posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 09:05 AM
And now another one for the kids.
I just watched a trailer for a moving coming out, a neat little flick aimed at kids (well, aimed but even the adults have those internal kids in them
that wants to go see it...find a kid quick)
This movie it appears is about an astronaut that goes to a alien planet and how the aliens there are freaked out by his appearance, how he is seen as
a monster, etc. a new perspective that will be teaching the young ones that just because you see something absurdly wild and alien doesnt make them
So, within the last 2 years, how many alien movies and tv shows have come out, and why? I mean, ever since the late 40s-50s, aliens have been a fun
topic to discuss, but percentwise, the rate and production has increased dramatically and targetting all age groups.
Back in the 70s/80s, alien movies were occasional and hit had star wars, and star trek. Occasionally some b movies came out, and some other
big productions (2001/2010)
Also, the alien invasion has already hit the video game market (always have). Actually, it has become more prominent over time and with games like
Spore, Eve, etc...they are able to start introducing aliens that you dont simply shoot at in a elaborate cowboys and indians senario..
My only slight confusion is, why such mixed messages. or is that the point...different movie = different response...therefore different race =
different response.