posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 07:35 AM
Explanation: For example, could we at a grass roots level start trading in a non zero sum consumable that can be easily resourced by individuals but
can't be directly controlled or monopolized by TPTB?
Might a possible source of non zero sum new currency be Jokes [appeal to ones pathos]? Everybody wants to laugh and wouldn't it be ironic if Jokes
were the ultimate stumbling block that brings the NWO currencies that are currently in the pipeline to a negative value even before the 1st major
minting occurs!
Personal Disclosure: If we can collapse the NWO and undermine TPTB, then there will be no place for new tyrants to stink!
P.S Value is all about INDIVIDUAL perception. Currently I rate a handfull of bad jokes as worth far more than any amount of US$'s!
Edited broken emoticon.
[edit on 26-10-2009 by OmegaLogos]