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"JESUS was born in 4-6 B.C, and crucified in 34 A.D.???

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posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by brooklyn87
according to scientist the dinosaurs died over millions of years ago, so that would make it 998,000 B.C when they became extinct?

haha, ok, now i"m going to confuse you a bit. Lets say something happened in 200 BC, to find out how long ago that was you take this year's date, 2009, and add that to the BC date, so it's like this:

2009+200=2209 years ago.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by brooklyn87

because when time was unified, christians were in charge of the world. there are asian cultures that have time in their own timeline..

and i'm not sure, but i thinik the official jewish calender is an ascending timeline.

but all of that is off of memory from school. i'm not about to do too much research on that because its an arbitrary system, made by man, and time is relative anyway.

yes, i agree it doesnt make sense...but what would christians see as the most logical point to start time? a day we cant possibly figure out (when man was first here..bc i think we'd all agree that is "year one") or when jesus was born? something that through roman records and such, we could probably get a good estimate?

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:07 AM
I had no idea the jewish calendar was like that, I never really read the bible, but it says that Adam lived 930 years so That shows me some time line but never once does the bible ever specify exactly when that was

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:08 AM
Calendars are actually Common Era (CE) and Before Common Era (BCE) now.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by Totalstranger

THANK YOU! i was right on that one...i think that about answers the when recorded time started...bc asking when time really started woudl send you down a long and dusty trail that just wouldn't be too much worth it in the end.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by brooklyn87

Just, don't use the Bible for trying to date things, you'll confuse yourself and seem a fool. In fact, I'm not sure you need concern yourself with it at all unless your inquiries are of a religious nature.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by brooklyn87

dont go believing word for word the bible..esp. when it comes to how long people lived. or the creation story...

but that could derail this topic...and i'm not wanting to attack someones belief system.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by brooklyn87


What are you doing? It's been answered already. It's not AFTER DEATH. It's some anno duh stuff that means Year of Our Lord.

And just as a side note, the year 1 BC comes just before the year 1 AD. And I have no idea how you came up with 1000 years of age.

Also, take note that there was no year 0, either BC or AD, or BCE or CE. That seems to be a great mindf*&&^&er for some folks, too. That's why the year 2000 was NOT the new millenium. It was actually the last year of the past millenium. The new millenium began just at the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2001. But that sure didn't stop folks from having great and expensive celebrations on New Years Eve 1999 to welcome in the New Millenium.

I'm sorry if I've gotten a bit off topic here, but in my mind this entire OP is one of a misunderstanding of math, especially when it comes to understanding BC and AD, etc.
Simple math can be tricky for some folks. I have a friend who was born just a few days before me. However he claims he is one year older than I am. And he claims, me, a math genius, if I do say so myself.
, am just ignorant and I am one year older than I really am. Based upon his understanding of math. Its no wonder the high school just kicked him out with a diploma because he just couldn't understand math. lol. There was no help for this guy. However, ut oh, going way off topic here, but with his lack of understanding of basic math, he is a successful building contractor.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:13 AM
I would count year one as when the actual earth was here, "In the beginning god created heavens and the earth now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the spirit of god was hovering over the waters,and god said let there be light and there was light" So I guess even in the bible, they cant define a time because like you said, time is man made,

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by brooklyn87
I am not worried what got him crucified, but if B.C goes backwards then why? that is my question, why not go forward in one long stream of time, and what date did time begin

Because this is a historical issue. They didnt call it BC/AD when it was actually happening, both those terms are something that "recent" (15 centruy AD) historians coined to mark the general date range of his birth

you ask a rather deep question, but let me try and help you understand-

It is pretty close to impossible to decide the exact time that people moved out of caves and started building cities. Archeologists are CONSTANTLY finding city sites that appear older than even the most ancient civilizations through their carbon dating methods.

the biggest problem with the "reverse BC order dating" you mention is WHERE IN TIME, would we establish year one, BC? it is FAAARRRRRR easier to use the estimated jesus birth date and work backwards from that.

you could say that Time (as observed on planet earth) began somewhere around 14 billion BC, and that would be as accurate as current scientific method would allow

The "scientists" who first coined the terms were living in a time where religion was VERY CLOSELY related to science. meaning, if you didnt believe in jesus or god, you had no career and would be killed for being a heretic

if that doesnt make sense feel free to U2U me so i can clarify my explanation

[edit on 25-10-2009 by drsmooth23]

[edit on 25-10-2009 by drsmooth23]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:19 AM
I already know What A.D. means, the real reason I was wondering the time line is because I had know idea that b.c. went backwards!! I might sound like a fool, but I am not a church goer and never really paid attention to it, but I am recently trying to figure out the reasoning behind going backwards... very strange to me

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by brooklyn87

There really isn't a reason, it just works as an effective reference point for studying history.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:31 AM
Jesus' birth is dated to BC because of errors in the calendar.

You will find an explanation of the Gregorian calendar here.


posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:35 AM
I am guessing I will always have this question, But your answers and posts help a little bit, I firmly believe in asking questions and never taking anything at face value.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by brooklyn87
I am guessing I will always have this question, But your answers and posts help a little bit, I firmly believe in asking questions and never taking anything at face value.

questions are excellent. it is the life-blood of this great site.

I wanted to double post because I had to edit my earlier post about 15 times to clarify and factcheck.
If you had your way, and could reverse "BC", where-(make that WHEN) would you propose YEAR ONE BC start?

The people that made "AD/BC" lived in 15th century Europe, and if you didnt love baby jesus durring that time your life SUCKED, haha

it is NOT POSSIBLE to know the exact date homo-hablis turned into homo-sapein, so we have to work backwards.....................

With the way you see it, Jesus would have been born around 15,234,234,345 BC. thats a mouthful as compared with 1,BC. could you imagine writing all those numbers on every check your write, or school paper you turn in? its borderline assine.

[edit on 25-10-2009 by drsmooth23]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 12:54 AM
that clarifies things a little more for me, I would count yeard one B.C. as when the earth was made, before people or dinosaurs when it wa just water and organisms

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by brooklyn87
that clarifies things a little more for me, I would count yeard one B.C. as when the earth was made, before people or dinosaurs when it wa just water and organisms

thats a good enough point as any to start time I would say, butl, time is something that MANKIND made up, meaning time as is understood by people- is something we created. time on earth is QUITE diffrent than time on mars. a minute will tick the same, but the similarities stop there.


if you study astronomy, you will find that a planets creation takes an upwards of millions of years. Would you start the clock at the EXACT point that the first two earth atoms accumulated? it is BEYOND impossible for current scientific models to tell us when this exact date is, so it is not possible to build a calendar based on earths exact start date because it is impossible to know.

you could hook-up ALL the computers on earth together andand try and find this time through programing models, but once again, an experiment is as only strong as its input data, and who on earth is to say current scientists have the numbers correct.

short from building a time machine and plotting the EXACT dates yourself, its not knowable.

that, is the only problem with reversing BC's order.

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by brooklyn87
that clarifies things a little more for me, I would count yeard one B.C. as when the earth was made, before people or dinosaurs when it wa just water and organisms

Really? Then what year would it be now? You don't know - nobody would know.

That's why we have a time marker that TPTB (the priest class at the time) chose. Once you have a time marker, it follows that you HAVE to count backwards from it to get dates before the marker. Think of it as a crossroads. West is past and East is present. To get to an event that happened 40 years before the time marker, would you travel 40 blocks west of the crossroads or 3.8 billion blocks east from the point that 'might' be zero?

If you chose the second option, I hope you're not delivering MY pizza!

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 05:06 AM

Originally posted by brooklyn87
... I would count yeard one B.C. as when the earth was made...

except that the 'common' era was when Emanuel/Jesus was born...
and all history, at least western history, runs in lines from then;

If you notice the is no '0' year,
the 1 BC date is 365 days in front of the 1 AD date,
so the baby Jesus was born on 1 AD

but to take your point further & to show the inconsistancy of our dating logic, i.e. the years going higher as we distance from 1 AD which actually is the '0', then the 'BC' should really be shown as 'CB' (as one will be consistant in reading both letters & numbers 'backwards')

or in a number sequence;


thanks, i hope i've helped

[edit on 25-10-2009 by St Udio]

posted on Oct, 25 2009 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by brooklyn87

I have a sound file on my computer by the brilliant Rick Levine that does a pretty good job of explaining this. E-mail or message me and I'll send it to you. But here's what I remember from it.

The wise guys (Zoroastrian astrologers) were watching the sky and saw a certain kind of planetary conjunction in a certain constellation which they knew in a month or two would culminate in a bright light not unlike a star. They did not see a star shining over Bethlehem because a star shines everywhere at once, of course.
So the wise guys start makin' a fuss, because this conjunction means that a great king is about to be born. A king among kings, even. So they start packing and tell king Herod, or perhaps he just heard they fuss they were making. Anyhow, he hears about this conjunction rumor and calls them over to the palace so they can explain things to him.
They take him out in the desert and show him the planets getting closer together and explain what it means to them. Specifically, Herod is told, this king of all kings will be a king of the Jews (I think the constellation in question was considered Jew-related). He sets them free and they manage to get to Bethlehem just as the conjunction happens, and as the baby is born.
A year or so later, maybe not that long, Herod decides it would be best to eliminate the kid, and makes the proclamation that all male babies under 1 were going to be slain. Presuming, foolishly, that he had nothing to worry about from the females.
This is in about 4-6 BC. The man who was tasked with inventing the calendar decided (since he worked for the pope) that the most important thing in the world was the birth of the baby Jesus. So he wanted the calendar to start from there. He decided a good place to start counting from (since they didn't have Jesus' birth certificate) was the reign of a certain king.
BUT he forgot that that same king had previously reigned for a few years under a different name. So that's why the calendar is messed up. The length of the king's first reign was 5 years or so. Plus, there were no zeroes back in those days, so there it's off by another one. Which makes the count 4-6 years off and that's where we get the idea that Jesus was born in 4-6 AD

Side note: Most cultures viewed time as circular, not linear before the Jews or so. Because time really is a circle, at least for the lifespan of us humans. Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, etc. You're born, then you die, then you're born, then you die. Water goes down the mountain, into the sky, and back down the mountain again.
However Judaism and it's precedents were all based on this "Messiah" idea. That one day in the future, all this crap will be over. Most cultures aside from this think it's the person which will eventually disappear or change form, not the whole world. "The world ends with you" kinda concept versus "The world just ends". So if there's a future date where it ends, and it began sometime, time has two ends and is therefore a line. So now we need a calendar. If time isn't going to end sometime then there's really no need for the concept of linear time at all.

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