posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by OpTiMuS_PrImE
I am on the Fl / GA border and only about 50 miles from Alabama, and the last two weeks have just been "eerie" around here also!
We have seen plenty of meteors, and other unexplained phenomenon in the sky. My parent's cat has been missing since Saturday, we have two new fox
holes behind the house, and some kind of animal trying to make a den under the front porch!
My kids (2 and 3 yr olds) have been waking up at night a lot, and my 3 year old keeps creeping my wife out by saying, "shhhhhh, you hear dat?" Of
course she doesn't hear anything, but she wakes me up anyway, and we get the flashlight, etc, etc..
There was a home invasion shooting about a 1/2 mile from me last week, so that has us a little on edge, along with the missing cat!
We will continue to keep our eyes peeled!