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Chandrayaan 1 detects moon base

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posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

True. Humans can and do suffer from Pareidolia but not every thing that we humans see is false or imagined. If that was the case there would be no need to study any pictures at all ever. Because everything would be a false image. Can you imagine? LOL Sometimes a rock is a rock and sometimes ruins are ruins. Are you saying that it's impossible for there to be ruins on the moon or mars? One estimate has it that there are millions of solar systems in each galaxy on average and The Hubble Ultra Deep Field found about 10,000 galaxies in an image 3 arc minutes square.

10,000 galaxies in UDF
3 arc min square
9 sq. arc minutes
1,111 no. of galaxies per sq. arc minute
3,600 sq. arc min per sq. degree
4,000,000 no. of galaxies per sq. arc degree
41,253 no of arc degrees in a sphere
165,012,000,000 Total no. of observable galaxies

Therefore 165,012,000,000 x (lets just low ball it and say) 1,000,000 = ?

Then take this number and estimate that there is the posibilty of an earth like planet in each one and then take into account that some of them are billions of years older then earth..probably millions of them that are billions of years older then earth. That means that some of these life forms have been evolving for billions of years longer then us humans. Imagine the technology of a civilization a billion years more advanced then us.. then imagine a million of them that way and you can see the possibility of ancient ruins on the moon or Mars. No?

Phage. give me some real numbers please?

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:00 AM
I found something amazing in one photo. What's the best way to post the picture, and how big should it be etc.

I know how to host my own pics, just not sure about the correct size to fill the screen without the pic being cut off. I'll post it as soon as I know the correct image size to save as.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Skeptical Ed

Where are these high resolution photos - from what I see here on ATS various probes and orbiters and telescopes keet being sent into space and we are provided with fantastically detailed images of things mind blowingly long distances away from the earth but when it comes to the moon we get such low resolution ?

We seem to have better pics of the surface of Mars.

Obviously I am a layman and its probably just my ignorance that has led me to form this view - if someone can elighten me as to where the highest res pics of the moon are then surely claims such as the OP can easily be checked against the higher res versions ?

Or is that an oversimplification ?

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:18 AM
Again, I have a great find in the Chanandrian photos to post. WShat id the perfect size to save them to if I'm using my own photo hosting. Or, would it be better to use ATS and how do I do that?

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by deejayiwan

the mark point D is definetely something

Really? It is?
And you can say this for certain without a shadow of a doubt, because.....?
Are you an image analyst working for a government agency or private firm?

I mean come on, you people with these theories of moon bases and civilisations on Mars, what qualifications do any of you have to make these claims? Absolutely none that are relevant to such things.

Hey, I too hope there is other intelligent life out there that one day in my life time we will encounter. But I'm not going around claiming every odd shadow or anomaly that I have no clue about, is a moon base or whatever.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by chunder
reply to post by Skeptical Ed

Where are these high resolution photos - from what I see here on ATS various probes and orbiters and telescopes keet being sent into space and we are provided with fantastically detailed images of things mind blowingly long distances away from the earth but when it comes to the moon we get such low resolution ?

We seem to have better pics of the surface of Mars.

Obviously I am a layman and its probably just my ignorance that has led me to form this view - if someone can elighten me as to where the highest res pics of the moon are then surely claims such as the OP can easily be checked against the higher res versions ?

Or is that an oversimplification ?

Check out the digital version of the LUNAR ORBITER PHOTOGRAPHIC ATLAS OF THE MOON at

It's a digitized version of the big (14"x10-5/8"x1-3/4" and heavy (9 pounds) published book. There are 675 PLATES each averaging 8-3/4" wide, 11-3/4" high in glossy black and white. There is the Main overall photo followed by 3 closeups. I have mine on my lap now doing the measurements. The only problem is that while the digital copy seems to be high resolution, my published copy has a bit more resolution. You can't find one of the ATLASes any more unless you check with eBay and one is being offered, usually for hundred$.

There are many other NASA books and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC issues with high res photos.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by chunder

The highest resolution images from Casini have been about 4 meters per pixel and not all that great.

The image was taken during Cassini's very close flyby of Enceladus on July 14, 2005, from a distance of approximately 208 kilometers (129 miles) above Enceladus. Resolution in the image is about 4 meters (13 feet) per pixel. The image has been contrast enhanced to improve the visibility of surface.

The recent images of Saturn's rings are at a resolution of 7 kilometers per pixel.

The image was taken in visible light with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera on Aug. 13, 2009. The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 1.2 million kilometers (746,000 miles) from Saturn and at a Sun-Saturn-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 87 degrees. Image scale is 7 kilometers (4 miles) per pixel.

The HIRISE images from Mars have a resolution of about .8 meters.

LRO is providing images of the Moon with resolutions of .54 meter per pixel.

We are getting much higher resolution images of the moon than we are of Saturn, its rings, and its moons. We are getting about the same resolution as the very best images of Mars.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 03:13 AM
First of all good morning from were I'm coming from...OMG my wife is going mad that I'm researching the moon's.But that are things that intriguing me. thank you for all the replies and I'm going to try to answer each one of them the best i can.

First of all I do not claim anything that this strange objects on the moon i found are indeed what it says it is. I'm a visual artist and I like to illustrate things And objective forms are away of expressing my art that i make in my daily life.

So when I looked at all those pictures from NASA and JAXA And heard of the chandyan moon mission I thought lets further investigate the site .

Because It couldn't be in my opinion that the Indian government wouldn't leave clues behind. Instead of blurring and smearing this beautiful site. Than you have to think if you see the pictures what is so interesting at this place that you want to find evidence for water. I think its not water.. I can imagine to be that some insider from maybe NASA has told the Indian space agency . Some coordinates to look at or to find something. But that of course is just speculation.I think this Because i noticed that this is a corporately mission between Indian space agency and NASA
But why is It that this Indian news site posts this message out?

India: NASA must admit ET presence on the moon

It looks clearly that the this message has contend that they want to show something.

well I think in this case I did.

[edit on 11/02/2007 by 0bserver1]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Melyanna Tengwesta

Picture 3 points D & E are slightly red colored. Did you do that to make the objects more visible or are they of a different color then the moondust & rocks around them?

Yes I did some colorization around the objects.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by deejayiwan

yeah I overlooked this site several times than i thought of that place in in Nazca Peru. Then it hit me.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by hoghead cheese


posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by 0bserver1

well if Hoagland can do it maybe I can find something too.

It's true. If you look hard enough you can see anything.

I just see a bunch of rocks and shadows. As for the domes, well circles and spheres are the most common shapes in nature.

I did find Hoagland's pyramids and other geometric shapes to be pretty interesting though. I've heard claims that even shapes like that can be created naturally. Especially on alien planets, that we don't properly understand because the many factors that make things work differently than they do here on earth. My level of understanding about those matters isn't good enough to make any informed opinions, though. So the jury is still out for me.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by jclmavg

Sometimes you have to put the life in lifelessness objects that had some life when it still was productive. Maybe then you will see...

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 03:57 AM

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 04:00 AM
Well, where else are the Masons and Illuminati supposed to live when they through their companies make the earth uninhabitable?

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by stanlee

OBSERVER 1.. you are a complete idiot! I love you for this. I looked at the photos as I said I would to see the math. and there is some in there that I am going to investigate further bit thats not the point..

great I knew that..

In your histerics about moon bases you over looked something quite amazing and no matter WHAT skew I put it on it cannot be anything else. I will complete my work and present it for others to see and correct me where I may very well be wrong but blind one!...

I will your welcome

you didnt see the large floating thing in your picture! the very first image you posted. Lower left hand corner. I thought it was a crater at first but its too spherical then I ran it through a couple of emboss textures and every one came up with the same conclusion... there is a shadow approx 8-10 miles behind and below that crater. look ing again. that massive crater on the right.. just a crater, there is a smaller "crater" just below to the bottom left, and just up and left of the crater. you have two floaters spheroid

You think so?I didn't see that one but I'm happy if you take that part into this Investigation.There were indeed some spherical forms I had my eye on but I found this to hard to convince this theory.But go on and let me know when you post this I will participate in In your thread .

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by Skeptical Ed

But thats just It .. What would you do If you had to disguise yourself in front of other beings and to research some planet?? and don't want to attract beings from that planet to see you ? ... Yes you would blend in with surrounding surface.At the closest and safest place you can find Like our soldiers do when they want to infiltrate some base..

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by skepticantiseptic

Place them in the media upload section you can find it under your member tools

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by TheBlackDog

I know I'm sorry but if I'd put to phrase like " I think Santa lives on the moon" . It would be not as attractive as this. And in way of sense I think they did.

And this is a forum not some national news paper.

[edit on 11/02/2007 by 0bserver1]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 04:52 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
Guys, your human. And guess what, humans suffer from Pareidolia

Very true; however, the flip-side of this is that humans also suffer from inattentional blindness.

With no internal "moon base" frame of reference; if you're merely looking for rocks and craters (consciously, or subconsciously), then that may be all you're able to perceive.

Unfortunately, even with an open mind, the resolution of these pics is too sketchy for me to call it one way or the other. Some of these anomalies certainly look like mere rocks and craters, and a couple look like they could possibly be something more.

[edit on 10/27/09 by redmage]

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