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We're headed for Full Enlightenment!

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posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by DragonriderGal

You are simply not ready for ascension,that is what I see when reading your post. It is filled with fear,throughout. You are blaming someone for something.There is no blaming anyone. The elite give you tools, you choose them,so that is your choise. If there was no rulers and controllers,you would not evolve. This ascension is for those who can see beyond the separateness,who actually realize that all of this is needed so that one can move beyond it, become immune to it, and I think I am becoming immune to it rather rapidly. All I have for the elite is feelings of pure love. They are simply wonderful,they are doing their part of the job brilliantly. They are another part of me, because we are ALL ONE eternal infinity.

The sooner you realize that all of this is a game, a place to learn, a learning ground, the sooner you will overcome the pointless fears you have. Fears of some silly vaccines,some drugs etc. These are such none-issues in the grand sceme of the universal ME that seriously make me chuckle. Your body is simply a vessel, that you use to learn and experience the physical reality. And those pesky elite men and women are simply YOU, only it is you reincarnated through another body(even beyond the system of individual souls)

So you are hating and bashing YOURSELF in essence.

Please try to overcome that pointless fear and if you don't like something, then simply change it in your life

Again, I am going to praise the elites and rulers(who are ME) for doing all that they are doing. They are preparing those of us who will be ready to ascend very well indeed. Bravo and may they give me new challenges/opportunities to grow.

I am doing exactly the opposite of an ostrich my friend, I am not hiding, I am embracing what they are doing. They give me opportunities to grow and when I choose the positive path instead of their negative one, I in effect am evolving.

[edit on 11/29/2009 by Valeri]

Well, quite fortunately, your judgemental 'criteria' for someone making enlightenment is some of the very things I was talking about. Your 'assessment' of my capabilities is based on one of their biggest and most invasive lies. The NWO has been pushing that whole 'oh you gotta be so nice and sweet and non-confrontational and NEVER angry, or it 'proves' that you are NOT spiritual' thing.

From what I am seeing in the racial unconscious about all this is that having anger or not, has nothing to do with being ready for the shift. What matters is can you use all of your emotions properly without any one of them, anger included, getting the better of you. CAN you be appropriately kind? Can you be appropriately angry? Can you be appropriately sad? Can you live in the moment acting in response to your true emotions without having to suppress some of them out of fear people will think you aren't 'spiritual' or not like you??

Thanks to the NWO's propaganda that they've been weaving into a lot of the new age or more esoteric information (even as it is in every single one of their 'religions'), people think they have to act like a neutered rabbit in order to 'prove' they are truly spiritual. Oh yah, the NWO loooooovvvvves neutered bunnies. Have for dinner, they do! And they sure don't have to worry about a neutered rabbit coming after them for abusing them. Gotta love neutered bunnies if you are an abusive dictator type, eh?

So, in that respect, I am guessing you aren't even close to being ready to make the shift either, Mr. "I am so wonderfully spiritual superior that I can judge your path and find it lacking". When you try it, it's probably gonna be quite painful, I am sure, as you finally see all the lies you've beeen gulping up like tasty treats. *rolls eyes*

And I have most certainly said many times over that we all, in the form of the overarching sentience of the human race, made that contract with the NWO because of that very thing. We humans would not have been ready for making enlightenment if the NWO bunch hadn't been here abusing us. Said it like a hundred times?? So now who isn't reading what is being said eh????

And sure, we may thank them as they get the boot back to the beginning of their time here, but for my money, I am glad to see them go. You will see a much improved and kinder humanity once their slimy influence is gone. And that is hardly unenlightened to be happy they are gone. They are only getting what they've earned karmically. They ALWAYS had the choice as to how to act, and if they chose to be slimy, abusive, murderous skanks that the rest of humanity hated, for good reason, then when their karma comes do, there is nothing wrong in finding it fitting and appropriate.

[edit on 1-12-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Matyas

Yes, when the OP leads me to believe she has achieved some great attainment, that has to get through me before I can accept it. Sharing the Black Sun can only be with attainment or ascension. Nevertheless I refuse to play in her sandbox with her toys as she expects me to do. The mirror vexes, and I am a nuisance.

In our practice we rejoice when the three great enemies appear. Also in Catholicism the dogs of Heaven drive souls to salvation. A universal principle there.

*shakes head* yah, you aren't playing in my sandbox because I won't play anymore, me thinks. But hey, spin it however you like.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your opinion, once again!

[edit on 1-12-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Dec, 7 2009 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Well, quite fortunately, your judgemental 'criteria' for someone making enlightenment is some of the very things I was talking about. Your 'assessment' of my capabilities is based on one of their biggest and most invasive lies. The NWO has been pushing that whole 'oh you gotta be so nice and sweet and non-confrontational and NEVER angry, or it 'proves' that you are NOT spiritual' thing.
From what I am seeing in the racial unconscious about all this is that having anger or not, has nothing to do with being ready for the shift. What matters is can you use all of your emotions properly without any one of them, anger included, getting the better of you. CAN you be appropriately kind? Can you be appropriately angry? Can you be appropriately sad? Can you live in the moment acting in response to your true emotions without having to suppress some of them out of fear people will think you aren't 'spiritual' or not like you??
Thanks to the NWO's propaganda that they've been weaving into a lot of the new age or more esoteric information (even as it is in every single one of their 'religions'), people think they have to act like a neutered rabbit in order to 'prove' they are truly spiritual. Oh yah, the NWO loooooovvvvves neutered bunnies. Have for dinner, they do! And they sure don't have to worry about a neutered rabbit coming after them for abusing them. Gotta love neutered bunnies if you are an abusive dictator type, eh?
So, in that respect, I am guessing you aren't even close to being ready to make the shift either, Mr. "I am so wonderfully spiritual superior that I can judge your path and find it lacking". When you try it, it's probably gonna be quite painful, I am sure, as you finally see all the lies you've beeen gulping up like tasty treats.
And I have most certainly said many times over that we all, in the form of the overarching sentience of the human race, made that contract with the NWO because of that very thing. We humans would not have been ready for making enlightenment if the NWO bunch hadn't been here abusing us. Said it like a hundred times?? So now who isn't reading what is being said eh?
And sure, we may thank them as they get the boot back to the beginning of their time here, but for my money, I am glad to see them go. You will see a much improved and kinder humanity once their slimy influence is gone. And that is hardly unenlightened to be happy they are gone. They are only getting what they've earned karmically. They ALWAYS had the choice as to how to act, and if they chose to be slimy, abusive, murderous skanks that the rest of humanity hated, for good reason, then when their karma comes do, there is nothing wrong in finding it fitting and appropriate.[edit on 1-12-2009 by DragonriderGal]
You have completely and utterly misunderstood the point I was making. The point is not to supress anything,but I simply got the impression from your previous posts that you are in fear, and YES, if you are in fear,you will not make this ascension. Fear will lead you down another evolutionary path, but not the 4th dimensional love vibration,for there is no place for fear there.
Ironic, how you mentioned sadness, anger etc as if I mentioned any of those emotions, I DID NOT. So again, please read more carefully.I talked specifically about FEAR. It has nothing to do with anger,sadness and the like.
And I know many people around me, and am moving into that direction as well,quite naturally I might add,without any pressure from anyone..many of the people surrounding me in my life feel no anger either, they don't hold it back liek you suggest, but they just don't get mad, because they see it for what it truly's a GAME,a TRAINING GROUND, it's simply evolution. So we just chuckle at things that other people would nomally get angry at.
For example, the NWO guys taking away all human "rights" etc, ignoring the constitution etc..we just chuckle at these things,we see it for what it is... elites are doing their very best to make people angry and fearful, ironically these actions are helping to evolve those of us that will be ready.
Be angry if you like, IF it comes naturally for you, everyone has their own path, MOST WILL NOT make this ascension, most will take another path, most will not be ready(Ra,cosmic awareness,hidden hand and many other competent sources have given this info and it makes perfect sense).
It doesn't matter if you make the evolution this time or in a few thousand/million years, for all is ONE and time is an illusion. There is no rush, there is nobody who will cross the finish-line first, for we are all part of one whole.
As for me and people I know, it simply comes natural to us to chuckle and laugh at things other people seem to get angry about. We see those people simply being on another level of development/frequency.
And I and my friends will be misunderstood by the masses because we are on another level of development/frequency than them, too. I just have no anger inside of me, it has naturally ceaced to be, it's completely un-needed by now, has no use anymore for my personal evolution. I simply don't like the emotion, didn't like feeling this "anger" and so, in time, it naturally stopped occuring to me once I started to realize the nature of the universe more and more.

And again, I recommend reading my posts again, as you can see I said "you're not ready for ascension from what I SEE..." or something like that.
I have a complete RIGHT(haha,"rights" is an illusion within this world though) to express my OPINION on anything or anyone I like.
This is not called judgment because judgment has to do with attacking/blaming etc people for their beliefs etc.
I ON THE OTHER HAND did not attack your beliefs, I blatantly stated before already that "If you want to believe that, then please do".So all I did was EXPRESS an opinion.
And yes, I think that you will not make the ascension into 4d positive with all that "I have the right to feel anger and fear is healthy etc" attitude. OFCOURSE YOU CAN. But then your trajectory will not be of the 4D,not yet at least.I stand with my OPINION(and it seems I'm not the only one who seems to think this way) that you are not ready.
Also,I never stated that I MYSELF will make it, but just like you, I too have a few years to work on myself and change the situation.
I strongly feel I will make it personally, too much positive development for me recently.

[edit on 12/7/2009 by Valeri]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Valeri

Sorry but I didn't misunderstand. I addressed what YOU said. Now if you meant something different, since I can't read your mind, I was unable to address your thoughts and what you really meant. *rolls eyes*

We need to be emotionally competent to handle being in an enlightened state. That means all emotions, anger included, needs to be usable, not suppressed, as soo many new age/religious whackos seem to think. If you don't think that way, good.

And sorry, from what i see of all levels of humanity, no level is 'naturally' bereft of anger. That is very delusional thinking on your part. Sure, you would like to believe it since it makes you sound all superior, but it ain't real. Sorry.

What I am saying, of course, is MY interpretation of what I see in the racial unconscious about all this stuff anyway. My opinion of what I am seeing out there. Either believe me or not. If you do, fine. If you don't, fine. Take it or leave it.

[edit on 16-12-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 02:22 AM
Hi DragonriderGal, I'm new to this forum and very relieved to know there is someone out there with security in themselves and their beliefs and direct access to factual information via the racial/collective unconscious. With that said I'd like to ask you "What do you see about a man named U.G.(Uppaluri Gopala) Krishnamurti, better known as U.G. Krishnamurti?"

posted on Feb, 21 2010 @ 07:51 AM
Hi DrG.

I sent a U2U to you. Figured you would likely stop by this thread some time.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 10:49 AM
Really good thread this, you rarely see this calibre of thread and posts on ATS these days.
I think dragongal, while not 100% right (few people are) is onto the right pathway for sure.

This is what Plutarch said:

"The soul, being eternal, after death is like a caged bird that has been released. If it has been a long time in the body, and has become tame by many affairs and long habit, the soul will immediately take another body and once again become involved in the troubles of the world. The worst thing about old age is that the soul's memory of the other world grows dim, while at the same time its attachment to things of this world becomes so strong that the soul tends to retain the form that it had in the body. But that soul which remains only a short time within a body, until liberated by the higher powers, quickly recovers its fire and goes on to higher things." Plutarch (The Consolation, Moralia)

This guy was intitiated into the Mystery's of Apollo (a secret society of it's day), so he was pretty well dialled-in.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 11:14 AM
Thank you for this. I will post a few additions later but, my nephew wants to play in the pool =)

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by WatchRider
Really good thread this, you rarely see this calibre of thread and posts on ATS these days.
I think dragongal, while not 100% right (few people are) is onto the right pathway for sure.

This is what Plutarch said:

"The soul, being eternal, after death is like a caged bird that has been released. If it has been a long time in the body, and has become tame by many affairs and long habit, the soul will immediately take another body and once again become involved in the troubles of the world. The worst thing about old age is that the soul's memory of the other world grows dim, while at the same time its attachment to things of this world becomes so strong that the soul tends to retain the form that it had in the body. But that soul which remains only a short time within a body, until liberated by the higher powers, quickly recovers its fire and goes on to higher things." Plutarch (The Consolation, Moralia)

This guy was intitiated into the Mystery's of Apollo (a secret society of it's day), so he was pretty well dialled-in.

Hi WR...
Sorry, I just noticed your post here. I of course am interpreting what I see in the racial unconscious, so my take may be different than others.

But as to the 'taking a body' thing, from what I see, we don't get to choose if we take a body or not.. about the best we can do is aim for the body we want and hope, like any white water river rafter, we end up there. The amped-up soul capturing quality of the human body makes it almost impossible to not reincarnate in the nearest newly created embryo, even for aliens who die near or on earth. So, casual choosing is never involved unless you are really far away from any procreating humans, and by far away, I mean like in the next solar system or something. *lol*

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by klondikebar
Hi DragonriderGal, I'm new to this forum and very relieved to know there is someone out there with security in themselves and their beliefs and direct access to factual information via the racial/collective unconscious. With that said I'd like to ask you "What do you see about a man named U.G.(Uppaluri Gopala) Krishnamurti, better known as U.G. Krishnamurti?"

Sorry about the delay to answer.. I just saw the post. Thanks for your patience, though.

I see that he was, in previous lives, one of the high priests of the 'East Indian' temples, and before that (while still in their original alien form) he was one of their leaders. This was before their masses were killed and their spirits brought to earth and put into human bodies, because their own sun was going nova.

He stayed in alien form until long after his people's arrival here on earth and finally died maybe a 100 years ago, reincarnating as a human as does any alien dying within a couple hundred light years of here, unless they have a soul container/catcher which the greys created in their efforts to avoid getting sucked into human bodies. They 'die' frequently and switch into a newly cloned waiting body almost like we would change clothes, no biggie. But without protection, they are easily sucked into human bodies.

Anyway, what I hear in his verbal meanderings is that his 'spiritual' discombobulation is very much a symptom of his lack of understanding what it is to be in a human body. A lot of what he is talking about is how it is to be the original alien species he was from, and how that really clashes with the way humans are. Since this fellow is still more used to being his alien self than his human self, his confusion is deeper than most of the rest of us, since we all have been in human bodies for at least 5 or 6 lives. I only see him having been human maybe 2.

The indigos are experiencing similar problems. Most of them are on their first human life as well. And the way they 'thought' in their original alien form is very different from the way humans think, and instinctively they are trying to think the indigo way and it is causing them to have mental issues like ADD and ADHD. It's actually messing with the chemistry of their human brain.

edit on 10-6-2011 by DragonriderGal because: (no reason given)

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