So, I turned 29 at the end of August. Realizing that if I didn't quit smoking now I probably never would, I decided to give it another honest shot.
I have been a pack a day(minimum) smoker since I was 16. I smoked 1st thing in the morning, after every meal, everytime I got into my truck,
everytime I got out of my truck, everytime I exited a mall, grocery store or movie theater, everytime I had a drink, everytime I won a hand of
poker,everytime I lost a hand of poker, sometimes I had a smoke to celebrate the smoke I just had before lol.
I have made 2 previous attempts to quit. Once I tried using nicotine gum, It tastes awful and it didn't satisfy my cravings. The next time I tried
with the gum and nicotine inhaler, the gum still sucked and the inhaler was worse.
This time I tried with the nicotine patch it's a 3 step system over the course of 8 weeks. The first phase is 1-21mg patch everyday for 4 weeks,
then 14mg patch for 2 weeks and then 7 mg patch for 2 final weeks. I used the Life brand patch because its about 30% cheaper than name brand
Nicoderm. I'm not sure if this brand is available in America, but in Canada it is available at Shoppers Drug Mart.
The first 4 days were by far the hardest. While the patch killed the cravings somewhat, the habit was really hard to break. I was very fidgety,
agitated, downright bitchy really. I tried to take my mind off of it by watching lots of movies. So those first days were spent trapped in my
basement or at the local cineplex. I was frightened to go to any convenience stores cuz I thought I might cave in. Also, I really enjoy smoking it
has been a prt of my life for so long that it is hard for me or my friends and family to picture myself without them.
After the 1st 4 days though it became easier, like surprizingly easy. I simply did not crave the cigs anymore, and the habit itself was nearly
broken, I felt awesome.
So over the course of the following 7 weeks I was weaned off the smokes by the surrogate, LIfe Brand Nic patches, and I'm very happy to report that I
have been off the patch now for several days with no urges to smoke.
I thought I'd post this to inspire other ATSers to quit, also I wanted people who are interested in quitting to know that the patch really works, for
me anyways. ANd I really prefer it to the gum or the inhaler.
I realize however tha tmy battle against cigs will likely last the rest of my life, and temptation will often lurk around every corner so I know I
will have to be strong.
I do not currently, nor have I ever been employed or compensated by Life brand nic patches.
One strange side effect of the patch is that I had vivid, awful nightmares when I accidentally wore the patch to sleep. So do not wear the patch to
sleep ATS.
EDit to add:
I would also like to hear from other ATSers who have quit or tried to quit, what supplements or strategies they used and how successful they were.
[edit on 26-10-2009 by red_leader]