovered their evil plot...

seriously people get a grip. there is no plot to depopulate us through vaccines. If there were it sure is a total failure.

posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by admriker444
... my wife has administered the shot to hundreds of patients. theyre all fine too.

I assume you mean your wife is a nurse? She should be fired for illegally checking people's records!

That's a ridiculous claim...

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