The Web Bot project was developed in the late 1990s mainly to predict the stock market ups and downs (Web bot and stock markets). How do they do
it? It’s really simple in fact and it’s a very nice implementation of what search engines do. Web bots simply crawl the web the same way Google
crawls it at regular intervals to catch new and existing web sites and detect relevant keywords.
I, along with many other intelligible board members, are fed up with seeing the coin term web bot thrown around like it's a loaded gun, it is in
fact, none of the less.
All the web bot does , is make guesses, loosely based on political events and more than likely extremest websites that throw around terms like, nuke,
terrorist, war, etc.
This web bot, along with the REST of the media, is a perfect, in fact, immaculate example of how well trained, contained, and dumbed down the masses
of this population are, WORLD WIDE!
For these people who love the apocalyptic scenarios, doom-and-gloom scenarios, etc, you're telling me that you are going to entrust in a program
thrown together by a few people that are bored, and are only making money off people like you that keep the interest in these programs???????
Are you so gullible, so ignorant, to allow a newscaster alone, a web-bot alone, to tell you what is in store for your day? Your tomorrow? Your next
month, year, century?
I don't care if Jesus steps down from the thrown and says the DOW is going to raise 9000 points tomorrow, and that Apples stocks will be at +500%, I
will take it into my own consideration, analyze, consort the facts, and deconstruct intelligently how I feel about a given situation.
If you are really so easy to be manipulated by mass media, extremists and some stupid compilation of searching scripts, then you are only handing over
your intellect and beliefs to the ones you hate so very much.