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The Clone Conspiracy: Royal and Presidential Clones

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posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 12:33 PM
Thanks Someotherguy! But in all fairness, I think that the Japanese are presenting this sort of allegedly advanced "PROTOTYPE" to help convince the population at large that this is the best that can be done. Hogwash! For all we know the very journalists reporting on the story are themselves Robotoids?

Here is a very interesting analysis where the researcher notes that it is quite possible that Cloning and using Androids as Politicians or Rulers might go as far back as before the beginning of our recorded history. He even suggests that Humans as a species might be a relegate of an earlier abandoned Android created by Aliens as a compliant labor force on Earth!


edit on 14-4-2012 by Getsmart because: the Clones and Synthetic Androids have been CONTROLLING HUMAN SOCIETY for Eons!

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
I think that the Japanese are presenting this sort of allegedly advanced "PROTOTYPE" to help convince the population at large that this is the best that can be done. Hogwash!

Oh, I know. Dr. Peter Beter was talking about very advanced robotoids & synthetics back in the late '70's. He said that Carter, Kissinger, Ford, among others, were replaced. He even tells some humorous stories, such as when the Carter-bot's programming broke down & he was afraid of the "killer swamp rabbit." Apparently, there was also an incident of dueling doubles when one Carter was switched out for another - boy, was there egg on TPTB's face when "Carter" said the wrong thing at some arms treaty negotiations.

Anyway, Dr. Beter starts discussing the doubles in Audio Letter 45: LINK

The new thing seems to be some sort of holographic projection w/ a downloaded mind.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:24 PM
Yes, Someotherguy, it certainly seems as though the technology has evolved since we were first engineered?

This means that Genetic Engineering has been performed on humans ever since before our known history. If all of mankind was genetically CLONED by using genetic engineering, then this makes it quite likely that CLONES have been around for a very long time. We would all be descendants of Clones!

What is troublesome is that Alien intervention has happened for thousands of years of recorded events. This means that those who may have cloned us might have been here, alongside humanity for ages. What would prevent them from creating NEW CLONES? Also, the Royal Families which consider that their bloodlines have more ALIEN GENETICS, whom they call GODS in order to rule by DIVINE RIGHT, may well have gained knowledge of CLONING TECHNOLOGY long, long ago?


posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 12:22 PM
I asked one of my friends/sources about that video, what his take was on it. I've re-posted it below. FWIW

"Concerning the video. There are alot of mistakes. In the sumerian tablets, it says 'let us TAKE man, and make him in OUR image.' Man was already here, and they grabbed a few humans , and tried to create a brain dead slave that would work for them without rebellion. They shunted the DNA strands to keep them down. This is where the JEWS came from, starting with the Sumerians, then the Akkadians, then the Hebrews. Modern science agrees that the " sumerians " came from out of nowhere, as if they suddenly appeared on Earth. They were " created " by the aliens who came to earth for a reason.

The human race is alot older than 200,000 years in this universe and here on Earth. The human being in a pure form is a being of knowledge and light. Here on planet earth everything is a genetic mess, like a cosmic train wreck."

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:03 PM
From a friend...

"Today's French election is between a clone of Ivan the Terrible who was coached by the CIA and Mossad, against a clone of Napoleon's brother Louis who was King of Holland for a brief period. That one would have as Prime Minister the clone of Catherine of Medicis, whom I nickname 'Josefa' given her KGB/FSB handlers and similar temperament to Stalin."

posted on May, 4 2012 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by someotherguy

Hi Someotherguy,

It looks like the Bonaparte Clone will be chosen to rule while the Czar's Clone will retire to lucrative corporate activities? His own father was cloned from Napoleon's father, so we're really in good Clone Company. The future new French President's former wife was the last Presidential Candidate of the same Socialist Party, and was herself Cloned from a former Czarina. He became the Socialist Party's Candidate replacing the front runner Dominique Strauss-Kahn who is better known for sodomizing chamber maids in New York Hotels. He was Cloned from the Philsopher Immanuel Kant. LOL. The most likely choice for Prime Minister is a Clone of the former Queen of France from a Black Nobility Banking Family, Catherine of Medicis. Worry not, there will be other Clones to fill various Ministerial positions and steer France's Justice, Interior, Foreign Affairs, Education, Defense and the rest of government in alignment with the ALIENS who are Cloning our Leaders ! ! !


posted on May, 20 2012 @ 01:06 PM
Putin clones or doubles...

It’s no surprise that Russian president Mr. Putin, will not go near the Camp David cloning facility for the G8 meeting... there have been the Russian/American cloning wars going on for several decades… they don’t want the Americans to do a switcheroo…. by changing or reprogramming the existing version of Putin….


edit on 20-5-2012 by someotherguy because: "the world is governed by an army of clones"

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by someotherguy


Hi Someotherguy,

You will find that more people will be willing to consider that Putin is a Clone because it is Russia. Far fewer will consider that Obama is a Clone, even though he has no certificate of live birth. Maybe because it would have to be a certificate of manufacture?

I the article you linked to, I found that you did use the most pertinent element cited in your reason for editing your last post:

"The fact remains… the world is governed by an army of clones and drones….. in fact, and this should have you jumping out of your pants…. the Russians are preparing to do a joint exercise WITH DRONES…. at Denver International Airport…. me thinks something big and weird is going on…. I wish more of you could figure these things out, and share what you’ve learned…"

They come across in the above video as citizens operating under the illusion that we live in democratic nations with real people gifted with human conscience who are put into political office to respect an oath and rule in the interest of the population. Their political analysis of the Cloning situation is therefore limited to immediate conclusions based on the evidence that Putin has been swapped out several times. It is limited to a notion that some power seeks to hijack their nation's government. However the situation is far broader in scope, it affects most nations in the world and the number of Clones put into place for a very long time is mind boggling. They have to wake up to the fact that the Rabbit Hole goes way way deeper than they imagine.

For purposes of personal implication I shall not contact them directly, but invite less involved members to send them a link to this thread. But be cautious to do so from some safe email. The video asks for info to be sent to the following address:

[email protected]


edit on 20-5-2012 by Getsmart because: Cloning Presidents is a GLOBAL PHENOMENON !

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 05:44 PM
Baracks Obomber is not human...

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by someotherguy

Hi Someotherguy,

Thanks for that 'fun' link which would be quite a laugh if we were not governed by persons unknown pulling at the strings of the puppet.

Here's another link, one which considers that on Planet Earth there might be only 50 million souls incarnated, with the residual of humans being soulless clones or drones? Bizarre, but I find that this uncanny theory has its place in this thread where we must contemplate every possibility before letting them hit the dust bin.

How Can One Tell A Human Clone From A Souled Human?

Creator Source created humans and gave each one a fragment of Himself, a spark of Light, for Creator Source is pure Light energy. This fragment or spark is the soul or God Spirit within each human being. It is the real you that is sheltered and given physical expression via the 3D human body. We, our God Spirit within, wear our human body as a suit of clothes or a uniform, and leave it when we move on in physical death to other dimensions.

Human clones are made by other humans from the DNA of a single cell, where a replica of the physical body is reproduced. That clone is only physical and has no soul, therefore, it has no God-connection. Clones can mate and reproduce clone children. A clone and a souled-human can mate and, again, only reproduce clone children.
Humans have no means to create a soul in another human clone, therefore, human clones have no soul and no concept of right and wrong, no conscience and no compassion. They have survival instinct and are greatly concerned about their own death, but not the welfare and death of others.

This explains why so many people today have no values, no morals, no ethics and are prone to violence. Clones make great soldiers, policemen and policewoman and other law enforcement people, attorneys, judges, doctors, teachers, preachers, priests, etc. They are more easily programmed through our mind-control type education and military training than are souled-humans with a freewill. Clones have no freewill, only a sense of survival, and will act accordingly through conditioned behavior.

He goes on to speak about the practice of human cloning having gone on since the days of Noah! Now that's a heck of a lot longer than anything I would have ventured, but I guess they have information I don't have. In any case they do make a good case for discerning who are the clones among the "people" you encounter. And if they are right, then we are actually today living in a CLONE RIDDEN society. Are the Clones behind the UN's Agenda 21, and wanting to exterminate the remaining minority of Souled Human Beings?


posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:20 PM

human clones have no soul

That is why I was saying I didn't think Uma Thurman was a clone. She glows on camera, thus has a soul. She must be of the Light if she glows.

That being said, I do think a soul could choose to inhabit a cloned body. A being of the Light would probably not choose to live in the clone of a really dark person because the resonance would be off. A demonic entity might be really happy in there. Who knows?

Anyway, the quote above sounds like what was in Matthew's Messages. Here are some links to his clone info.

A soulless clone cannot receive light but intellectually can respond to the influence of those around him who can; consequently, high beings are directing an abundance of light to the people who can exert the greatest pressure on presidential decisions. Absolutely your prayers directed to the cloned president are effective in that same way because the energy streamers you are sending out carry that intention. Yes, George W. Bush is alive and out of sight of the public, but not out of range for the effects of light being beamed to him if he wishes to accept it.

25. The body has its own life force, so soulless clones are every bit as physically alive as any incarnated soul. What clones lack are the properties of a soul—emotions, especially the capacity to give and receive love; conscience, the sense of right and wrong; moral integrity and honor; intuition; and of course, the awareness of a godself. Clones without souls function totally within whatever measure of intellect and personality was downloaded from the person or a predecessor clone and by behaving in accordance with what they observe around them. Therefore, depending upon what was inherited from the cloned person and the environment in which it lives, a soulless clone may behave in a pleasant, helpful fashion. Clones may be, but not necessarily are produced by any civilization with the technological knowledge to do so.

26. A soul may choose to enter a clone. However, since the only adult human clones on Earth at this point are of maximally powerful people who want to insure that in the event of their death, their control continues over the unaware public, few souls choose to inhabit these cloned bodies. Those who choose to do so come from the highest light, and they enter for the purpose of turning a darkly inclined person into the light. Sometimes this is successful and other times it is not; when it is not, it’s because the darkness is so inculcated in the person’s character that even with the strong will of the lighted soul, it becomes trapped in that density.

Aug. 22, 2004

Yes, the President Bush seen publicly is a clone. It was only when he became governor of Texas that it occurred to the powers that be to have him cloned. By that time, alcohol had seriously compromised his physical and mental status, so the first clone could only be a poor specimen. Because the art and science of human—or even animal—cloning is far from perfected on Earth, there is deterioration with each successive clone, so a replacement cannot be in much better condition than the predecessor. And since the brain’s storage unit cannot be downloaded into a physically-ready clone until a new one is required, because all knowledge to that date must be included, by now there is little chance that Bush’s mental condition will improve.

S: Does the clone have a soul?


S: Maybe that’s causing or at least adding to his behavior?

6. MATTHEW: It may be contributing to his stated belief that he has been anointed by God to do what he’s doing, but basically it is the personality that is quite authentically reproduced in clones that you are witnessing. It will be surprising if his controllers can be patient much longer with his erratic behavior and diminishing effectiveness in carrying out their orders, but regardless of their concerns, this will not be publicly apparent.

August 9, 2004

GW Bush clone was removed from office according to the agreed-upon plan, but the adversarial faction hadn’t expected the sudden betrayal by the Bush faction, which put in a “new, improved” clone simultaneously with removing some of the individuals who were acting on behalf of Vice President Cheney. Nevertheless, the outcome was that a succession of Bush clones held the office that Cheney clones actually ruled.

May 19, 2010

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by someotherguy

human clones have no soul

That is why I was saying I didn't think Uma Thurman was a clone. She glows on camera, thus has a soul. She must be of the Light if she glows.

That being said, I do think a soul could choose to inhabit a cloned body. A being of the Light would probably not choose to live in the clone of a really dark person because the resonance would be off. A demonic entity might be really happy in there. Who knows?

Anyway, the quote above sounds like what was in Matthew's Messages. Here are some links to his clone info.

A soulless clone cannot receive light but intellectually can respond to the influence of those around him who can; consequently, high beings are directing an abundance of light to the people who can exert the greatest pressure on presidential decisions. Absolutely your prayers directed to the cloned president are effective in that same way because the energy streamers you are sending out carry that intention. Yes, George W. Bush is alive and out of sight of the public, but not out of range for the effects of light being beamed to him if he wishes to accept it.

25. The body has its own life force, so soulless clones are every bit as physically alive as any incarnated soul. What clones lack are the properties of a soul—emotions, especially the capacity to give and receive love; conscience, the sense of right and wrong; moral integrity and honor; intuition; and of course, the awareness of a godself. Clones without souls function totally within whatever measure of intellect and personality was downloaded from the person or a predecessor clone and by behaving in accordance with what they observe around them. Therefore, depending upon what was inherited from the cloned person and the environment in which it lives, a soulless clone may behave in a pleasant, helpful fashion. Clones may be, but not necessarily are produced by any civilization with the technological knowledge to do so.

26. A soul may choose to enter a clone. However, since the only adult human clones on Earth at this point are of maximally powerful people who want to insure that in the event of their death, their control continues over the unaware public, few souls choose to inhabit these cloned bodies. Those who choose to do so come from the highest light, and they enter for the purpose of turning a darkly inclined person into the light. Sometimes this is successful and other times it is not; when it is not, it’s because the darkness is so inculcated in the person’s character that even with the strong will of the lighted soul, it becomes trapped in that density.

Aug. 22, 2004

Yes, the President Bush seen publicly is a clone. It was only when he became governor of Texas that it occurred to the powers that be to have him cloned. By that time, alcohol had seriously compromised his physical and mental status, so the first clone could only be a poor specimen. Because the art and science of human—or even animal—cloning is far from perfected on Earth, there is deterioration with each successive clone, so a replacement cannot be in much better condition than the predecessor. And since the brain’s storage unit cannot be downloaded into a physically-ready clone until a new one is required, because all knowledge to that date must be included, by now there is little chance that Bush’s mental condition will improve.

S: Does the clone have a soul?


S: Maybe that’s causing or at least adding to his behavior?

6. MATTHEW: It may be contributing to his stated belief that he has been anointed by God to do what he’s doing, but basically it is the personality that is quite authentically reproduced in clones that you are witnessing. It will be surprising if his controllers can be patient much longer with his erratic behavior and diminishing effectiveness in carrying out their orders, but regardless of their concerns, this will not be publicly apparent.

August 9, 2004

GW Bush clone was removed from office according to the agreed-upon plan, but the adversarial faction hadn’t expected the sudden betrayal by the Bush faction, which put in a “new, improved” clone simultaneously with removing some of the individuals who were acting on behalf of Vice President Cheney. Nevertheless, the outcome was that a succession of Bush clones held the office that Cheney clones actually ruled.

May 19, 2010

"Never Let Me Go" and "Moon" are both good arguments clones having souls... now, I know they're just movies, but hey, they're great movies and this is all pretty speculative anyway, so why not throw that out there?
If you haven't seen them, do!

posted on Jun, 1 2012 @ 03:22 PM
Sorry if this was already mentioned... losing track lol

Prince Charles cloned from Vlad the Impaler? They are admitting they're related...

Prince Charles Related To Vlad The Impaler?

Is Prince Charles related to 'Dracula'? –

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 01:14 AM
Clones at Dulce...

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 02:35 AM
Just stumbled onto this tread for the first time.....I don't know if I can get through all the pages....has anyone come up with information on O and his wife yet? I personally think his clones were already out during the compaign....things were always off with him.

Also, the thought about the souls...have been thinking about this lately....I too believe we ran out of souls...their are just too many souless people running around...the would feels..cold and evil...I don't remember it being so empty and depressing when I was is increasing....I wonder if the sould that are left are being destroyed, because I always felt souls came back again and again.

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by timetothink
has anyone come up with information on O and his wife yet? I personally think his clones were already out during the compaign....things were always off with him.

Freeman Fly > Barackhenaton

Obama Cloned of Egyptian Pharaoh

What are the odds that a woman that looks exactly like the mother of Akhenaten would marry a man who looks exactly like Akhenaten and have two children that look exactly like the offspring of Akhenaten and Nefertiti?

posted on Jun, 4 2012 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by someotherguy

thank you so much!

posted on Oct, 10 2012 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Here is an interesting thread implying that these Scanners may have something to do with a forthcoming massive Alien Invasion from this Stargate:

Airport Scanners = Alien Detectors

Given the CLONE CONSPIRACY these should be immediately installed in official government offices and all meeting and workplaces of our Political Leaders, Military Brass, Intelligence Agencies, Media Groups, etc.

James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive

Amongst the most dangerous reptilians on earth now is the Chimera, or shapeshifter, who walks amongst us and appears as a man. More and more Chimeras are presently embedded in the human population. Many of the underground bases in the U.K. and U.S. have DNA scanners located at the topside exits that are guarded by armed personnel. These alarms are triggered on these scanners if an alien or enhanced clone in human form attempts to leave the facility without permission.

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 12:54 AM
This entire conversation is ridiculous, and, useless.

I cannot get passed the fact that we don't know, and because we don't know, the most we can do is speculate; but the speculation is bound to be highly specious, and arbitrary, and probably nowhere near the actual fact.

Learn to separate the imaginative creations of science fiction authors FROM REAL LIFE.

People can imagine in highly sophisticated ways without their imagination being paralleled in actual reality.

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 05:26 PM
It has been proposed that this guy has been cloned for 100 yrs... linked to Montauk.

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