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Syria: Israel tried to 'demolish' Aksa Mosque, destroy Arab culture

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posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:21 AM

Syria: Israel tried to 'demolish' Aksa Mosque, destroy Arab culture

Syria on Monday accused Israel of desecrating the Aksa Mosque and heaped praise on the site's "steadfast defenders," the Syrian news agency reported.

"Storming" the mosque, "besieging" worshipers and "preventing them from entering" were just some of the steps Israel took this week in an effort to "Judaize" Jerusalem, SANA quoted a Syrian Foreign Ministry official as saying.

According to the report, the official maintained that Israel, in its alleged campaign to destroy cultural Arab and holy Muslim sites, had tried to "demolish" the mosque and compromise its sanctity.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:21 AM
Hamas leader Meshaal is calling to an end of peace negotiations with Israel along with protests at Al-Aqsa (also called the Temple Mount)

Meshaal, Hamas and Syria are accusing Israel of wanting to destroy the Holy site to establish a temple.

As far as Fresh Doom is concerned, doesn't this sound awfully familiar? After all it is October 26th and it sounds like an Apocalyptic 'breaking-Israel-treaty' event that has been predicted.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:25 AM
Yep... Smells like Fresh Doom to me.

Looks like tension in Israel is about to be back to normal.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:32 AM
The Church of the Nativity was shelled by the IDF, when gunmen hid inside - which resulted in a significant international outcry.

I'm not surprised.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:37 AM
I think this is a load of fuss over nothing.

Muslims had a peaceful Ramadan, during which Jews were kept out of Temple Mount by the Israeli police. When it was the Jews' turn to have their religious holiday (Yom Kippur) Muslim extremists pelted French Jewish tourists with rocks.

Then the Imams started claiming that Israel was trying to destroy the Mosque by tunnelling underneath it and called on Palestinians to defend it. This was a clear incitement to riot, and it worked.

Over the weekend security cameras caught Palestinian youths pouring petrol all over the place and storing up rocks and bricks etc, and the police moved in to protect Jewish worshippers. Didn't start anything, but took up positions to keep Palestinian rock throwers separate from worshippers. Riots ensued.

This is all incitement and agitation, entirely on the part of Muslim extremists as far as I can tell. Not surprised Syria has joined in with the poop stirring, along with Jordan and Egypt, they can't wait for another Intifada.

The statements by foreigners like Assad probably have something to do with the UNHRC motion which includes (Palestinian sponsored) condemnation of Israel for its policing in East Jerusalem.

[edit on 26-10-2009 by mattpryor]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by infinite

since `young and drunk` jews are proud to have murdered jesus

this doesn`t surprise me

not safe for work

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by mattpryor

yeah, I heard the same thing from a family member in the city.
From my own perspective, everytime I go to jerursalem, and see that dome on the skyline.... Mannnnn.... You know....

A dome that has "G-d has no Son" written around the most Holiest place on earth, where Abraham was shown G-ds plan, is an abomination to me, one that makes desolate...

I hope those "tunnels" cave in....

But know the repocussions if they did... And so do they ...

Just a thought .

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by infinite

Um, that happened in 2002, and was in Bethlehem. What does that have to do with the current situation in Jerusalem?

Harlequin: I know you're a devout Christian, but please stop trying to use anecdotal evidence of disrespectful Jews to blacken the reputation of an entire people. We both know that the vast majority of Jews would be horrified to see this sort of behaviour and I'm sure far worse things have been said by lots of people of all denominations.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Harlequin

welcome to my world being a Jewish believer in Yeshua.. Truth is, how are they any different from an athiest, or just another drunken yob? Trust me, not all Jews make it to heaven, just like not all Gentiles. Those boys are are the tip of the iceburg in Israel. The place is so secular, as are most so called Jews. Just the same as every other westernized place...

Not for much longer though...

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Selahobed
reply to post by mattpryor

yeah, I heard the same thing from a family member in the city.
From my own perspective, everytime I go to jerursalem, and see that dome on the skyline.... Mannnnn.... You know....

A dome that has "G-d has no Son" written around the most Holiest place on earth, where Abraham was shown G-ds plan, is an abomination to me, one that makes desolate...

I hope those "tunnels" cave in....

But know the repocussions if they did... And so do they ...

Just a thought .

Who exactly are you kidding? Jews don't believe Jesus was a son of their G-d. There never named by name never spoken by name by them G-d. Who their Lord is, which is how they refer to their unnamed G-d is a matter of speculation as well as what the - between the G and d represents.

Your post is a deliberate and disingenuous attempt to inflame Christian passions even though Muslims believe Jesus was a Holy Prophet and Hebrews believe he is condemned to a special spot in Hell made just for him along with his Virgin mother Mary.

What you won't see Muslims doing is such obvious and blatant deceitful attempts at emotional manipulation.

What is transpiring here is a simple numbers game. With constant Israeli lobbying and pressure and the questionable public opinnions of notable Zionists the War on Terror has been skillfully promoted as basically a thinly veiled Holy Crusade against Islam.

Here is the simple reason why that is being done. It is estimated by the United States Census Bureau that by 2030 that the United States of America founded predominately as a White Anglo Saxon Protestant nation
will actually find White Anglo Saxon Protestants in a minority not in the majority of the people who inhabit the nation.

Simply put other cultures are out breeding White Anglos Saxon Protestants.

Hebrew Israel faces a similar problem not just within its own borders but in the region it dwells within. (Illegally at that)

It knows that despite advanced military hardware and superior battlefield tactics it can not overcome the sheer far greater numbers of people who practice the Islamic faith.

While it can not be proved that Muslims or Islam plan to eliminate Israel at a future point in time, it can be proved that numerically Muslims will reach a critical mass in the sheer numbers of it's members that would make it impossible for Israel to keep them from overwhelming them either violently or just peacefully through breeding as is happening to the White Anglo Saxon Protestant majority soon to be a minority here in the United States.

While here in the United States we don't fear cultural diversity or view it as a significant threat, in Israel cultural diversity is feared and viewed as a threat.

The War on Terror and fictional statements like the one you just made are designed to condition and brainwash people of Western Christian Nations to perceive all Muslims as enemies and to endorse a broad series of wars aimed at reducing their numbers through death, famine and disease and smash their infrastructures and control their governments.

It is what it is.

If and come the day that Hebrew build a new Temple over the Dome of the Rock, they sure won't be celebrating Jesus as the Son of God either.

Who do you think you are kidding? Stupid Americans?

[edit on 26/10/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:26 PM
Le sigh. More bloodshed and rhetoric over the same damn piece of earth that humans have been fighting over for the past 2000 years. Let us just glass Jerusalem. Move the people out, and glass it.

So much suffering and pain would be avoided, and we could get on with our future already. As an archaeologist at heart, it pains me that we would lose such a crucial piece of history this way, but we are not permitted unbiased excavations there anyways so it would not truly be that great of a loss.

Glass Jerusalem, free the human race from its unhealthy need to fight over the land it sits on.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:32 PM
Care to comment on the situation in Jerusalem and Syria's response, or are you just here to peddle your views about population demographics in 2030, cast sweeping assertions about Israeli public opinion (without any evidence, other than that which exists inside your head), and slate the above poster's opinions?

What you won't see Muslims doing is such obvious and blatant deceitful attempts at emotional manipulation.

This is patently not true, unless you do actually believe that Jews are trying to destroy Al Aqsa Mosque in order to rebuild the Temple? Do you?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:48 PM
I don't think it's right for one group to say what a member of another group believes.

Each person is an individual. There may be millions of Jews and even Muslims that believe in Jesus, but it's up to them to have those beliefs and not another person to tell them what they believe.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by mattpryor

That is all part of the grand Zionist plan Matt Pryor. They make no bones about it, and in fact supposedly have planned to do exactly that since the destruction of the second temple.

Obviously I agree with Syria's assertions based on my comments and assessments.

The U.S. Administration makes little attempt to draw a distinction between Muslims and Terrorists, and the Israeli Administration and it's Zionist proponents and supporters make no attempt at all.

As a White Anglo Saxon Protestant I can say I empathize with people's cultural concerns who fear becoming a cultural minority or who all ready are a culturally minority.

I don't agree with them though, as I live in a culturally diverse city (Miami) where not only White Anglos Protestants are already a minority, but the minority with the least numbers.

Yes there are some Latinos and Haitians and Asians here who imagine all White Anglo Saxon Protestants drive tractors and not cars, and use out houses and not restrooms, and chew tobacco and not smoke it, but the vast majority of people of different cultures and that would include the Muslims really just want the same thing as everyone else does whether in the majority or the minority.

That's to live their lives in peace, free from government intrusion, to be be secure in their persons and properties and for their family and friends and loved ones to be secure in their persons and properties and to have the economic opportunities to perform an honest day's work for an honest day's sustaining living wage.

Demographics though remain very real Matt to many people, including politicians and businesses who make plans in regards to the numbers that different segments of the population represent.

It is almost impossible to deny that the War on Terror and the War in Afghanistan and Iraq and possibly soon Iran are not part of a religious crusade as the religion of the people of those nations is predominately mentioned and featured time and time again in official statements and communiqués. The supposed cultural differences are constantly highlighted and as we have witnessed in this thread most of the arguments on both sides are based on cultural difference. Whether it be the difference between Jews and Christians or Muslims and Christians, or Muslims and Jews, or Jews and Muslims.

There is only one reason why a small segment of the Latino and Haitian population here in Miami imagines all White Anglo Saxon Protestants drive tractors, wear flannel shirts, chew tobacco and use out houses and that's because they lack cultural awareness.

Most of the arguments being put forth by the warmongering and governments are about not becoming culturally aware. They are about centering on perceived differences, exaggerating those differences and inflaming fear over those differences.

In other words Matt manipulation.

Everyone has the right to live in peace, and no one has a right to simply imagine that someone at some future date might choose to not be peaceful so it's best to kill or destroy them now.

That is a snake's way of pretending it doesn't live under a rock but occupies some higher ground.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Actually I think you're 100% wrong. Governments and police go to extreme lengths to reassure us that they DO draw a distinction between terrorists and the Muslim world at large. They're terrified that people will draw that conclusion.

I'm an Israeli supporter, and I think my country's troops are doing important work in Afghanistan. I don't see Muslims as my enemy at all, I think our cultures have lots to learn from each other. Surely that refutes your entire argument which is based on specious generalisations?

The idea that Israel wants to destroy Al Aqsa mosque and is doing it by tunnelling beneath it is just incredibly ludicrous libel, spread by hate mongers to cause fear, alarm and violence. But I'm not surprised to see you here fanning the flames.

Israeli authorities have done a remarkable job in maintaining the peace in Jerusalem and keeping it open for all faiths over the years considering the amount of fighting and conflict that erupts over that piece of land.

Remind us, who was allowed to visit / worship at Temple Mount prior to Israel capturing East Jerusalem in 1967 and who is allowed to visit it now?

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 01:36 PM
The Muslim religion has be highjacked by terrorist, and anti Israeli Inman who know and preach nothing but hate and death. The governments of Iran, Syria, Iraq, heck most of the middle east countries outright condone or with a wink wink tolerate terrorist in their midst. 95% of all terrorist attacks are carried out by "Muslim" terrorist.

Our culture has nothing to learn from their 14th century, barbarian culture. When the oil runs out, and it will sooner than you think, the world will once again let the area disinigrate back into the archaic dying trash heap of history from which the current middle east arose.
Such a shame that an area which once led the world in science, math, commerce, should be relegated to the role it plays today. All to the tune of radical Islamic thought.
The only thing that culture has to teach us is that we do not want to go down that same path.
Alas it seems the democrats are aiming us down the same path in the guise of alturism, and global eviromentalism rather than religion.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by mattpryor

Matt rest assured I will be quoting some of these choice statements you have made here in your future posts should by chance you deviate from your contentions that you are drawing distinctions between terrorists and Muslims.

The Afghani people though do not recognize the Karzai government as legitimate nor do they believe the recent hotly contested elections where allegations of fraud are wide spread including from the opposition candidate were honestly or fairly run ones either.

What great work are the British troops doing in Afghanistan where a ressurgent Taliban is capitalizing off of the people's discontent and unhappiness with eight long years of war that has yielded far more civilian cassualties and colateral damage than Taliban ones?

Protecting Royal Dutch Shells newly built Oil and Natural Gas Pipeline originating out of Kaskiksthan, or protecting the Chinese companies that were awarded the lucrative copper contracts, or is it helping the drug smugglers to increase the opium crop 90 fold from the start of the war?

Or is it the great work of killing more civilians than actual Taliban combatants you feel is great and important work?

Clearly the only Afghanis who want either England or the U.S. in Afghanistan are those corrupt officials of a government we have installed that is not seen as ligitimate by the Afghani people and is almost entirely funded not by Afghani citizens but by American Tax Payers.

Your statements all sound great to the sound bite news crowd that doesn't trouble them selves with actual indepth detail of the real situation on the ground over there.

As far as tunneling underneath the Temple Mount we know from History that the Knights Templar excavated a series of tunnels underneath the Temple. They did so looking for religious Icons and Text and Scriptures, as well as legendary items like the Ark of the Covenant.

It has long been a matter of conjecture as to what if anything they found and who might posses it.

That Israel would not be using technology in at the very least an archeological pursuit to access those previous excavations to further determine what historically significant artifacts might be in the long burried ruins of two historically and culturally important Temples is almost beyond belief to imagine that they would not be.

The cultural and religious significance to those long ago ruined and burried edifices is of paramount importance not just to Israel but Hebrews all over the world.

While treaties might not allow for such excavations (I do not know if this is true or not) I can't imagine personally such excavations would defile the Islamic Mosque built above, though I can imagine that Muslims might fear that the tunnels would either accidently cause the Mosque to collapse or deliberately cause the Mosque to collapse.

I do not personally believe Israel would purposefully cause the Mosque to collapse because of the cultural and historical significance of what lays below the Mosque to Israel and the Jews and the possibility such a collapse could damage or destroy those things.

Jerusalem by Contract and Treaty was to be ruled in perpituity by the Vatican and the Holy See. Israel is in violation of that.

The Mufti of Jerusalem, the former Ottoman Empire authority responsible for Jerusalem during the long period of Ottoman rule was in fact famous for his fairness in allowing all religions to have access to the Temple Mount.

The well known term 'Status Quo' was coined by the Mufti to describe how each sect of Christians and Muslims was granted a certain portion of the area to maintain as their own religious feifdom while at the same time ensuring pilgrims from all sects and religions would have access to all these seperately secular maintained areas.

The long and short of it is Matt Pryor I support Israel's right to exist but only within the original area assigned to them by the British Mandate of Palestine that the Zionists waged a terror campaign against to cause them to flee their governance and administration of the region.

I support all treaties be honored to the letter inculding the one that cedes the Temple Mount and Jerusalem to the Holy See.

Not because I am a Catholic, not because I am a Christian, not because I am anti-Semitic because I am none of those things, but BECAUSE IT WAS AGREED UPON and placed in a signed treaty by all parties.

That should answer all your questions Matt. Thanks for asking!

[edit on 26/10/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 02:05 PM
The whole Temple Mount site is built upon nothing more than a heap of rubble, and whats more, sat on top of a tectonic fault-line

Numerous structural-engineering studies have shown the perimeter walls bulging can only be a matter of time and geology thta will ultimately determine the fate of the site

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 03:43 PM
Oh this cannot end well:

Judge says West Bank for Jews

I'm not opining, just saying people are not gonna like this.

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