posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:39 PM the Mars Express orbiter has been up in orbit around Mars for about 6 months now.
Ths pictures that have been released are amazing--the camera on the Express is really something. Already we've seen some very interesting riverbeds,
volcanoes, and other Martian features.
Strangely, if you check the ESA website, the Express images released total a whopping 87 pictures.
Six months in orbit, and they've got 87 pictures? Something is way not right with this. NASA's rovers return more than this daily, on a regular
basis. Understandably, these are 2 different missions from 2 different space agencies. Still, this amounts to less than 1 picture per day.
What gives? What has the ESA been looking at for the last 6 months? Do they really expect anyone to buy off on the idea that they sent this thing
there only to get one, albeit stunning, picture per day?
Personally, I think they're finding all manner of things interesting on Mars, and just aren't sharing their data with everyone else--at least not
anything very contreversial or groundbreaking, at any rate.