We want EVERYBODY to observe the dialectical obviousness of the truth here for a moment.
There are "Illuminati" among us, who have been shown the foremost courtesy, in this thought form communication from the ethers.
You will observe:
The fact that no demon has been conjured to come forth and answer these inquiries of ours, neither have any members of this alleged "Illuminati".
We are NOW left with one of two possibilities here.(One-Two)
We will take this moment to point out to all the "minds" in the forum, that we are initiating a Hegelian Dialectic, with "our own thought
process". OK?
We will simplify further:
The "problem"(Thesis=Question) is that the "Illuminati" have not stepped forward to extinguish a bug, who so boldly thought to call them out.
This may at first seem like an obvious conclusion to most of you "thinkers" out there.
You are probably no doubt re-validating your 3 dimensional lie, with "thoughts" like, "Why WOULD the Illuminati talk to you, guy?
We would direct your attention to TWO places at this time(one-two):
and further:
If you've missed the point we have just made, you may want to begin at the top of thread, take a deep breathe, and begin again. Those of you who
just observed a simple "scientific" evaluation, will follow on.
The "desired outcome"(SYNTHESIS-SOLUTION), is to have our questions answered, by said "Illuminatus", for all manner of reasons, ranging from the
completely puerile, to the suffocatingly self indulgent ego gratification.
In short form, most of "us"(division) are angry with "them", the global elite, for they HOARDE the "ring of power".
When one pauses for a "moment" to consider, that the very known formula for an "Illuminati Fascistic World Takeover" is stated quite simply, with
the following "equation":
Luciferian Philosophy=Divide and Conquer=Hegelian Dialectics=controlled conflict that need only be "ordered" properly=Order Out of Chaos.
One begins to see what is happening, RIGHT NOW, even on this example, of a collective(you ATS residents) coming together to try and find a common
ground, to make the next step forward with. Remember what fueled your coming together. It was the "us" and "them" division. SOLUTION in the
dialectical sense, "us", and "divide and conquer" in the Luciferian sense, "them". You're all here, because you're all expecting the same
outcome. The conflict created between two forces in opposition, which determines the outcome. See? We've been PLAYED! The whole time, WE HAVE
If you find yourself, "lost in movie" at this point, again, scroll back to the top. Take a deep breath, and begin again. Consider, the information
being presented.
What is the Anti-Thesis then, we hear you potentials musing internally.
"Everything that has an end, must have a beginning."
Welcome, to the BEGINNING. The GENESIS. WISDOM 'EVE, if you will.
At this point, I would like to direct the attentions of ANYONE who finds themselves still reading this communication, to give your mind a rest for a
few moments. Take another few moments to reacquaint yourselves, with the LANGUAGE of the Matrix:
If you can, try not to read it chronologically. Bounce around and let the communication breathe itself into you.
"I didn't come here to tell you how this was going to end. I came here to tell you, how it's going to begin."
Deconstruction begins NOW!
~~--~~Outward Change Begins Within~~--~~
[edit on 30-10-2009 by LightBenderKev]
[edit on 30-10-2009 by LightBenderKev]