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Don't you love it when Republicans get what they ask for?

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posted on May, 19 2004 @ 12:31 AM
It's been a real pleasure listening to the million plus Log Cabin Republicans that pushed Bush/Cheney over the top in 2000 literally crap themselves the past several months as Bush moves closer and closer to mandating their second class citizenship status with his Constitutional pandering to outlaw gay marriage.

If you don't know the LCR, they're the powerful and quite affluent gay and lesbian arm of the Republican party that have somehow managed to stay in denial about exactly who their oppressors were until right about now.

Yet, they remain steadfastly Republican in all their interviews and press releases no matter how damning of Bush they become...thinking they can dance with the devil and still lead.

I just heard an LCR representative taking calls in an NPR interview and it was HILARIOUS! The good Republicans were calling in to tell him why gays weren't really Republicans, the good Democrats were calling in literally laughing at the guy for voting against their own interests and the Libertarians were just screaming mad no one votes for them anyway.

Consider it a dress rehersal for moderate Republicans everywhere. If you get your way and four more years of Bush, he gets his way and ABORTION OUTLAWED.

Can't wait to hear the board's conservative females sound off then.

If you're pro-life, anti-gay or whatever and Republican...that's fine. That's what the party is there for. You'll get no complaints from me.

But you "enlightened" and pro-choice Republicans absolutely crack me up.

If you don't think it can happen to you, I strongly suggest you watch the Log Cabin Republicans identity crisis right now. Put yourself in their shoes, because frankly you are in their shoes.

Keep in mind you can't get your vote back, and Supreme Court Justices are for LIFE. And when you complain then, I'll be reminding you that this is exactly what you asked for.

Fair warning.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 02:52 AM
See thats the problems with the majority of supposed 'republicans'. They are only republican by name yet they dont actually believe in republican values. Stubborness i call it. But then i guess the smae goes with the democrats. The US political system is screwed.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by specialasianX
See thats the problems with the majority of supposed 'republicans'. They are only republican by name yet they dont actually believe in republican values. Stubborness i call it. But then i guess the smae goes with the democrats. The US political system is screwed.

Really??? And how is it that you have proclaimed yourself the spokesman for "the majority of supposed 'republicans'"? Are you omniscient, knowing the mindset of every Republican/ Getting a bit psychic?

Don't actually believe in Republican values. That's got to be one of the biggest loads of crap I have heard on this board in a while, and one of the most irresponsible statements to date. That�s like saying democrats don�t really believe in getting hummers under their desks�.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 08:47 AM
And I'm not a Democrat! The chief one that cracks me up is Andrew Sullivan. He is gay, a "leather boy", and is so far up the GOP's azz with his pro-Bush writings that you would think he's a Southern Evangelist. Same for Matt Drudge & David Brock...until he came to his senses. It's just very suprising to see the amount of homosexual palyers in th Neo-Con movement. Who's that Reich wing British columnist again?

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Bout Time
. It's just very suprising to see the amount of homosexual palyers in th Neo-Con movement. Who's that Reich wing British columnist again?

Why??? The other 99% of the "Mo's" are democrats! Why does 1% surprise you???

And if you aren't a Democrat, you're the most right wing Independant I've ever seen in my life....

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 08:59 AM
Maybe you don't understand. The majority of republicans do not support homosexual activity what-so-ever, let alone gay marraige. Conservatism largely is based in Christianity in this country, believe it or not. Turn on any conservative radio talk show if you don't believe me. You see, republicans FOR THE MOST PART do not want gay yes, they did get what they asked for.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Affirmative Reaction
Don't actually believe in Republican values. That's got to be one of the biggest loads of crap I have heard on this board in a while, and one of the most irresponsible statements to date.

Overstate your case much?

Listen to people, read this very board. Alot of the very people willing to walk a mile through razor wire for Bush hate this cultural war wedge, are adamantly pro-choice, would welcome gay marriage, are furious with Bush spending and continuously attempt to distance themselves from certain aspects of modern Republicanism. Though they still "love" Bush.

You hear the argument ALL THE TIME.

Love the tax cuts, hate the infringement on civil liberties....and to some degree the drunken sailor spending.

The boon to the Libertarian party of late are predominantly Republican refugees. To a large extent, the GOP literally persists despite low approval ratings to several planks in the platform on the grounds of one issue: Whatever tax rate the Dems say will balance the budget, we'll undercut it by a fraction of a percent.

They're like the used car dealers of politics now. You think the party exists for the sole purpose of giving the middle class an average of $300 back per year? That's their goal? Or is that the pandering tool they use for the real agenda?

What is the agenda? Strong on defense? Or strong stocks values in the military/industrial complex they own? Independence from oil? HA! Or a tightened strangle hold on the American consumer?

The religious right implications are the real scary part. Do they really believe children should be praying in school, the 10 commandments should adorn every courthouse and a woman's control over her reproductive decisions should be stripped away...or is that just more vote pandering?

Does it matter? Given the opportunity, they'll get their way and Americans won't. When you pander to the absolute worst elements of society, which in the case of Republicans, are the whacko religious right, bigots and some point you have to pay the piper.

Mind you, I'm not saying all Republicans ARE those awful things, but you can't deny they get the votes, funding, endorsements and support of basically all RACISTS, BIGOTS and RELIGIOUS INTOLERANTS.

And true compassionate conservatives (which I would consider the majority) have to constantly apologize and distance themselves from these very cornerstones of Republicanism. How exhausting.

I felt bad for the guy from LCR trying to explain being a Republican. I believe in the party. They believe in alot of good things, just not this.

It's pathetic. Like listening to a Jew saying well, most of what the Nazi's stand for is a good thing.

I REALLY feel sorry these days for Republican women. Perhaps some don't deserve the sympathy, if they laugh along with Limbaugh about "feminazis" but still... Some I know are SO ADAMANTLY AND VITRIOLICALLY PRO-CHOICE, but they can't stand Democrats so they vote Republican with their fingers crossed hoping the party comes to it's senses. Not likely.

Republican "Inclusion" (the LCR motto) is about as likely to happen as the Klan accepting black membership.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople
Maybe you don't understand. The majority of republicans do not support homosexual activity what-so-ever, let alone gay marraige. Conservatism largely is based in Christianity in this country, believe it or not. ... You see, republicans FOR THE MOST PART do not want gay yes, they did get what they asked for.

I didn't say that they didn't, but not every homosexual is an activist for gay marriage. Some actually want what's best for the country, therefor they stick to their values, which ever party thay may be with. You generalize too much.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 09:30 AM
You hear the argument ALL THE TIME.

Love the tax cuts, hate the infringement on civil liberties....and to some degree the drunken sailor spending.

I�ve never heard this one before, so I guess you DON�T hear the argument all the time. Drunken sailor spending? Give me a break!! Tax and spend, big government, red tape�describes the Democratic party to a tee!!!

The boon to the Libertarian party of late are predominantly Republican refugees.

What? Proof of this please? Where is the documentation to ANY of your claims?

Mind you, I'm not saying all Republicans ARE those awful things, but you can't deny they get the votes, funding, endorsements and support of basically all RACISTS, BIGOTS and RELIGIOUS INTOLERANTS.

I can deny it, because it�s just not true, and you�re an absolute idiot for even making such a moronic, contradictory statement. �I�m not saying Republicans ARE those awful things, but�� then you go on to say that they are. Well, which is it, Mr. Kerry? Did you vote for it before you didn�t vote for it?

Get a clue.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 09:44 AM
Do yourself a favor Affirmative Reaction and google "Conservatives Against Bush" or sign up for any Libertarian newsletters. Or read this board.

If you haven't heard any conservatives complaining about Bush being the highest spending President in American history then you aren't listening.

As for the statement that not all Republicans are racists, bigots or religious intolerants, BUT most racists, bigots and religious intolerants ARE Republican...I stand by it. As the thread describes, this is they very plight the LCR is facing right now...fighting the fundy right wing within their own party.

If you're claiming that no Republicans are embarrassed by today's Pat Robertsons and yesterdays Jesse Helms. I'd have to say you're quite out of touch with your own party.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 09:50 AM
Rant: don't waste your time. He left the board with a big hissy fit before because he was told to tone down the rabid dog act. It'll happen again.

Did you see this one down by you?

Gays denied GOP booth
Same-sex unions divide N.C. party

The North Carolina GOP is banning a booth run by the Log Cabin Republicans, a group of gay party activists, at the state convention this weekend in Greensboro.
The move angered gay Republicans, who say this is the latest example of their party engaging in cultural warfare.
The state party leadership also backs a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriages and said it plans to denounce homosexuality as "not normal" at its convention.

"I am extremely disappointed that the leadership of the North Carolina Republican Party is attempting to so narrowly define who can be a Republican," Ed Farthing, a retired Hickory lawyer who requested the booth, said Tuesday.

"It appears to be you must be a white, Anglo-Saxon Protestant and married for the Republican Party to pay any attention to you. I think that is a good 1950s voter profile."

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by Bout Time
Gays denied GOP booth
Same-sex unions divide N.C. party

Wow, that's quite a slap. I think it was an NC head of the LCR I was listening to so I'm surprised I didn't hear this. But still they endorse Bush. Mind boggling.

On the Libertarian issue... For the sake of argument (or perhaps education) I picked one of the thousands of links you get from searching LIBERTARIAN issues just to make the point that the flight from the Big Government GOP is not only common knowledge, it's nothing new.

Big Goverment Conservatism Alienates Libertarians
Several years ago, conservatives began to notice that Republicans were losing close elections in part due to votes cast for Libertarian Party candidates. This occasioned complaints that by inadvertently helping Democrats get elected, libertarians were objectively voting against the enactment of their own small-government agenda. In a New York Times op-ed piece after the 2002 elections � in which Libertarian candidates arguably cost Republicans up to four Senate seats � National Review�s John J. Miller wrote, �Yet Libertarians are now serving, in effect, as Democratic Party operatives. The next time they wonder why the Bush tax cuts aren't permanent, why Social Security isn't personalized and why there aren't more school-choice pilot programs for low-income kids, all they have to do is look in the mirror.�

But the sad fact is that Republicans have in recent years been awful on size-of-government issues. Worse, the conservative movement seems to have lost interest in the subject.

[Edited on 19-5-2004 by RANT]

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 10:17 AM
President Bush is the first president since Hoover who has not have created a single job during four years of a presidency. Any rise in employment, is just people filling old slots, not creating new jobs. Bush has a bigger govenment than Clinton. All of the old arguments for being a Republican don't hold water anymore. If you're not in the top 1%, why are you a Republican? Actually, I'm a registered Republican, when I was 18, it sounded like a good idea at the time. The folly of youth, so I should say, why are you voting Republican if you're not in the top 1%?

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 10:28 AM
As for the statement that not all Republicans are racists, bigots or religious intolerants, BUT most racists, bigots and religious intolerants ARE Republican...I stand by it.

Then you stand by a lie. As has been said by many here, just because you say it�s true, doesn�t make it so. Come up with some facts, backed by reputable sources.

If you're claiming that no Republicans are embarrassed by today's Pat Robertsons and yesterdays Jesse Helms. I'd have to say you're quite out of touch with your own party.

You act as if these two whack jobs represent the whole Republican party. That�s the problem with the libs on this board. You pick someone who doesn�t represent the majority of the party and act as if he�s the poster child, leading the way. I�ll tell you what. From now on, we�ll do the same thing. Let�s pick a real good one, say, Democratic Presidential Candidate Lyndon LaRouche. He�ll now be the Democratic poster child that we will refer to when we talk about the Democratic party, eh???

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 10:28 AM
I'm just not in the mood for another day of arguing politics with the braindead dems but I will lay my faith in the republican party on the table here and now....

RANT - IF Bush is re-elected (like we all know he will be) and abortion becomes illegal (all forms) and gays get the right to marry (Federally)............I will change my user name to "REPUBLICANS SUCK" just for you. Is it a deal?

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by curme
All of the old arguments for being a Republican don't hold water anymore. If you're not in the top 1%, why are you a Republican? Actually, I'm a registered Republican, when I was 18, it sounded like a good idea at the time. The folly of youth, so I should say, why are you voting Republican if you're not in the top 1%?

Increasingly, the most notable remaining compelling reasons are cultural. Stop them Gays, lock up them abortion docs, wave the Christian flag in everyone's face and repeal them Affirmative Action laws to keep women and minorities out of slots we should reserve for Promise Keepers.

I mean what else is is there? The Libertarians are VASTLY superior on small government, low taxes, controlled spending and owning all the assault weapons you can carry?

Listen to Uber Conservative (and Libertarian since 1996) Neal Boortz or even some of Limbaugh's criticisms of Republican spending.

The GOP is in crisis mode and doesn't even see it coming. If Ross Perot didn't prove that point before backing out, nothing does. Many conservatives are STARVING for visioned leadership and a return to their roots...far away from the current nation building, governmental ballooning and fundie pandering of THE PASSION of George W. Bush.

Whatever. Not my problem.

I'm happy with the Democratic platform.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Bout Time
Rant: don't waste your time. He left the board with a big hissy fit before because he was told to tone down the rabid dog act. It'll happen again.

Well BT, I can see you haven't changed your spots. You're still a lying sack of shiite. Looks like you're teaching Rant your old tactic of, "It's true because I say it's true and I don't have to prove anything". That gets old.

As for rabid dog and obnoxious azzhole , you and the Colonel hold those distinctions. I'd really like to see you tell the truth for once.

[Edited on 19-5-2004 by Affirmative Reaction]

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Venus
RANT - IF Bush is re-elected (like we all know he will be) and abortion becomes illegal (all forms) and gays get the right to marry (Federally)............I will change my user name to "REPUBLICANS SUCK" just for you. Is it a deal?

You can do whatever you like whenever Abortion is outlawed Venus.
Like I said, it will be too late and won't matter. And you will have voted for it.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by RANT
You can do whatever you like whenever Abortion is outlawed Venus.
Like I said, it will be too late and won't matter. And you will have voted for it.


How about you changing your name to DEMOCRATS SUCK when you find out how wrong you are? Willing to put your ass on the line for what you believe in?

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 11:03 AM
Affirmative Reaction, your name says it all.

If I have to PROVE to you (of all people) that the right whips racists, bigots and religious intolerants into a frenzied defense of what they perceive as a threat to male Christian whiteness, then you're such a victim of their pandering you're beyond hope.

Do you have to actually go to a KKK website and read essays bashing Democratic initiatives on racial equality to know the Klan votes predominantly Republican? You think all those people that post threads like "ISLAM IS INHERENTLY EVIL" are Kerry supporters? Do you think people that think "AIDS is God's punishment" vote Democratic?

Maybe you just don't understand the definitions of racism, bigotry and religious intolerance. Last time I'll explain this.... NOT ALL REPUBLICANS ARE RACISTS, BIGOTS OR RELIGIOUS INTOLERANTS! And I'm not attacking the one's that aren't. But CLEARLY...

Oh nevermind. It's like explaining the big picture to a pixel.

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