reply to post by internos
A little bit of logic goes a long way.
We are not judges of the spirit. If their spirits are wed, then let them be wed.
We are not judges of the law. IF the law finds it okay, then let them be married in the law.
But, we are not fools when it comes to the body. Physically, their marriage is impossible. Science still has yet to figure out how to perfect that
particular kind of surgery... all the parts ain't right.
Well, maybe it's not impossible, but it is horrifying to figure out the options.
Think about it just for a moment. We have all the hilarious anti-God people claiming that we all evolved from nature and that everything is this very
natural thing. And yet, the very nature that these same anti-God people seem to want to protect is the very nature they're going against when they
attempt to create a new flower by shoving two pistils together. Yeah, sure, in the animal kingdom you see a whole lotta stuff going on. If anyone
ever uses that argument again, I'm gonna barf. I cannot relate to that.
Allow me to make it clear that I do not hate people. I simply do not agree with the things that people do.
And if you have a right to say what you can and can't do, then I have a right to say what you should and shouldn't do.
Two people of the same gender can love eachother without having a physical relationship. My friend Dave is like a brother to me. I love my wife
first, my kid next, then Dave, then the rest of my family in a certain biased order. I don't think I need to have a physical relationship with Dave
to understand him, to feel close to him, to have a connection with his spirit. Actually, I'm certain that the only thing I can't do with Dave is
have a physical relationship. That would probably tick off Kristen, my wife, as well. Could you blame her?
It is my contention that there is a lot of dishonesty going around. I do not believe in the catholic church. I do not believe they have honest
reasons for telling the priest to not go through with the blessing. However, I do believe that there are good people who are a part of the catholic
church that would stop forking over money if this became a major problem. Alas, good people DO have power... unfortunately, because the wicked are as
they are, that power is still money.