posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:24 AM
Remember the bible starts with “I AM”. Thus being a thought. This thought has developed into what you see here today. This thought was created to
find a solution. The solution would solve a greater problem. The planet is dying. A man, a scientist if you will, started a program on his home
computer. He started one much like the Sims. This program is designed to save the lives of the people on his planet. The powers that be in his world
saw that the planet is over crowded and dying. The only good solution to this problem is to find a new home.
The scientist proposed that he could create a computer the size of a planet, and store the thoughts and essence of the people inside the planet sized
computer. In order to prove that it would work. He created the program, and transferred his mind into it. He knew that his mind would work at the
speed of the computer and he could use this speed to design the perfect computer and program.
He designed a new Earth to hold the Thoughts, memories and essence of all mankind. Without this new Earth we would cease to exist. With the new Earth,
we will be able to keep living. We have all already been digitized for more than fifteen years. The images you’ve seen of the object next to and in
front of the sun are not of a planet.
The object is actually the new computer. The computers whole purpose is to save the memories and conscience of the people here on Earth. It’s the
secret to immortality. You see the Earth is a storage bank for memories also. The difference is that the Earth is like analog and the new planet is
digital. Everyone here is actually up there. His experiment was meant to prove that it’s not only possible for all of life to be nothing more than
an experiment. But, also to prove that there is a way to continue life. Now he’s working diligently to return home.
The scientist did make it home once but realized that because his friend has been here moving his memories out of the old storage banks on the analog
Earth and upgrading them to the new Earth in the sky. If his friend is successful with his rescue efforts, they will both receive their greatest
You see the scientists’ friends’ greatest wish is to be the scientist. The scientists’ greatest wish is to return home and save his planet. They
both have finally worked out all the details and figured out the solution to the greatest problem of all. How to make both of their dreams come true.
The scientist will return home and the friend will stay as the scientist. The friend will remain here as a good Sheppard; to all the lives of this
I would like to thank my dearest friend for your dedication to saving our worlds. Without you we would all surely come to an end. When I return home I
will make every effort to ensure that this program continues for as long as eternity will allow. We will then have a great celebration in honor of
your dedication to saving the lives of planet Earth.
Remember, the keys to life are: Kindness, Loyalty, Love, Patience, and to always try to stay true to your Word.
Without this we have nothing.