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Police: Gang rape outside school dance lasted over two hours

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posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by InTrueFiction

You know to be frank - and my opinion may not be popular and may even be considered ignorant but as I see it... it is the fault of the brain-dead soulless idiotic dumb scum that did the deed.

Parents? Schools? How about blaming the actual imbeciles that did this?

You so crazy. Those kids are only in their mid-late teens, they can't think for themselves.

In case, people don't recognize sarcasm when they see it, there it is.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 06:16 PM
The kids should be held accountable for their actions , and perhaps the parents ! to hell with blaming GTA , enough of passing the buck . Well another excuse for the controllers to add more cameras and security guards to schools .

[edit on 27-10-2009 by OpusMarkII]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 06:31 PM
All it takes is a hand full of parents who would be willing to spend some time in jail for their kids. All I can say is if this had happened to my daughter you would be reading headlines of how a parent by-passed the law and decided to sacrifice the rest of his life to avenge his raped daughter. The world of some young boys would change forever as a parent payed off corrections officers to let him in the same room with each of the boys who committed the rape. All males involved are in critical condition at local hospital a full re-covery is questionable as they each had the groin area removed with a 17" Hunting blade used to split the chest cavity of deer and elk. The removed groin areas were mangled and unable to be repaired by plastic surgeons.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
For everyone going on about the degradation of society and how horrible the world is, there is neither more nor less crime then a hundered, two hundred, three hundred years ago. The only difference is that you hear about it on television.

Yes and no. Yes this type of crime took place and no it was not commonplace in most communities because people feared the consequences something many youth today lack.

These same type of horrible crimes have always happened. Before video games, television, internet, whatever.

The difference is video games kids play, music/movies they like, and sites they visit today is causing them to devalue life as well as be desensitized to violence with no fear of consequences.

A long complex history has created these teens. Like I said, most likely it was a gang. And gangs are developed when people in poverty need a "family" and have no other choice but to join a gang.

That history started with parents. I not getting this stereotypical, "he joined a gang because he was poor. Or how dangerous the urban areas are," is just stereotypical hogwash that is played over and over in movies. Sure there are places that are rough but to generalize all urban (inner cities) being this way is not real. To justify joining a gang because one is poor is ludicrous. If that logic was true it would be too unsafe for anyone whether they live in urban or suburban areas to walk outside if only for a moment.

There are quite a few gangs in well to do communities so it has nothing to do with socio-eco standing and goes right back to home life or the lack of as well as what the child put into their brain on a daily basis.

And this is not unlike horrible things gangs do. I heard a story about how a local leader lured his 6 month old girlfriend into the woods, had sex with her, and then him and the other gang members beat her and decapitated her because she snitched to police.

This gang leader had a 6 month old girlfriend? And decapitated her because she snitched to the police? Now who's being sensational here?

Long before video games and tvs, Hells Angels would make women clean their bikes. If there was even a little smudge, the women would be gang raped as punishment.

Correct me if I'm wrong but television was around when the Hells Angels a motorcycle gang who terrorized communities in the 60s and 70s roamed. The things allowed to be shown on television were different than today. The Hells Angels were supposedly horrible adults boozing and causing havoc in the towns they visited we're talking about kids.

In the roman coloseum, exotic women were brought in from other countries and gang raped by several men in front of the whole crowd as entertainment.

And look what happen to ancient Rome it failed. Whenever a society becomes so misguided and inhumane something happens. It perishes.

Before proclaiming how scarey society is, realize you are hearing about one event, involving 15 people, out of 360 MILLION in the United States. If it wasn't sensational, it wouldn't be news.

I agree.

What you don't hear about, is the person rescuing 20 puppies today. Or the man who bought 600 girl scout cookies, or the anonymous donations. Because that doesn't make news.


[edit on 27-10-2009 by Chai_An]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by tsloan

I agree. But, i think rape should be punished with butter knife castration. That hunting knife would probably be a little too efficient. Rape involving children should be punished by being fed feet first into a human paper shredder.

One point to take into consideration regarding this story, is the gang culture. Male members are usually "jumped in", or they can shoot a member of an opposing gang. Female members can be jumped in as well, but they are also often given the choice of being "f***ed in", in which they are essentially gang raped, but by their own choice. Not at all to say that's what happened here.

As much as it should be the resposibility of the parents of boys to guide them, and teach them how to treat a should also be the responsibility of the parents of girls to teach and guide them to appreciate a "good" man, all too often females gravitate to "bad boys", which creates alot more bad boys since everything young boys do is for the purpose of impressing girls. Just look at the culture in this country, people like Jay-Z are role models. The brains of poor kids are being warped and twisted, we tell them to be good, but they see only bad being rewarded. You know the saying "nice guys finish last".

[edit on 27-10-2009 by 27jd]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 06:59 PM
well .. I would kill every single one of the "guys" in there ... well, you dont wanna know how ... not saying I would but, I may pay for it ...

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:07 PM
How I hope all involved in the raping of this girl shower with well endowed, 6'5", buff cellmates in prison.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

"As people announced over time that this was going on, more people came to see, and some actually participated," Gagan said.


What in the world is happening to values?

There never were any, we made them up. Values, laws, rules they are all illusions designed to keep us in line, usually they are a good thing but at the end of the day they don't exist in any real sense.

I think its disgusting that none of this crowd of onlookers had the decency to stand up and say something, try to defend the victim, or at least pull out a cell phone and call the cops, but I don't find it surprising. We humans have always had a barbaric dark side hearkening back to a time before civilization, before moral codes had even developed. This is what happens when humans revert into that senseless impulsive primate that seeks only to dominate and I think a sort of "cult" group mentality had to contribute as well.

It truly is revolting that this sort of thing still takes place, just goes to show we're barely even out of the jungle, for all our supposed "civilized" ways we are nothing more than jungle apes who think we're gods.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:08 PM
Just outright blaming parents is wrong.
Kids develop their own minds at about age 8, and from then on what you say may go in one ear and out the other. Their friends are always so much wiser than you are.
Now add that influence of TV, vid games, and friends and your job becomes extremely complicated.
Try as you will your kid could still become a miscrant and do things that would make your flesh crawl.
Seems lots of good people have bad kids these days.
I know a few...3 kids; 2 turn our well become successful in life, the other one slept under bridges, had girl friends that didn't know proper grammar;
is nearly blind from doing drugs and is currently in jail for having abused his child.
I know of others, but the above is typical.

Not saying there are not bad parents, but you cannot always judge the parents by the acts of the kids.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:37 PM
the parents of the Boys that committed that crime should be jailed, and the boys should be castrated. It starts with parenting, they failed as parents.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:40 PM
Devils advocate time , maybe with all the trash kids watch online , porno and such maybe they didn't actually know this was a rape they could have just thought this was normal behavior , like a sexual version of punked or something . reply to post by ModernAcademia

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by hiluxxulih
Yeah I am sure that girl thought it was all good, and cried because it was over

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Gigatronix
reply to post by Wookiep

There is no line. If your kid becomes uncontrollable and unresponsive to your rules, you send em off to boot camp. Send em to juvenile detention. you cant get out from under your obligation. You do whatever you have to do to put them in check. As soon as you draw a line, parent everywhere will skate right up to it and exploit it.

Actually, things aren't that easy. My dad's girlfriend has a little half-brother who is into stealing, drugs, and god knows what else. (He's 13, btw). She's basically a single mother, because their mom had surgery and is very brittle. They cant send the kid to bootcamp, because it's EXPENSIVE. People don't realize that no one is really to blame here, but the way society is run.

These kids basically have to raise themselves (as i did) and what happens? We become angry, frustrated, and ultimately burnout. God only knows how easier life would've been for me had I a family to come home to after school, instead of the bottle and damaged girlfriends.

My generation just wants to live life happily. Everyone I knew in high school didn't care about gettting fancy cars, or even buying a friggin house. They just want to have fun and live life. And like everything else, that happiness is corrupted into the uglyness you see today.

It's really sad that every generation succumbs to the "greed is good" mentality. Everyone just wants to make that buck. Hopefully my generation changes that. (If we even have a choice)

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 08:33 PM
the watchers and participants are monsters. they should never be released. they should have to do years of hard labour and solitary confinement. they should be castrated. without anaesthetic. for starters.

i will stop there but i think that is not enough. actually i think any further punishment should be up to the victim. (not her family, just her).

they have forfeited their right to live in society or be treated as human beings.

they should be branded for life with their crime on their arm, so all can see, and they can never hide from what they have done.

only the victim herself has the right to forgive them. society does not.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Whine Flu
How I hope all involved in the raping of this girl shower with well endowed, 6'5", buff cellmates in prison.

so do i. but that still wont allow them to experience the physical pain they put her through if she was a virgin. nor will it allow them to fully appreciate the humiliation and pain of what they did to her. it would give them a small taste though, so i think its a good start.

i think the punishment should be up to her. she should be entitled to direct what it should be, or take part if she wants. an eye for an eye. she really should be entitled to kill them if she wants, since they left her for dead and she was in a critical condition.

whether they are ever forgiven should be only up to her. this would give her some power back. they would know that their whole life is in her hands. i dont think society should be able to forgive or release offenders like this if the victim doesnt want them forgiven or released. i think the victim's wishes should always come first, since the wrong was against her.

punishment has gotten lax lately. years ago they would have at least gotten a lifetime of hardlabour for this. which isnt enough but still.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

Yes, I think we all agree these people deserve the worst. (I've had to deal with repurcussions from rape, and I really feel for the girl)

But whats the reality? Are these rapists going to be freed in a few years, while the local guy with a small 'grow op' rots in their place? Are they going to be punished especially harshly for being in the news? Or will this be pushed aside as people see this story and say "oh, I don't want to think about that"??

I think the real tragedy is our justice system.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
reply to post by tsloan

I agree. But, i think rape should be punished with butter knife castration. That hunting knife would probably be a little too efficient. Rape involving children should be punished by being fed feet first into a human paper shredder.

[edit on 27-10-2009 by 27jd]

huh, the child rape punishment was quite creative, but i dont think the butter knife is good enough. not enough pain. start with putting their balls in a vice and crushing them for a few hours (2 and a half). then castration without anaesthetic. then a trip to the showers for some enforced group male bonding. might make them think first next time.

im gonna go now, i feel im getting a tad bloodthirsty.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by badkarma90
reply to post by rapunzel222

Yes, I think we all agree these people deserve the worst. (I've had to deal with repurcussions from rape, and I really feel for the girl)

But whats the reality? Are these rapists going to be freed in a few years, while the local guy with a small 'grow op' rots in their place? Are they going to be punished especially harshly for being in the news? Or will this be pushed aside as people see this story and say "oh, I don't want to think about that"??

I think the real tragedy is our justice system.

as someone who's worked in the justice system, i wud have to agree with you. most people dont know how inadequate the australian criminal law system is. child rapists and incest crimes are not being punished. ive seen 2 month sentences for repeated sexual abuse of someone's own granddaughter (child). ive seen seven year sentence for gang rape of 7 year old girls. ive seen 4 month sentence for a man who had a relationship with an underage girl who had been previously raped by her father (who was his friend, and he paid the father for her). sometimes there is no jail time at all. sometimes the judge's comments are HORRIFIC to read. like alcohol is an excuse, (was one), or just failing to appreciate the magnitude of what the girl suffered; or suggesting the girl consented evn tho she was a minor. sometimes i think some of these judges are abusers themselves or they couldnt write this stuff.

THOUSANDS of these cases occur. the gang rape of a 10 year old aboriginal girl in arukoon australia - by 9 or so men and teenagers. she had been raped by her father too it appears. none of the men or boys got jail sentences. all were released. there was a minor outcry, but not much. the judge wasnt sacked, and she was a woman too.

the list goes on and on and on. i am so sick of it.

the community doesnt realize that paediphiles are being priviledged WAY above the victims in these cases who are later re abused by the court system.

e.g. an 8 year old victim of a sexual assualt made to describe for hours in police interview (male officer) how she was assaulted and to point to body parts and name them.

the girl in a trial i saw was reabused by the court and humiliated. she was underage and was forced to say the word 'penis' over and over again for each offence. she wasnt allowed to use any euphemisms. i think the judge was gettin goff on the fact that she kept having to repeat all these dirty words. it was really disgusting. she was treated like the criminal; and the barrister who cross examined her was really patronizing and rude and skeptical to her. i have never seen so much suffering on a human beings face as on that girls. the offender only got 4 months. i dont know what her father got, who raped her. not much i suspect, based on other cases ive read.

the average person has no idea this goes on regularly and how bad the justice system is. its probably bad int eh us /uk too i wud suspect.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by Gigatronix

If you're to blame all the time for your kids actions. What I want to know is why you are teaching your kid to rape people?

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

Wow, I had no idea things were that bad! It's disgusting. it's beyond that. there's just no word to express this. what saddens me is that im forced to disconnect, because there is just no way to help these people. even helping a girlfriend forget her trauma is hopeless. You just can't help anyone.

you say you worked in the justice system. is there any hope that people are working to change this? what does it take? do we have to reword our constitution or what?

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