posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 12:37 AM
I dunno how to explain this really.. so.... i was hungover today, i hadnt drank in 4 months and last night i went out to a club... long story short,
i came home after crashing at a friends hosue and i couldnt do anything other then sleep... i went to sleep and had some really really vivid
dreams.... dreams with conversations dreams involving many beings and such, just odd circumstances and things happening in my dreams which i shold of
been able to realise it was a dream but i didnt.... anyway i woke up often and went back to sleep (i think) and i say I think because some times i
would wake up in my dream but i would still be dreaming like i would wake up in my bedroom but my room would be arranged diffrently and i would still
be hungover and fall back asleep... i and then i would realise it and wake up only to have things be different again.. and then when i did wake up i
was so confused that i didnt even know if i was dreaming still.. and id get that paralised feeling of fear that sumtimes happens when i does off and
get woken back up with an accelerated heart beat... this has happened before.. but what hasnt happened before was but at one part of my dream i woke
up with my laptop on me and was looking at the screen.. and i was looking at a specific point,, kinda like the edge of a button on a window message in
windows, and i just focused on it really hard and in my dream everything in my vision became really SHARP.. like i could see high detail and closer
then my normal vision.. at this point something weird happened, and it was like everything froze and sound just started filling my head, quiet at
first but it became SOOOOOOOOOOOO loud and was like no sound i ever herd in my life... it was like all these new notes that dont exist.. a bunch of
notes playing at the same time while feeling frozen in infinity.. it was really weird.
needless to say i'm going to not drink again for another long while.. and before i quit drinking 4 months ago i would never have dreams . ever..
nothing i could remember.. it was years and years and years before i quit drinking that i can remember remembering a dream.... and since i quit i
have dreams all the time now a days.. and i can remember them when i wake up...