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The Clone Conspiracy: Royal and Presidential Clones

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posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 12:37 PM
In response to the above mentioned interference, I am intensifying my postings, giving analytical background, temporary conclusions and quite a few more Clones revealed both in this thread and in the other one on Cloned Stars. What do the following have in common?

Knights Templar, the Priory of Sion, Vatican Jesuit Soldiers, Swiss Bankers, the Illuminati, Freemasonry and Intelligence Agencies

What these movements all seem to have in common is for their secret origins to extend back some 1000 years, and they happen to be inspired by Babylonian Mystery Religion and to also perform "in secret sessions" Luciferian rituals which are akin to Canaanite Sacrificial Rites. I can hear from behind the keyboard moans of protestation by former agency operatives. However those running errands for their bosses can hardly expect to be in the loop. This works on a need to know basis, agency hit men don't only have minimum data on their targets and have been coached to never ask questions. And agency analysts can't know which side may have performed a hit. Freemasons are even more clueless as to WHO is above them in the hierarchy of their imaginary "brotherhood" nor what AGENDA they are unwittingly serving.

Most of the above organizations retain many references to Antiquity and Ancient Egypt, and are quite connected to the Occult, to Black Magick and to the paranormal. Interestingly, what we call magical or paranormal is simply phenomena which we just don't understand. And this is not because it is other worldly, but mostly because nobody is explaining it as it is a Secret they cannot betray, plus it is actually being ''occulted" by cover up operations and disinformation so that we may not understand it no matter how hard we try. Whenever there is no disclosure, things which are "out of the norm" or paranormal remain UNIDENTIFIED phenomena, such as UFOs. Disclosure means to disclose many many things which have been concealed from us for centuries. This is hardly going to happen as there is a sanction of terrible death for those who speak out, and extreme prejudice exacted against their families.

Furthermore, these organizations are probably to a greater or lesser degree, more or less directly part of the Clone Conspiracy. The Templar collected and commerced in Holy Relics which were often physical remains of Christ and other Holy persons such as John the Baptist or the Apostles. Also, the Vatican has been collecting mummified remains of its Popes and Saints as well as assembling and preserving countless jeweled Reliquaries holding bones and hair samples which contain the DNA of those most revered.

The ILLUMINATI through their American satellite lodge of Skull & Bones housed on the campus of Yale University in the very eloquently named "Tomb" building has been gathering and collecting skulls and bones dug up during the grave robbing of countless tombs of leaders and targeted unwitting DNA donors. The founding of the ILLUMINATI by a former JESUIT professor of Canon Law, Adam Weishaupt, makes an interesting connection between the Vatican and the ILLUMINATI in their common preoccupation with preserving the bodily remains of dead VIPs.


Upon official dissolution less than a third of them were arrested and executed, their treasure, fleet and lands remained for the most part untouched. They went underground in France and seemingly may have started shortly thereafter the Priory of Sion which spread its influence from France to many nations. This extremely secret and selective order only entered upon co-option finds its corollaries in the Rose Cross and Rosecrucian movement whose higher ups are dubbed Knights of the Rose. That this organization is opposed to the Vatican is yet to be proved. Many secret societies and hermetic orders which are allegedly in competition might serve the same masters?

In Spain and Portugal they were renamed the Knights of Christ and pretty much continued business as usual, ensuring a militarized pursuit of the Templar Order. It is possibly that Ignacio de Loyola emanated from this Templar faction to then found at the Vatican the Jesuit Order which was that of the Soldiers of Jesus which sounds impressively similar to the Knights of Christ. Killing for Jesus as per Vatican Assassin in the film The Da Vinci Code is not that different from waging a Crusade and killing invaded peoples by the thousands to capture their cities and despoil their treasures and holy relics.

Another faction went to Scotland, secured an alliance with Robert the Bruce and, under the auspices of the Scottish Sinclair/St Clair family, the Templars founded what became their relay organization, subservient only to a Hidden Templar directorate, called Scottish Rite Freemasonry. This same faction is apparently behind the 1776 Masonic founding the the United States of America which de facto extended Templar power over the West. Through Freemasonry the Templars extended their influence into the US by penetrating the Government, the Military and the Intelligence Services of the nation. Many agencies today will only hire Masons as top brass, key field agents or high profile operatives.

A third faction moved the Treasure from Solomon's Temple and relocated their two century old well established Banking activity in the Alps, starting what has become known today as Swiss Banks. In so doing their Knightly Order of the Temple also gave birth another lasting tradition known for centuries as Swiss Mercenaries which sold their services to warring Emperors, Kings, Dukes and Princes. It should hence come as no surprise that the Vatican uses SWISS GUARDS exclusively within its City Walls. Also it should come as no surprise that today the Vatican Bank is the largest single Bank and also the largest single economic power in the world?

While there have been Secret Societies, Secret Services and Secret Religions or Cults for as long as human memory serves, we can trace the pattern of dissimulation which has never been as strong as it is today. While we are each monitored and spied upon in countless ways daily, somehow those pulling the strings from behind the scenes manage to remain anonymous, invisible, undetectable. This was probably spurred by the unexpected arrest, prosecution and execution of Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay and hundreds of his Templar Knights. That today there is such an intricate web of deception and so many layers of concealment of one secret order hiding above it another and yet another makes a clear case for this stemming from an intense fear of discovery and defeat.

Who but the Templars with their history of ruling over Jerusalem and basing their headquarters on the Temple Mount from whence they were named, would be so compelled to regain the lost Zion taken back by invading Muslim forces. Who but the Templars would so actively promote with the most profuse means and efforts a project for a Global Zionist NWO granting them totalitarian planetary control? And are today's Royals and Presidents, for most Demon Possessed Clones or Mind Controlled biological robotoid replacements, simply tolerated as widow dressing to delude the masses into imagining that they live in a sensible and stable world?

In any case, with what we have seen up to present with the Cloning of many of the Royal Bloodlines, with the Cloning of Heroes of the various factions participating in the Clone Conspiracy (see forthcoming posts in this and its sister thread) including those biologists enabling Cloning, eminent statesmen and politicians, renowned military officers, admired members of society, it stands to reason that if they are indeed behind the Clone Conspiracy that in coming years it would be likely that
the Knights Templar are Conspiring to resuscitate Jesus Christ as a Clone ?


edit on 20-12-2012 by Getsmart because: the Templars are Luciferian and possibly behind the entire Gambit !

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 03:12 PM
Lets start now with a tempered response to their aggressive behavior. In this thread and its corollary I shall expose a number of new CLONES who are placed in office by the Luciferian order givers of the operatives which targeted me today.

Powerbroker and Congress House Speaker TIP O'NEILL Cloned from Frederick Muhlenberg

The most famous 20th Century Speaker of the House of Representatives was Cloned from the United States' very first House Speaker ! ! !

Wikipedia page for Frederick Muhlenberg

What is the irony that he was a CLONE of the very first person assuming the same role in the Legislative Branch? How many of the other Cloned Congressmen noticed the uncanny resemblance between the portraits of Muhlenberg adorning the walls of the US Congress and their own Speaker??? And who spoke up? This shows the dramatic extent and pervasiveness of the Clone Conspiracy which hides a SECRET TAKEOVER OF WORLD POLITICS.

French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing Cloned from physiologist Claude Bernard

Wikipedia page for French physiologist Claude Bernard

This Clone had the audacity to consider himself the French JFK and was afflicted with a very serious case of inflated ego which brought him widespread impopularity. He was in good logic violently opposed by his Prime Minister Jacques Chirac himself Cloned from Machiavelli. Passing executive power from Clone to Clone is the rule and not the exception.

There are quite a few more Clones recently exposed in the other thread, any number from the Founding Fathers of the USA and earlier US Presidents, as well as from Leading Politicians and Soldiers in the US Army, plus an entire series from the 19th Century biologists who paved the way for Cloning !


edit on 20-12-2012 by Getsmart because: the Templars and their allies have Cloned all our political bodies !

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 04:00 PM

Yes, even historic Traitors are Cloned by the Conspirators, who seem to have their own reasons about what Heroes they worship and wish to replicate as Demi-Gods. For thus they seem to believe that they are giving them a form of Eternal Life, by perpetuating their body's DNA.

AL GORE & TIPPER GORE Cloned from Benedict Arnold and his wife Peggy Shippen

Wikipedia page for General Benedict Arnold

In the last photo Al Gore seems definitely demonically possessed, and he also sports a rather wide reputation despite the conspiracy of silence blackout of being some sort of Vampire who travels about with a case of blood vials, reportedly due to an addiction to Adrenochrome drawn from the blood of tortured children victims of satanic human sacrifice.

Wikipedia page for Adrenochrome

How Many of these Politicians are CLONES ?

In the case of discovering whether a Clone is a naturally born and raised Clone subject to a childhood of intensive mind control programming or instead a remote controlled rapidly grown Clone or Synthetic Robotoid, all one needs to do is observe sudden aging and even more improbably drastic sudden rejuvenation. As in the case of many Clones which are replaced by new "rapid growth" replacement versions, Al Gore has been referenced as subject to inordinately rapid aging, probably prior to being replaced by a considerably younger new replacement Clone.

In this case, for whatever reason they chose, it appears that not only did the Conspirators Clone the traitor Benedict Arnold, but also his wife. In fact if one exams his betrayal in its historical context, it appears that he worked as a team with his wife who ably assisted him in his treason against the American Patriotic Army. Peggy Shippen Arnold fled with him to the UK upon his discovery and dishonor.


Fortunately, for whatever it is worth, we averted having a PATENTED TRAITOR as President of the United States.


edit on 20-12-2012 by Getsmart because: it is so very romantic to Clone Traitors in Pairs...

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 04:13 PM
*laughing* your "facts" of Crowley are absolute nonsense. Most telling that you have no idea what you're talking about is the FACT he NEVER met Adolf Hitler. That photo is bunk. The Grandaddy Bush thing is fake. An April Fools post on a site notorious for its hoaxes. He was against Hitler's sick ideas. #. Yes he worked for the British intelligence, AGAINST THE GERMANS, lol. He was a spy.& to call AC the most wicked man ever? How many people did he murder or have murdered compared to Hitler? Not to mention serial killers and genocidal maniacs besides Hitler. If you people would actually read things from their original sources (such as his actual books, their explanations by him and others qualified, in the fields (mysticism,religion,philosophy,poetry,art,history,occultism,Egyptology,magick,etc.) of which he incorporates in all his writings, to do so, then would see how much you're saying is bunk. Not because those who explain these things that know what they're talking about are in on some conspiracy to protect Crowley's name, but because they know just what the # they're talking about.

peace. out.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by AnkHnkA92939

I shall not stoop to arguing with an adept of Crowley defending the virtues of a madman boasting of murdering his own young son while sodomizing him in a sex magick act. CLEARLY MY OUTING OF THE LUCIFERIAN AGENDA BEHIND THE CLONE CONSPIRACY HAS STRUCK A NERVE. See my posts in the previous page!

Is the following Clone also an adept of LUCIFERIAN WORSHIP and the accompanying Satanic Human Sacrifices which it entails? One never knows what dignitaries one might see there, this I know first hand from being a direct witness as a child. The next Cloned Politician to be publicly exposed here in the ATS Forum is....

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Cloned from American Revolution Hero John Paul Jones

Wikipedia page for John Paul Jones

In all sincerity, from his record to date I can hardly suggest that this CLONE has anything of the fabric of a Hero and thus carries in shame the DNA of his biological genitor John Paul Jones.


edit on 20-12-2012 by Getsmart because: they worship heroes but Clone them into lamentable spineless lackeys...

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 05:50 PM
I'm noticing in the above comps that John Paul Jones seems intelligent, bright, & alert, whereas Walker seems glassy-eyed & dopey. I would guess that he is one of those soulless clones, & not a demon-possessed one like Gore.

And speaking of Gore, can you imagine a name more suitable for a demon than Al(l) Gore? LOL And he teamed up w/ David Blood, so they are Blood & Gore (HEDGE FUND - GENERATION INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT):

Generation Investment Management (GIM) was co-founded in 2004 by David Blood and Al Gore.

They do play their games, don't they?

I don't know if this is important, but Peggy Shippen Arnold was a Brit sympathizer, & helped turn Benedict Arnold to treachery...

edit on 20-12-2012 by someotherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 05:50 PM
There are Clones and then there are Clones. Some assume a detestable role and others serve to delude us into believing we are represented and that perhaps they stand for something worthwhile and that values do have a place in politics. Are these the better Clones, or maybe are the the worst?

Ted Kennedy Cloned from NY Congressman and Senator Theodorus Bailey

Wikipedia page for Theodorus Bailey

His being a Clone without a trace of human soul or conscience might help to better explain what might have happened in the notorious accident in which a young woman lost her life.

The Chappaquiddick "Incident"

In all likelihood it wouldn't surprise me if we were to eventually discover that the entire Kennedy family is constituted entirely of Illuminati Clones. If so then we can assume that membership at the highest levels of Freemasonry, and other orders such as the Knights of Malta or the Knights Templar require one to place the procreative composition of one's own family at the disposal of the Clone Conspiracy Agenda.

The Kennedy family - a Dynasty of CLONES ?

Could it be that JFK was in fact a Clone who discovered himself a Human Soul, and sought to change sides? Nothing could be more dangerous to the Clone Conspirators than a Cloned US President turned Rogue. We could also consider in this case, that he might have been accorded a special deal - to execute an expendable duplicate replacement Clone of him for the world to witness - and for him to retire indefinitely in complete secrecy to an isolated private Greek Island.

Kennedy has lived on the Greek island Skorpios in a hospital owned by Greek tycoon Aristotle Onassis (who also aided in the cover-up by pretending to be Jackie Kennedy’s second husband). Proof? In 1971 the European tabloid Midnight ran a photo supposedly picturing Kennedy, Jackie, and Kennedy’s two nurses going for a walk on Skorpios.

Before anyone assumes that he is in a wheelchair due to having been shot in Dallas, maybe we ought to examine several things. One is that his health before the Dallas shooting was far worse than the public was told. In fact he was failing in some very serious ways, so that his being in a wheelchair some 8 years later would not be surprising at all. Here is a report on an investigation into his health condition which seems to have been rather critical, requiring some very serious care. His not being actually murdered, but instead an empty meat container lookalike, would have helped gain support for the project within the intelligence community.

In J.F.K. File, Hidden Illness, Pain and Pills

This would help explain the multiple eyewitness accounts of him on Skorpios and even that isolated fuzzy photograph of him in a wheelchair in that location, some 8 years after his presumed death. Also it would serve to better explain the marriage of Jackie Kennedy to the shady and rather unattractive intelligence operative Aristotle Onassis, presumably to explain away her spending most of her time hidden away in the Greek isles... with her Clone husband John F. Kennedy?


edit on 20-12-2012 by Getsmart because: sometimes the Rabbit Hole goes deeper than we suspected.

posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by someotherguy

HI Someotherguy, it's great to have you back on board in the thread !

You are quite right that some of these Clones such as Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker are clearly deadpan empty soulless meat containers, while others are clearly demon possessed. It is possible that those which seem void and without emotion or concern for others might be left to obey their programming until they are placed in high office, whereby they become possessed similarly to Avatars?

I think that it is possible that beyond the compromising rituals which gather them together, the satanic blood sacrifices with their assorted lot of horrendous cruelties corresponds well with the profile of uncaring heartless clones who are unable to experience empathy, and these ceremonies and the partaking of blood and flesh possibly help them regularly weed out those who are starting to "grow a soul". I believe this is what happened to me as a child, when I refused to officiate in an infant sacrifice.

There seem to be some Clones who however manage to somehow develop a conscience and possibly gain a soul presence and awareness and concern for others. These rare and exceptional cases apparently toss a monkey wrench into the works and can cause a great deal of trouble for the Conspirators. Hence the intense programs to knock out violently any fledgling soul presence in Illuminati children who are presumably also Clones.

Those who survive usually do so at the expense of any residual humanity. Few exceptions such as myself are able to extract themselves from their grip and avoid repeat attempts on their lives. Not that I can affirm being a Clone, not having identified any DNA genitor from the past, but this is currently my thinking regarding the Illuminati and how they program their offspring. It is also possible that high ranking Freemasons are coopted into such a program, requiring them to raise Clones as their own. This can in some cases prevent parental bonds, and in other cases they may become attached despite not being the biological genitor of their alleged offspring. The DNA memories of those so Cloned but naturally raised can be confused with spontaneous past life regressions.



posted on Dec, 20 2012 @ 08:58 PM
Once again, in the line of unexpected Clones, here is a person which most ATS member probably know more about than any contemporary Politician. However, although he is not exactly a Politician or a Royal or Presidential Clone, he is nonetheless the Clone of a nephew of an American Founding Father who was his namesake, adding only the suffix Junior to his own name to distinguish himself. His Clones' action can also be deemed of a Political nature given that he calls upon people to become political activists. Under Leninism and the East German Stasi this sort of activity was called "Agit-Prop" which is short for agitation and propaganda. Any number of the members of his organization are alleged to be MI6 operatives and whether he is sincere or not is anyone's guess. In any case he's apparently a Clone, whether he knows it or not, and whether he is with or without a soul?

David Icke cloned from John Cleeve Symmes Junior

The person he was Cloned from is not at all an unexpected choice, given David Icke's predispositions to entertain unorthodox ideas and to defend and promote a paradigm shift and rethink of many of our forgone conclusions. In fact he isn't interesting so much because his uncle John Cleeve Symmes was one of the United States' Founding Fathers, as well father-in-law of President William Henry Harrison and great-grandfather of President Benjamin Harrison. No, it is more for his very odd dispositions and personal stands in defending unusual concepts and pursuing the truth in unexpected places which probably brought David Icke to be Cloned from the DNA of John Cleeve Symmes Jr.

Wikipedia page for John Cleves Symmes Jr

In the early 19th century an American eccentric, John Cleves Symmes (1779-1829), sought funding for an expedition to enter theEarth through one of two 4,000-mile wide polar holes. Inside the Earth, he was convinced, a benevolent advanced civilization existed.

Though an object of derision to most people, some took him seriously, and the idea of a hollow Earth was championed in a number of books throughout the rest of the century and right into the next.

Today, hollow-earthers believe flying saucers zip in and out of the polar holes. The people inside are descendants of Atlantis and its Pacific equivalent, Lemuria.

There is even a strong Nazi wing of the movement. According to Canadian neo-Nazi Ernst Zundel, the principal advocate of this theory, Hitler and his elite troops escaped with their saucer technology into the hole at the South Pole.

He prompted an expedition in search of the polar holes to discover the Hollow Earth as can be noted here:

The Great United States Exploring Expedition of 1838-1842

TO ALL THE WORLD! I declare that the earth is hollow and habitable within; containing a number of solid concentric spheres, one within the other, and that it is open at the poles twelve or sixteen degrees. I pledge my life in support of this truth, and am ready to explore the hollow, if the world will support and aid me in the undertaking. I ask one hundred brave companions, well equipped, to start from Siberia, in the fall season, with reindeer and sleighs, on the ice of the frozen sea; I engage we find a warm and rich land, stocked with thrifty vegetables and animals, if not men, on reaching one degree northward of latitude 82; we will return in the succeeding spring.

Russian documentation of The Great United States Exploring Expedition of 1838-1842

This quote was found in the best current account available online, but only in Russian for some reason. Apparently this very important chapter in US Scientific History and that of Exploration has been CENSORED by the Illuminati establishment running Science. For more about this, see my thread on the Luciferian Science Conspiracy in my signature link. Fortunately Google Chrome browser can automatically translate this Russian Wikipedia webpage which only exists in the cyrillic alphabet - I highly encourage you to read it using its translation feature, unless you speak Russian.

However, he was not the very first person to entertain such ideas, and if he spoke French one might think that he could have stumbled upon a book by Henri Gautier.

Wikipedia page in French about Henri Gautier

Henri Gautier was an engineer under King Louis XIV and he wrote among many technological studies and scientific treaties, a book in 1721 titled Nouvelles conjectures sur le globe de la terre, which in English translates into New Conjectures on the Globe of the Earth. In this book he is quoted as saying (translated):

"…in examining the internal parts of the globe, it is not possible to doubt, but it is a composition of several beds of slime arranged upon each other by the waters of rivers, and consisting of the substances which they contain, and which these rivers carry off from the rising grounds, in order to deposit them on their banks, or in the bottom of the sea, to which they run; that the globe of the earth was originally formed of a flat crust, composed of these depositions; that this crust being very thin (only two thousand three hundred and eighty fathoms thick) includes a very subtle air, is supported by the weight of a double atmosphere which surrounds it; that this equilibrium having ceased at the time of the deluge, the crust was broken and scattered; that its wrecks floated in the sea as clouds do in the air, and were heaped on each other, and in certain parts so accumulated as to form certain prominences; that our mountains proceeded from this; that by this subtraction from the crust of the earth, of the prices by which the mountains were then formed, there remained vacuities in this crust two or three hundred leagues in diameter; that it is by means of these apertures that the seas of both surfaces of the crust, at present communicate with each other, that these seas enter by the poles into the cavity of the globe, and turning round this cavity in a spiral line, they come out between the tropics, and causes the flux and reflux of the sea, which are some sensible in one part than another, according to the position and largeness of the passages through which these seas enter or come out."

Click here for Source

We can note some interesting parallels between the DNA donor and the DNA recipient in this specific case of human Cloning. Also it is important to retain a modicum of suspicion when dealing with a Clone, as one can be capable of any inhumane act of violence without guilt, regret or repentance, and can even be demon possessed and quite malevolent and sadistic. Of course there is always the possibility that a Clone acquired a Soul, but this must first be validated before proceeding with caution.


edit on 20-12-2012 by Getsmart because: they are even Cloning Truthseekers !

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 01:31 AM
Re: David Icke as a Clone of John Cleeve Symmes Jr. ... It strikes me as more likely that David Icke is the reincarnation of John Cleeve Symmes Jr. What would the Illuminati have to gain from cloning such a person? David Icke has only been a thorn in their side, from what I can tell. My intuition tells me that John Cleeve Symmes Jr. just came back in as David Icke. Feel free to disagree, of course.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 01:36 AM
Good work guys. I don't have anything to add, just want to let you know I'm following the thread. I don't know about everyone you posted, but I definitely believe in some clones, like the Obamas.

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by CudiTheKid

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Cudi The Kid, most folks might believe in some Clones but last of all that their own Potus might be a Clone, so you're way ahead of the game!

Originally posted by someotherguy

Re: David Icke as a Clone of John Cleeve Symmes Jr. ... It strikes me as more likely that David Icke is the reincarnation of John Cleeve Symmes Jr. What would the Illuminati have to gain from cloning such a person? David Icke has only been a thorn in their side, from what I can tell. My intuition tells me that John Cleeve Symmes Jr. just came back in as David Icke. Feel free to disagree, of course.

Hi Someotherguy,

As usual I value your many contributions to this thread, yet I do have a question which remains unanswered. It is that - from the point of view of my possible misunderstanding or misconception - people's souls if they reincarnate don't necessarily reincarnate into an IDENTICAL BODY. Hence some people who are in one life a man and in another a woman are hardly be confused as being a to be Cloned. So unless there is some new information about reincarnations, one reincarnates in any compatible body and family with one's next life destiny? Thus one would probably NOT have an identical body to one's earlier one...

Therefore I don't really see why or how this 19th Century Gentleman would have waited 150 years to reincarnate in an identical body to pursue quite similar goals? If not then it would be a forgone conclusion to assume that he is a Mind Controlled establishment Clone who possibly reconnected with his original DNA. His Clone Handlers might have originally thought that he would be easily manageable only to find that he wouldn't tow the line and keep the mainstream Sports Legend Agenda moving along as if all were well? He has hence recycled himself on Autopilot as a self-designated Conspiracy Theorist who is outing every hidden fact about the world, including possibly the Hollow Earth? Given his quasi identical physique, I tend to believe that he was Cloned.


posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

It is that - from the point of view of my possible misunderstanding or misconception - people's souls if they reincarnate don't necessarily reincarnate into an IDENTICAL BODY. Hence some people who are in one life a man and in another a woman are hardly be confused as being a to be Cloned. So unless there is some new information about reincarnations, one reincarnates in any compatible body and family with one's next life destiny? Thus one would probably NOT have an identical body to one's earlier one...

Well, as I have stated a bunch of times, I do look very much like the grand-daughter of someone I was in the past. I am not sure if I was that grand-daughter... that has yet to be determined from my end. So, yes, I think that a soul imprints the flesh w/ a certain look.

Therefore I don't really see why or how this 19th Century Gentleman would have waited 150 years to reincarnate in an identical body to pursue quite similar goals?

Why does the span of time on this planet matter to a soul who is not of this space-time continuum? I reincarnated after only 4 yrs this last time, which is very unusual. Maybe the soul that is David Icke had a life between the Symmes & the Icke incarnation, & maybe not. When you are outside of this time-space reality, you can come back in at any point you want (or when it is necessary). It's not like you are "waiting," b/c you're not experiencing time in the same way as people here do. 100 yrs down here could go by in a blink of the eye there.

If not then it would be a forgone conclusion to assume that he is a Mind Controlled establishment Clone who possibly reconnected with his original DNA.

David Icke is definitely connected to upstairs. I have gotten some of the same information independently that he has from my sources/psychic ability. So, he definitely has a soul. And the fact that Symmes & Icke are so similar in their beliefs & interests makes me think it is the same soul. So, did the clone conspirators put the soul that was in Symmes into the clone of his body to re-create Symmes as David Icke, knowing that he might cause trouble for them? I don't see it... I don't see how it furthers the agenda of the dark side.

He has hence recycled himself on Autopilot as a self-designated Conspiracy Theorist who is outing every hidden fact about the world, including possibly the Hollow Earth?

IMO, he has come back in to expose such things b/c he is part of God's Army.

Given his quasi identical physique, I tend to believe that he was Cloned.

Quasi-identical physique... well, you could say that about me & a previous incarnation, so that is not *proof* of cloning. I agree that similar looks are *evidence* of cloning, but not *proof.* Identical twins are not clones of each other, for ex.

But you could be right... what do I know? lol

At any rate, I think you are the best researcher I've ever come across in my personal or professional life. You are a genius, Getsmart!

edit on 21-12-2012 by someotherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 12:59 PM
This has to be the most ridiculous thread I've ever seen on the internet. At least provide some kind of proof other than just saying "This person looks like this person. Must be a clone."

posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by MadhatterTheGreat
This has to be the most ridiculous thread I've ever seen on the internet. At least provide some kind of proof other than just saying "This person looks like this person. Must be a clone."

It really isn't my duty to convince you of anything or to prove anything to you. If you find the evidence insufficient you are free to undertake legal procedures to obtain DNA samples from each individual and to pay independent laboratories to run blind tests on them as well as another group of samples from random sources for comparison.

At least you're having a good laugh at our expense, what are you complaining about? Happy Holidays to you too.


posted on Dec, 21 2012 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by MadhatterTheGreat
This has to be the most ridiculous thread I've ever seen on the internet.

Really? I find that hard to believe. Cloning is a very simple process, proven even by mainstream science. When you compare this thread with threads on aliens, secret technology like anti-gravitic craft, 2012, hollow Earth, the moon as a mothership, religion, all the new age threads etc., this conspiracy of clones is a very straightforward, scientifically plausible idea, much moreso than the aforementioned conspiracies.
edit on 21-12-2012 by CudiTheKid because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2012 @ 11:29 PM
In this Political Clones thread we've noted earlier on the relatively high recurrence of Satanists and Pedophiles among Cloned Leaders. And once again this seems to be the case with another Cloned Politician, who is apparently one who is reported to engage in such criminal acts. Here is the blurb in question:

Jerry Brown wants to Preserve Young Boys for his Pederast Backers

Jerry Brown Cloned from Benjamin Davis Wilson

Former California Governor Jerry Brown who succeeded Ronald Reagan in that office has returned again to re-become Governor of California. Unless, this time, he is a 'second edition' replacement Clone? Benjamin Davis Wilson was perhaps the most influential Politician in the history of California, and certainly one of the most popular having been called Don Benito for his good will and kind disposition towards California's Native American Indians.

Wikipedia page for Benjamin Davis Wilson

We can note that there is also an uncanny resemblance between their respective wives, making it probable that Jerry Brown's wife Ann Gust was Cloned from Benjamin Davis Wilson's wife Margaret Hereford Wilson.


edit on 22-12-2012 by Getsmart because: many of these Clones are Pedophiles and Satanists...

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:33 AM
Regarding the Clone Conspiracy, who is behind it, who is doing the Cloning, and what entities or souls are inhabiting the Clones, here is an interesting hypothesis. It is that maybe certain Humans were Cloned in order to be hosts for Aliens? In this case, possibly the Pyramids may have served as energy collecting Cloning Facilities and as vessels in which to recover souls from distant Constellations for injection into Cloned Host Avatar bodies? The shafts in the Giza Great Pyramid and others happen to be aligned with the Constellations of Sirius and Orion. Atop one Pyramid are located 72 Bell-Shaped structure known as Stupas also called "wombs of transformation" possibly used for "soul downloads"?

Minute 19:00 Human bodies in an array of bell containers atop Indonesian Pyramid

There might in fact be some clues in the Pyramids found worldwide as to Cloned Origins of Humanity? In any case the Cloning is still going on as we speak. Interestingly it is said in this documentary that in Latin America there were "transformational Chambers" inside the Pyramids in which rituals would be performed and where individuals would enter and then would come out "Transformed" after being contacted by the Gods. We can assume that these were locations for Soul Transfers in which ALIENS were injected into Host Bodies, possibly the bodies of previously Cloned Individuals?

Russian Premier Medvedev recently told a journalist about there being so many Aliens among us at this time that their number cannot be revealed as to avoid mass panic. So MANY Aliens are here but we cannot detect them??? How can that be, unless they take on a Human Form? I had posted this video on ATS earlier, showing Medvedev making this statement, unfortunately it has since been removed from YouTube - I wonder why... I managed to find it elsewhere, and encourage you to download it as it may not subsist online forever.


edit on 27-12-2012 by Getsmart because: Aliens have Cloned Human Stealth Avatar Hosts to Invisibly Invade Earth !

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 09:59 AM
Hi Getsmart
I joined ats to get in on this dialogue. Your research in this topic is necessary because the powers that be have been doing this from the start. Stichin and the dogon tribe are archeological proof we humans are hybrids. We are a slave race but like all slaves our breeding can not be controlled enough to ugenically eradicate unwanted specimens. I also considered the fact that it could be a ploy in the mind control set up to make the clones think they have souls. They tell them hey your reincarnated to do blah blah... Be the satanic rulers of the world. Therefore causing a rift in the human super conscious. I have been trying to figure this one thing out. How do these clones have children or are their children cloned? And if so wouldn't that be enough proof to expose them and even free the clone slaves too. I had a close relationship with al gores son.when we met I was younger but he seemed to have a very good soul. He became my mentor and would help and encourage me to achieve whatever I wanted.
I am sure he had a soul because we have kin spirits and I never met one before him. I also recently came to the conclusion that he could be mk operative. He was formerly open minded and liberal but he rejoined the corporate rat race. And now he is back in it. if he were a clone why would he have gone rogue and then reconstitute himself?
Do clones show signs of gaining spirit by being around humans? I also think that if the clones knew they were slaves they would wake up too because even a shallow ego doesn't want to be dispossed of by their enemy. So maybe the cloning is just another way for tptb to make false promises to harvest souls. Also do you think it ties in to Scientology... I live in Cali and they have a lot of money and patrons. They are housed up all over Hollywood which is ridiculously expensive. And this story reminds me of Zenu putting souls in volcanos aka pyramids from his captured battles.

posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by Jlofurf

Your research in this topic is necessary because the powers that be have been doing this from the start. Stichin and the dogon tribe are archeological proof we humans are hybrids. We are a slave race but like all slaves our breeding can not be controlled enough to ugenically eradicate unwanted specimens.

Hi Jlofurf,

Thanks for your interest and for joining ATS to help elucidate the mystery behind the Clone Conspiracy !

We are indeed in a situation which defies any common logic aligned with the "normal" reality we are weened on. What belies this Conspiracy is something which goes way beyond Cloning or usurping the identity of our forefathers. It has, as you appropriately mention, more to do with the "Final Solution" which was simply Hitler's formula to describe what the Ruling Elite have been doing for eons, seeking to genetically improve the Human Cattle they are farming!

Originally posted by Jlofurf

I also considered the fact that it could be a ploy in the mind control set up to make the clones think they have souls. They tell them hey your reincarnated to do blah blah... Be the satanic rulers of the world. Therefore causing a rift in the human super conscious.

Anything is possible in terms of the Mind Control programming which Clones can be subjected to. After all, they created them and have them at their entire disposal from day one in the laboratory. And if they are human womb carried Clones, they can have their "non Biological" pseudo-parents bring them into the lab for programming at will. It is very plausible that at some levels Clones are conscious of "not being normal" and of being in certain ways different from others they meet. So we can expect that this incidence is taken into account by their programmers, telling them that they are 'special' or better, or maybe even brought here by some mystical phenomenon to bring some significant contribution to the world. They might also tell them under hypnosis that they are the Reincarnation of their DNA donor who has been resuscitated for some important reason - fill in the dots as you wish during their programming - lol.

Originally posted by Jlofurf

I have been trying to figure this one thing out. How do these clones have children or are their children cloned? And if so wouldn't that be enough proof to expose them and even free the clone slaves too.

Jlofurf, I can see you've been confronted with this problem set for some time and have given it a lot of thought. Of course, how can Clones have children? We have been told by Sci-Fi sources that Clones cannot reproduce. Yet a Clone is simply a Twin of another fertile human being, and hence is perfectly capable of reproducing. Clones would only be sterile if designed in that way through some form of genetic modifications. However, maybe some sorts of accelerated Cloning or hybridization come at the cost of infertility, causing the subjects to lose all reproductive capability? Also maybe certain hybrids are not reproductively compatible with humans, and are hence thought to be sterile?

Apparently, some Clones are able to have naturally born children. Even if some of them are "given" Cloned children who have the DNA from other sourced genitors. This is the case fo the Cloned Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush. Their own kids are clearly Clones of former First Ladies. Hence they were not created by the DNA combination of their "official" presidential parents.

Originally posted by Jlofurf

I had a close relationship with al gores son.when we met I was younger but he seemed to have a very good soul. He became my mentor and would help and encourage me to achieve whatever I wanted.
I am sure he had a soul because we have kin spirits and I never met one before him. I also recently came to the conclusion that he could be mk operative. He was formerly open minded and liberal but he rejoined the corporate rat race. And now he is back in it. if he were a clone why would he have gone rogue and then reconstitute himself?

You touch upon the important issue of whether or not Clone have a Soul, and if not whether they can Get a Soul? This issue is further complicated by 2nd Generation Clones, children who were biologically procreated by one or two Clones. In the case of your friend and mentor, the latter seems to be the case as both of his parents were Clones.

You attest that he does have a Soul, and this doesn't seem to be either impossible or even an issue, given that even if one's parents are Clones, the fact that your own body was created by the natural combination of two healthy albeit Cloned individuals, which means that unless their genetic material was damaged during their Cloning process, they are intact and capable of procreating just like their original DNA donor was. Hence your friend would not be a Clone but rather an indirectly "Genetically Engineered" human.


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