Lets take the sentence "I am hungry". First I would like you to for just a moment, think about how many times you have said this sentence, either
aloud or in your head.
Quite a lot I would surmise. What I'm going to do, is question that particular way of thinking. Upon the "I am hungry" rests a very important
philosophical point. Hopefully this will offer you a fresh approach to viewing such a mundane thing.
Lets break that down: "I am hungry"
Well, what are YOU. If you've been alive at all in this century it would imply that me, I, myself am hungry and I need to eat... No no, lets look at
that again.
"I am hungry" What you are doing by saying this sentence in this way is you are viewing this existential experience from a particular stand point.
By saying "I am hungry" you are acknowledging that YOU are a PHYSICAL BODY. However, YOU are NOT a physical body, the physical body is merely an
instrument, a genetic space suit if you will, so that you can experience the Creation.
What YOU are, is multi-dimensional Infinity, existing simultaneously on all levels, and densities, YOU are ALL that there is, YOU are consciousness,
YOU ARE the Creator! You are the Creator experiencing and witnessing the Creation. You ARE!
Its clever what the teachers of this time period have done. They have taught us, that we are merely this physical body and that is it. However, it
does not at all explain what it is that ANIMATES the physical vehicle. Your body is ANIMATED by YOU, YOUR consciousness, YOUR SELF. And in YOUR SELF
you ARE ONE with the Creator.
What is happening with the "I am hungry" mechanism, is your physical body sends a message to your physical instrument's command center, the mind.
The physical body tells the mind that it needs sustenance in the form of food or drink. Its quite amusing how we get caught up there, in that moment,
where the physical body says to the mind, I need food or water... "I am hungry" Meaning, "I this body", needs food or water and if it doesn't
"I" will die. It is your body that is finite, your consciousness is infinite, your consciousness cannot cease, it cannot die or be exhausted; your
body can, but your consciousness cannot... But, "I will die"...
The physical instrument, vehicle, genetic space suit, whatever you call it, is not YOU. YOU are an Infinite being USING this vehicle or space suit as
an interface into the third dimensional experience much like we use an operating system as the interface between man and computer. All of that
Infinite power, YOU, is poured into the crystalline like structure called "the body", much like a snowflake, and through that, YOU animate it.
So, shifting the paradigm, lets change our perspective, from "I am hungry" to "This physical body needs sustenance" or "My body needs energy".
And in that the real magic happens, in that, you acknowledge that YOU, YOUR SELF, YOUR INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS, is NOT a physical body, but ALL that
is, shifting your perspective from the finite, to the infinite.
Knowing this, next time you hear someone say "I am hungry" you can see for yourself, just how many people identify themselves as their body, and not
infinite consciousness animating this vehicle so I can experience this gift called "life"
Hopefully I've offered a new perspective and insight on "I am hungry" which is completely interchangeable with a plethora of other sentences like
"I'm cold, I'm *insert words or configurations thereof here* " What I wanted to do is humbly challenge the perspective, the perception. And
hopefully, I've offered a fresh look on something.
Best to all of You,
Much Love,