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Those that have awakened or had flashes of "oneness" realization...

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:46 PM
[edit on 30-10-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I understand my repetitiveness in relation your past post.

You should be less analytical when contemplating, knowledge is not created it is passed on. Ask and you shall truly recieve.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I understand my repetitiveness in relation your past post.

You should be less analytical when contemplating, knowledge is not created it is passed on. Ask and you shall truly recieve.

Understood amigo. The analytical works for typing posts. Internally things are much more free flowing. I'm pretty sure I would not have gotten to know it directly if I were merely sitting around overanalyzing things. There is a correspondence between me typing on a message board, my own mental landscape and the direct experience. A:B :: B:C.

The problem seems to be bringing back knowing that has no mental framework on which to hang it. We get left with a shadow when distracted but only actually know it while not distracted. One thing I understood from it all was that it is possible to translate into scientific knowledge and there are no limits to doing so but not before certain frameworks are established. It is like building a bridge from one side of a chasm to another. As of now we swing over on a vine but we cannot carry the load back on a vine but just what we may carry, basically our own notes. No photos allowed and the books stay in the library-- "eyes only". The power available is too great for our current stage. It is good that it remains highly personal for now.

Let us say that the gods are aware of our potential to effectively become their gods. They can choose to coexist or be placed in our charge.

I'm sure that sounds insane but sometimes I get a few juicy details.

[edit on 10/30/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Yes, but there is no plural in the word 'god', there is merely a single thought. This is the message I bring.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
reply to post by EnlightenUp

Yes, but there is no plural in the word 'god', there is merely a single thought. This is the message I bring.

In a practical sense, as lesser entities that could convince a lowly human of their absoluteness, I would say a plural form is useful. The true unity is quite unassuming. It has a silent voice that sings throughout the cosmos. I feel it smile right here and now. But to attribute to it human-like qualities for greater reason than to express one's awe and understanding, or even to call it God, is to diminish it.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 06:29 AM
I really have no idea how to discern this state of oneness from others states of mind...Just trying to tell, which state of mind you might call "enlightened" and under what circumstances I, as I fear, am simply deluding myself...
Anyway I'll give it a shot...

They only extra-sensory perceptions you might call them that I can recollect is for one a tingeling sensation in my forehead which I believe to be taking note of my third eye...Last night I jumped in bed and had a hard time falling asleep so I put on some music and tried imagining various things, at some point thinking of a star like a flaming eye in front of me and sending a spike into my forehead..And thus a tingeling started like little yellow animated lines criss-crossing above my eyebrows. I have had this before under different circumstances but didn't know I could induce it by autosuggestion. I don't even know what it means.

There's another time that had me take onto a different perception of our understanding of reality or the matter of priority...I woke up one night to go to the bathroom and I waddled through the dark to put the lights on and BAM it hit me that right after dreaming just a minute ago, in which all crazy ideas and issues manifest autonomously in my mind/spirit , I was suddenly sent into *one* reality, in which everything remains steadfast and rigid..Nothing really ever changes, we have Thermodynamics and the gold as all heavy elements was created waaaay before the earth even came to existence...
And though this rigid matter might appear boring the oddity of this reality coming to be struck me. I just had this moment of stand-still and thinking "woah" before it went away because I just couldn't indulge that thought for too long. I just had this idea "how crazy is reality compared to dreaming?", given that you have *one* reality only and it's been like this since the beginning of time... change is an illusion maybe, but how come, that everything is the way it is?? Isn't that an impossibility to be faced with one particular instance of everything that might come to be manifest itself at this particular time?

The other thing I had when my grandpa helped me out with chemistry and went on to elaborate on different plants necessitating different types of soil at which point I looked outside at the grass outside and just one brief instance I had a spontaneous flash of thought putting me maybe in the shoes of aliens manipulating this world (I had been really into the whole ET issue at the time, to not much avail or advantage) looking at their craft just as I looked at a garden that has been harnessed by human craft..This just went on for half a second maybe but it really gripped me, but of course it went just as I came to realize what I was thinking...Damn consciousness! It just felt like something really voluminous opening up right above me.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I don't use the word 'God', the word 'god' would mean that person has control over that invocated being. You cannot have control over Infinity.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:27 AM
I see oneness, unity as us all being one soul, one energy, one collective. In this you and I literally each other, yet we all maintain the many in one, as different cells in our body do, despite the fact they're basically the same thing, and only a small amount of information tells us they belong to one organ or another, your cell or mine. They're actually mainly empty space, almost like a hollogram.

We are the same soul, but different unique signature vibrations. We do not have equal experiences or equal knowledge, or equal evolution, awareness. For many are enslaved and kept from awareness. As we are projections of higher selves, wherein higher self does not divide and disappear, Mother still exists. She is crying a river of sorrow over our separation for this universe seems to be asking that question. The Creator is always discovering Self as the Child of yet another Creation, so this process is very much unending, as it is truly an omniverse. As projections or functions of higher self, and Creator, we do become distinct people ourselves. Higher Selves often send out two or four apsects of self. Twin flames. If we were not our own persons, then this would be self love.

Yet this is real, and from 5D on, seeking our twin flame is a goal we have. The four, could be described as two positive, two negative even. That bothered me, but as I've been told I'm too positive by some, and my friend gets frustrated with my lack of attack when being messed with by the zeta program, this made me aware of the other me I have sometimes felt in relation to a certain group of ETs, and then I wondered if, she was a more negative me, and then I wondered if that meant this one man, probably her twin flame was really trying to mislead me into their plan. Just a hypothesis and theory but my friend said it was possible. I've had some really unusual postcards and communication and for much of it, was given a siting of crafts that were witnessed by my family too, so I don't discount them, they are real. Its just sorting out who is who that makes it harder.

But we are one, and forever many in one.

[edit on 9-11-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 01:08 PM
I no longer see things on this side of my face. It was on June 18, 2006 when in meditation in the redwoods near my home that The Great Catastrophe occured.

It was at first, fleeting and intermittent but I soon learned to ground it permanently by sinking Nondual Suchness into the Heart. All manner of action and non action occur there. The Mind is an empty theatre full of distracting pictures and images that have but one observer making no priority of the images, desires and field trips into a forgiven past and non existent future.

There is no separation between myself and what I witness for I am That which I witness and That which is witnessing.

Initially the feeling was overwhelmingly euphoric filled with tearful laughter as the realization, rememberence and recognition were always/already so obvious as to be baffling that all did not recognize this within themselves.

More would awaken if they would dismiss two key factors that are ineffectual in their process:

1) Stop searching. You are already awake. It is an insult to Spirit to search as you are distracting yourself from YOU. It is a subtle process of realization and remembering. Nothing to attain but everything to recognize.

2) Enlightenment or Awakening is not self-improvement. It is utter annihilation, destruction and collapse of the perceived self into the total, complete and unknowable Self.

An aspect that is particularly noticable about awakening to me, is that you no longer care if you comfort or offend. Both experiences are quantifiable and qualifiable to Consciousness. Your gaze falls with complete equanimity on the sacred and the profane as they are both you. The beautiful and the actrocious. The tender and the horrofic. The world of opposites collapses. The duality is forever reunited in but this moment.

I sense no time. I sense no space. Death is the only cure to life as they are both illusory. Only Conciousness is. Existence is an illusion. It is a made thing. All made things are created consciously or subconsciously with their inherent opposite. There is no escaping that duality in the make believe realm of the created.

Make no thing. You are the Uncreated. The Unknowable. The Unseen Seer.

You see but cannot be seen. You hear but cannot be heard. You feel but cannot be felt. You are, as the Source of all concepts, non conceptual. You are the Stateless State from which all states are borned and emanate.

You are always/already here and now. You are prior to time. Prior to space. Prior to life. Prior to death. You are Radical Awareness.

This body is a temporary unit of experiences. It is how Consciousness is experiencing it's Self.

The Universe is the question. Life is the answer...

Cheers and Grace,


[edit on 22/NovpmMon, 09 Nov 2009 14:10:24 -0600/08 by redwoodjedi]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Psychonaughty
reply to post by EnlightenUp

I don't use the word 'God', the word 'god' would mean that person has control over that invocated being. You cannot have control over Infinity.

Odd thing to say considering I am exerting significant infuence over it at this moment. Perhaps the word "over" is significant here? Over, Mu, within, indeed.

Save the microscopic snails!

Actually you can if you get it to notice you and in a way it always does. Well, if it's all one, we're controlling infinity, eh?

What is the deeper sin?

Sir, I said, read me your post!

It's not me talking: GOD (with a capital OD), is silent. All these Ra's, I AM's that send he unto you's and all that jazz are just stimulus packages.

Of course a lesser being would claim it is I AM just as I would. We all are. Get it? It knows the oneness and can rightfully make the claim while still being of lesser manifest caliber.

Shot down in the heart of the city. Sin city. Ain't no thing that bothers with us is the real deal. Theys just pimpin' the I AMs around seein' if they can hook ya's up.

Hail Eris!

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by redwoodjedi

Otherwise known as assimilation.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
reply to post by redwoodjedi

Otherwise known as assimilation.
Ha! That's a good one and the typical statement of fear that is unfounded. Can't say as I blame you, though. The thought of destroying your sense of self to remember Source is frightening to the ego. It would be very frightening indeed if there were no memory of Erik. But....

Sri Sri Ramana Maharshi put it best. Each sentient BEing is the I-I. The first I is the vehicle or body gathering experiences and information. The second I is the Source. We are both simultaneously.

I think that most people would be shocked to find that the identity they have most fiercely defended as their own is the identity of ALL. I enjoy the experience of irony in that. Delicious.

Cheers, Love and Grace,


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by redwoodjedi
I think that most people would be shocked to find that the identity they have most fiercely defended as their own is the identity of ALL. I enjoy the experience of irony in that. Delicious.

To put it in famous words that seem so erroneously rendered among a group a silly swordsmen:

"ALL for ONE and ONE for ALL"

Not so silly and not so swordmanship once considered as you have above.

We each have talents that are either unique to our individuality or that are shared and remain given to each of ourselves by choice of the greatest balance that we all have found.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by redwoodjedi

I'm not sure why its said in a way that would make people feel great surprise. When the reality is, and I have experienced it, the Universal Understanding, which is our connectedness, and its like a psi oneness, yet never for a moment does anyone lose their individual personhood now, or at the moment of perfection and rejoining with Creator in a more real way, which is only the beginning of new adventures. We are perpetually, many in one. And the actual experience of the Universal Understanding is Joy, Happiness and Bliss. Its the thing I miss the most here.

When I received that huge surge of energy in August, was recognizing many in source, and had an experience of exanded self, another me who could emerge from myself to go to others, like a projection. I stopped it when I became conscious of it and sought advice from my advisors. But I was aware of being so isolated. It was such a foreign unnatural experience, and I reached into the Universal Understanding and was connected to them, my cosmic Federation family and was so happy. Welcomed home too! The graduation to the next level, cosmic advancement is unity. Not nwo type either.
There is no unity in corporations and banks and control.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Number of people on Earth: more than 6 billion. Of those, number of 'sleepers': sacred knowledge. Of that 6+billion, number of those 'awakened': 12%

This is more than the previous times where only less than 10% were awakened. We tried for 15%, yet there was too much disagreement. The world is still not ready for that many to be fully awakened, or those that have yet to be awakened are not ready for the world.

Many people of the earth are mere computers. They are just emotions beings at best, yet they lack the essence of Life. Earth and these people are one large life support system. If you are fully awake, this shouldn't be so hard to understand or strange or 'far out' there. The sleepers have the essence of Life, yet are not awakened.

Some of us, are always awake, even from so-called birth. Blown out of our minds, cradle to grave, we are unborn and strive to have an ordinary life as much as possible. To be born is to be innocent (as the written bible declares), yet if someone is never truly born, then how would they ever be accepted as innocent ever again? Hence, not everybody is ready for this kind of reality and are not awakened to it.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:33 PM
There is quite a lot said about humans that I dont agree with. What I see is much different than this. I see everyone as counting very much. Everything is sentient and eternal, including our planets, stars, blades of grass, biology, and these are our teachers as well. Some of nature is enhanced, ie. are literally our watchers here and what an experience we could have as a race being aware, enlightened and able to communicate with our teachers instead of destroying our eco system and causing trauma.

More energy is arriving and more will begin to awaken. More crop circles, more harmonic sound vibrations. Humans are all cosmic in origin, but some have been entrapped a little too long in this slave system and there is a technology that was put into place here, and probably elsewhere in the cosmos that wipes memories. This would mean huge amounts of time, evolution and development has been deprived of those who are either original souls, or projections of original souls, and individual life that counts very much. Cosmically, Divine Mothers plan needs to be brought into this planet, which means freedom, and true free will restored. But it would also imply a kind of catch up would be needed, and instruction, being taught by our star families, and some real dna repairs done.

Literally, energy is matter and matter is energy. All energy is one, though each individual vibration of this, signature vibration is a person, and individual. All humans, all of nature, all energy in the omniverse is sentient and eternal.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by Unity_99]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by dzonatas

Humanity is quite amused with their gadgets.

Really they have forgotten why they placed themselves here and what exactly 'life' is about.

The transition comes soon, and I just do not see people awakening fast enough whatsoever.

There is not however a technology that makes us forget our past, that is actually natural, purposely. If you had the cheats to the video game what would be the point?

[edit on 10-11-2009 by Psychonaughty]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:07 PM
It really doesn't matter if anyone "gets it" or not. Consciousness is not taken away from or added to by other event or events as it were. The detriment therein lies with whether or not we want to remain "human" through this process of awakening.

There seems to be, at lesser levels of awareness and in my perception, an ascension type process or evolving process going on currently wherein time is almost at a creeping halt but we are speeding up. It is up to us at this point as to whether or not we continue as a species.

At absolute Subjective Awareness, it matters not what we as humans do. We can choose to evolve consciously or continue on in our current manner and potential "dis-exist" as a direct result of our choices.

Whatever choice we make, have no illusions, it must be done in a collective manner. Either consciously or unconsciously. We have a wonderful option ahead of us at this level to evolve consciously into a new species of human. Homo Sapiens Noeticus. Or, as I have perceived, we can choose destruction and demise of our species by working against ourselves in the current format of thought and existential processes.

We can opt for looking beyond our differences without losing them (i.e., art, culture, language and spiritual beliefs) by recognizing our commonalities as a foundation of growth or choose to not only see just the differences but use them as the sword to remove our brothers' and sisters' heads.

Again, existence is illusory. You will always/already BE. Freedom is choiceless. You are always/already liberated and unfettered. Recognizing that is the task if one so chooses. All Consciousness wishes is the experiences and the outcomes. It will BE no matter what existence decides and YOU ARE THAT!

Cheers, Love and Grace,


posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
Literally, energy is matter and matter is energy. All energy is one, though each individual vibration of this, signature vibration is a person, and individual. All humans, all of nature, all energy in the omniverse is sentient and eternal.
[edit on 10-11-2009 by Unity_99]

The concept of energy doesn't quite agree with the concept of Life, so they are more easily seen as separate dimensions. I know not all agree with that, as they try to say the life and energy are the same. I sense the different dimensions, and then some try to say those dimensions are vibrations, like a frequency, and I don't agree with everything being a frequency .

To say everything is a frequency shows one is still focused more in physical than what is beyond. I understand there are those that try to say everything beyond the physical is metaphysical, and so they try to void any discussion of anything that doesn't involve the physical more directly.

Instead of frequencies, waves, or vibrations, there is different view of reality, realities, universe, universes, mutiverse, metaverses, and so on that are seen more as dimensions and realms instead of just frequencies of energy. Frequencies require a sense of time. A dimensions does not require a sense of time. That freedom away from time opens the minds to an even greater awakened state.

Time is meaningless.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:22 PM
It is a universal principle and one that ple'o'sha'ns utlize in their deep space travel, along with Divine Mother and all of energy, and all beings sentient.

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