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Chimpanzees' grief caught on camera in Cameroon

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posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 06:34 PM
This thread has made me want to watch the video of Kanzi the Bonobo drive the golf cart. It's one of the funniest things you will ever see. The look on his face when he crashes.

I would post it, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

But then again, it might have not been Kanzi, and I'm looking for the wrong video.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by riddle6
This thread has made me want to watch the video of Kanzi the Bonobo drive the golf cart. It's one of the funniest things you will ever see. The look on his face when he crashes.

You remember Kanzi, too!
He was a darling! No wonder his name means "treasure"...

But the one who drove the golf cart (and she did better than my aunt, BTW
) wasn't him it was his sister, Pembenisha. (The same rascal who jumped on the dog - remember?

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Vanitas]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 06:45 PM
Thanks for posting, I read this in the paper, and was hoping it would be added to ATS.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:07 PM
Wow, didnt know they experienced grief in that way

I am of course now getting visions of chimpanzees dressed in suits and getting tipsy at the wake!

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

I would have to disagree. Chimps are not the only one that feels feelings besides humans. You should google elephants mourn their dead, lion remembers man, or check out for the family of water buffalo come to the aid of their baby, or google dog saves dog on freeway.

It was said that the living creatures of earth are exponentially growing the same as we are. they are growing intellectually and spiritually. So let us remember that life is something great so give MUCH thanks and respect to that animal that gave you its flesh for you to eat! =D

[edit on 28-10-2009 by unite_life]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:35 PM
The only thing I find interesting is that chimpanzees are showing some a ritualistic display of emotions over the death of one of their fellow chimps. But the fact that animals have emotions in general, is no surprise to me.

When I was growing up, I had a pet bunny and a cat. Interestingly, they got along well. When the bunny died, my father buried it in our yard. He also placed a stone over it. For a couple of weeks following, I'd find the cat just sitting out there relaxing on the stone. He made no attempts at digging up the bunny's corpse either.

I have two cats that are very emotional. They each display it uniquely. I'm sure you find this trait with dogs, bunnies and other animals you have or see.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by OhZone
If any of you have ever lived on a farm you will never forget the cries of the cow whose calf was taken away.

I experienced the same with my sheep. One ran the fence line -the direction the baby went- and cried all night. And she gave me this sad accusing look. Actually that only happened to the one.- I had taken him to have him dehorned- brought him back - happy ending. The experience however was very memorable.

Also if baby wanders off and gets lost there is much running around and crying from both of them.

When the baby is older they don't seem to care as much.

this is one of the many reasons why i will no longer eat animal flesh. i come from a standpoint that all creatures have a right to carry out their lives.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by Jalis
Very striking. But how could anyone imagine that animals felt no emotions ? They're alive, therefore they feel things.
I mean, even my cat shows me he is sad when I leave my house. And cats are known to feel death : when another cat they know, or even another animal they're used to will die, they sit by him for a little while. I believe it is a form of grief (or cruelty, after all they're cats !:lol

Anyone that has spent time around animals realizes they are emotional creatures in various degrees. I've seen numerous examples but the most striking example was a dog I had several years ago.

This dog and a neighborhood cat were buddies as they grew up together. The cat would visit and their play frequently consisted of a form of 'tag' -- the dog would chase the cat for a short span then the cat would chase the dog. They seemed to behave as though they were having marvelous fun.

One day the cat was killed in the road next to the house. The dog moped around for about 3 or 4 days before he resumed his normal good cheer. I believe the grief he felt was as real as anything people feel.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:02 PM
A link to yet another primate in grief. A gorilla mother desperately mourns her poor dead baby.......

Anybody who has had a pet KNOWS they have emotional reactions to things. Even a parakeet acts happy or sad depending on whats going on around them.

People who claim cats just are not very affectionate just do not show much love to cats, so the cat has no reason to reciprocate.

[edit on 28-10-2009 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by unite_life
reply to post by Haydn_17

I would have to disagree. Chimps are not the only one that feels feelings besides humans. You should google elephants mourn their dead, lion remembers man, or check out for the family of water buffalo come to the aid of their baby, or google dog saves dog on freeway.

It was said that the living creatures of earth are exponentially growing the same as we are. they are growing intellectually and spiritually. So let us remember that life is something great so give MUCH thanks and respect to that animal that gave you its flesh for you to eat! =D

[edit on 28-10-2009 by unite_life]
That was amazing!
I know for a fact my cat can read my emotions. She has been known to attack a person who had come into my home and made me uncomfortable. She has also displayed jealousy over my best friend. It was to cute, they have actually got into an "arguments" over me.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:10 PM
reply to post by praxis

I have heard many stories about dogs (and other animals, but mainly dogs) grieving literally to death after their human "owners" died. Not because they weren't properly cared for but because they were too heartbroken to live.

How many stories about humans grieving to death do you hear....?

I think that says it all.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:12 PM
This was a great moment to capture on film. Strong evidence to suggest that "dumb animals" may indeed have feelings and emotions.

A lot of people need to understand that.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:13 PM
It's creepy the way they watch. Human like and weird to think that they have emotion and i feel sorry for them.


posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Ethereal Gargoyle
reply to post by praxis

I have heard many stories about dogs (and other animals, but mainly dogs) grieving literally to death after their human "owners" died. Not because they weren't properly cared for but because they were too heartbroken to live.

How many stories about humans grieving to death do you hear....?

I think that says it all.

Well I for one know what its like to grieve the loss of a child to the point you would give anything thing for death to overtake you, so I know if it were possible to die from grief I would have been dead already.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by Haydn_17

starred & flagged, I'm fascinated by animal behaviour and have long thought humans and animals share similar attributes. One of the most striking examples of animal empathy and emotional display I've ever witnessed was very noticeable changes in behaviour in two Burmese cats I used to own with an ex. When she moved away, I still had the cats for a few months afterwards. The male was usually very playful and friendly, but the day she actually left he became very sullen, stopped playing and just sat on his own in an old chair in a storeroom for hours - wouldnt come out for hours at a time. He seemed to be missing his female owner and displaying depression over the loss. The other cat was a female who didnt change her behaviour much other than in the evenings (and this sounds a little corny!) she would sit on the couch, but on the top of the backing, right next to my head and some nights would actually put her paw on my shoulder - as if she was comforting me. She had never displayed this behaviour before or after - normally she was quite a moody, sometimes almost aggressive cat. Burmese cats are quirky and intelligent breeds but this behaviour was very close to human behaviour in a similar situation.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:18 PM
Cheers for this

What do those religious people that claim animals have no souls think about this? This is proof that animals have emotions and understanding of life concepts.

S & F

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by calstorm

You have no idea how sorry I am to hear that.... Believe me, you have all my sympathy!

What I meant was as grief-stricken some people are over their pet's demise, you rarely hear about them *dying* over it. Or even over their friends' demise.
Very often people just don't fell very "deeply".... which is why I find it almost offensive for people to go and "research" animals' feelings, and then even act surprised to find they have feelings.... Wow: they have feelings!

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:21 PM
Nice thread

I had 4 dogs and let me tell you they have emotion and are intelligent more then people think. One can say i seen a stupid dog do this or that and it proves it cant be intelligent.

I personally saw many times signs of intelligence in animals. I personally saw a dog that was given to me after her master died a short while after let him self die of sadness. Just like his world was over because he knew she had died. They were 2 dogs the other was smaller and always was the barker because for some reason he knew the half huske/labrador was there to back him up. Weird I know but true. Afther his long life friend of 14 years died he was never the same. He was scared all the time and and seemed to be more agressive. He died want to eat and died want to move from under the table for a week or two. He just seemd like he was crying all the time. I had a golden that was exeptionally intelligent and understood the different between children and adults. He would just act the same he would lie down for kids all the time never did he show his theet or grawl never. He was particularly affectinate and friendly and would know when you were mad or sick for some reason. He was the best clock in the world 7am sharp every morning he was licking and on the bed. Never before that time.

So what ever they say just one species showed me signs of intelligence and a saw a few in cats too. I think there is much more we dont understand. A good eample also is dolphins.

I think they have feelings and its all about evolution. Remember we were all at some point monkeys as per science....

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

I must say this: none of the people I have seen treat animals like dirt were religious *at all*.
I understand how silly people could interpret certain religious doctrines, but I think it's just people being silly. Or stupid. Yeh, that's probably a better word....

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Ethereal Gargoyle]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 08:22 PM
I saw this story on Good Morning America on my way out the door this morning.

I figured it would be here soon enough. Great story!
I've been echoing it around the boars in regards to when people talk about souls as if that is what defines a man.
NO, all animals have souls.

We see it mostly in chimpanzees, as their emotions so closely mimic our own. They have morality. They have grief. They have a sense of entitlement...

All animals.

The Magpies giving a funeral to a dead companion is something that should be studied in depth by anthropologists just to see that such a thing is not a result of achievement of intelligence in modern man, but something that is ingrained in every sentient being on this planet.

A personal story that I can relate in these regards.
Many years ago, my father had a stunning Boxer dog named Sade. She was awesome!
Anyhow, he never inteneded to breed her until he realized just how great a dog she was.
She was bred once. She had a still-born pup... It took my father AND my stepmother to deceive the Sade in such a way that they could stop her from clutching the baby in her arms and remove her from the shop she was laid up in.
After Sade realized what had happened, she spent the next day neglecting the other pups and was literally tearing the shop apart looking for the puppy.
My father's boat was destroyed.
Everythign was destroyed.

She literally tore the place apart looking for that puppy.

Grief is a very real emotion... FOR ALL ANIMALS, INCLUDING HUMANS.

What sets this particular story apart is that this IS NOT a story of a mother losing a pup.
This is a story of a social hierarchy morning the loss, collectively, of a "tribal" elder.

Something that most would regard as strictly humanistic in nature.
In most of the animal world, once the pup has stopped nursing, it is easily let go by the mother.

Not only do chimps have a soul, but they have enough intelligence to understand the higher workings of society....

They are about 1/100th of a step behind us.
They lack language... and then after that, a way to record language...

That is all.

That is what "god" gave us.
We should give it to them.

[edit on 28-10-2009 by JayinAR]

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