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David Wilcock: Disclosure update, Oct 23, 2009

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posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 03:54 PM
I can't effng read anymore of this thread... got a little more than halfway through and that was enough for me.

I believe that this charlatain knows SOMEthing... but he knows something that he is using to the detriment of you all (who fall for... or even against... him anyway)

Love him, hate him, say his name....

He's found a niche, and he's not to be blamed because HE told you what he is abot. He thanks you for your money and your devotion, and that alone is his way of telling you something...

ONE that he is not in this business for Truth. Nobdy who isn't fooling themselves really is...

Two that he indeed HAS supernatural powers, and he uses them to suck his livelihood from anyone stupid enough to listen. It's not his fault that he's cunning. It's your fault for supporting it.

Perhaps there are deeper messages hidden within his "teachings". If so, I think mostly he uses these little hidden symbols and things to mock the gullible.

He sees it as an absurdity worth perpetuating, and I for one congratulate him for finding such a goldmine of ignorance...

Perhaps I'll become a doomsday/global awakening/ET disclosure prophet.

Such fun the Jokesters of the world are having with you all.

Are you laughing yet?

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 04:57 PM
Dunwichwitch, who's giving him money? Your the one who sounds like the dis info. agent. Most of the people on this site have a pretty good Bullshi_ O meter. I distrust total cynics and haters who try to tell you what and how to think. David Wilcock is entitled to give his opinions. I love most of his info. that I've seen.

Here is a video that shows some interesting things about the Blossom Goodchild prediction.

[edit on 27-10-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by Sargoth

You give him money... the gold that is far more golden than gold.

He thanks you.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 02:32 AM
can the aliens just give our gov't the finger and land already? this drama series is getting old... i believe in aliens because you have to be pretty ignorant to think earth is the only planet with life in the UNIVERSE but still.. if there's 57 aliens races and some aren't friendly neighbors and most of them are and we can befriend the good ones and win the war over the bad ones with the good one's help (ie: pleiadians, lumerians, the blue guys..) thenwhat the h-ll are we waiting for?? half-time??

it's times like these i wish i had flux capacitor, a delorian, and marty mclfy's 301 of a kind shoes.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Handerreder
The real source is from The Pleiadian Times which is a quarterly newsletter written by Barbara Marciniak, who get's her info through channeling.

In other words, she just makes things up and then claims it came from aliens, without any evidence whatsoever. You know how easy her scam is to perpetrate. She looks online, sees New Age hysteria about 2012 and then makes up a claim about it, saying the information came from aliens.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 11:35 AM
What I don't understand is why we have all these people who claim to be in contact telepathically with ET's, yet when it comes time to take a picture with one, everyone gets camera shy?

[edit on 28-10-2009 by NightVision]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 05:28 PM
That happens with every one of these predictions. All the channelers channeling ETs or another dimension always work it into their material. If you go back and look at the majority of what the channelers are putting out the last couple weeks all mention at least vaguely this David Wilcock non-sense. some of them even call David Wilcock by name and say he is certainly right. Which is funny because when it doesn't happen and it wont all their reputations are flushed bye bye. The only problem is there are suckers born every minute that fall into this what seems annual trap. Last year with Blossom Goodchild and now this year with David Wilcock.

The funny thing is I think DW was planning on doing the same thing as Blossom Goodchild but Blossom beat him to it. Because DW claims to channel ETs too So Now DW has to fall back on the whistle-blower idea which he obviously got from project camelot. It just doesn't make sense why would a black ops guy that wanted to leak something like disclosure leak it to a nobody loser like David Wilcock who hasn't done anything besides "channel" ETs (They have another name for people that hear voices in their head BTW) Rip off bunch of other people's work and scientific study and wrote a couple books about.

Seems like the black ops guy would call Oprrah Winfry and at least someone anyone that has not claimed to channel ETs. Why would they leak their info to one of the biggest idiots on the face of the planet?????

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 05:35 PM
I think alot of channeling today is just mind control, and i think its liekly someone is playing with them.

We will not get disclosure in my life. I think alot of us know this now and always have.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 05:39 PM
What does 'intuitive data' mean?

I don't mean to nitpick but this sounds like a totally made up term and I have no clue WTH it could possibly mean.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:18 PM
Cant wait to see how all the con-theorist wiggle out of this one!!! There wont be no disclosure and i might be right to say "deep down no really belives there will be either" lol

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:41 PM
Show me where DW says he channels ETs. Now who's making things up.

Historical-Mozart, have you seen this article and video? Would love to hear your opinion on them.

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Enrikez

do you or anyone you know ever use your intuition or refer to your intuition? My intuition tells me that this is what is meant by this.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 12:50 AM
I don't know why all these people assume that whoever they're channeling is that being. I've heard numerous people who have conjured demons say that they are enormous liars and often times claim to be someone else. How do you know whatever you are channeling is not in fact a demon lying and spreading false information? It makes sense....amid all this new age 2012 ascension stuff, nothing else is mentioned of Satan and his minions. Just that we are actually "gods with amnesia". I think it's extremely dangerous to think that Satan is M.I.A.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Historical-Mozart

I think David is just casting magickal spells.

If you believe it,
and it will be beneficial for you to experience it.
It shall be.

With all the infinity that there be,
anything can happen.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 06:18 AM
People such as Wilcock and others of his ilk speak with a supreme confidence. No matter their claim, they just know it to be true, without any question whatsoever. Except when it comes to disclosure predictions, then this confidence seems to fail them, they invoke equivocation and special pleading. Interesting, that.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Sargoth
Show me where DW says he channels ETs. Now who's making things up.

Historical-Mozart, have you seen this article and video? Would love to hear your opinion on them.

[edit on 28-10-2009 by Sargoth]

David Wilcock channeled the being "Ra" Thats right the god from the stargate movie, Intuitively that makes my BS meter go ding ding ding here is the video.

or search DW channel RA on youtube

As far as the links you posted its all fascinating stuff. I would love to see it all happen. I myself had a spiritual awakening that I can't quite explain that would lead me to believe there is more to life then being a mindless drone hopelessly trying to work our way out of the debt slave predicament most of us find ourselves in. That's why I even follow this type of stuff.

But it just bugs me watching a guy (DW) that just not that long ago was having psychotic episodes with a voice named Ra in his head, and that is trying to sell a bunch of books based of info stolen from other people play YOU the public.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by dallasgboy]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by DoomsdayRex
People such as Wilcock and others of his ilk speak with a supreme confidence. No matter their claim, they just know it to be true, without any question whatsoever. Except when it comes to disclosure predictions, then this confidence seems to fail them, they invoke equivocation and special pleading. Interesting, that.

Excellent point! My opinion also. You hear them talk with absolute certainty that being of love and light care about us and help us and prepare the planets vibrations for this and that, but when it come to actual D-Day event - you start to see : if, soon, final phase is at hand, you need to prepare, be prepare, very soon, in the next few month etc etc etc.

Talk to new age ppl that was around in the 70s.. they will tell you the same stuff : " we also tought it was soon".

Don't get me wrong, I believe in Ets and in spirit entity. I just sold my soul to too many prediction in the past 10 yrs that I'v broke now and only have critisism toward them.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 12:19 PM
Thanks for that Ra video. I never saw that one. I stand corrected. As far as I'm aware David was supposed to be Ra in a former incarnation, with Thoth and helped build the Great Pyramid. A little confusing.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by Sargoth]

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Sargoth
Thanks for that Ra video. I never saw that one. I stand corrected. As far as I'm aware David was supposed to be Ra in a former incarnation, with Thoth and helped build the Great Pyramid. A little confusing.

[edit on 29-10-2009 by Sargoth]

He claims to be Ra and Edgar Cayce reincarnated... Geez come on people this should be the post that ends this thread. Or at least turns this thread into "David wilcock obvious fraud."

Let me just restate all the info i have gathered (mind you I wanted this to happened 10x more then the next person)

- Info from my inside Whistle-Blower testimony (If he can play this card so can I and this info is out there on the interent) David Wilcock was a drugged out bum living in somebody's basement just a couple years ago ( and still is drugged out judging from his sunken in eyes, dark bags and unkept appearance).

- DW From being in a drug induced state became fascinated with the idea of channeling and channeled information and the attention channelers were getting on the internet (ie. Blossom Goodchild) So he starts making up and putting out his own channeled information. That he claims to be from "Ra" Let me reiterate that FROM RA... Then gos on to claim he is able to channel this information because he was RA in a former life. (Which reminds me of a certain somebody that was attempting to do the same thing but with a being named Adronis)

- After channeling "RA" DW becomes fed up with taking heat from skeptics bashing him for channeling in general. So he does a little plagiarization on other people's scientific research and puts it all together slaps a fancy name on it like hyper-dimensional physics and/or convergence claims it as his own, and writes a few books about it.

- So after making up some crap channeled from RA and cutting and pasting some half way scientific info (just like any 5th grader would do trying to trying to complete a science project the day before its due would do) he does some interviews with C2C and project camelot (Mind you project camelot and C2C will let any retard on that has a story that can fill a hour time slot) trying to sell his books.

Come on... For such a crowd of people all about waking up WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE David Wilcock makes Blossom Goodchild look like a all seeing all knowing godess.

posted on Oct, 29 2009 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by dallasgboy

He claims to be Ra and Edgar Cayce reincarnated... Geez come on people this should be the post that ends this thread. Or at least turns this thread into "David wilcock obvious fraud."

...well, that what his "higher self" told him. As well, his book about it is entitled "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?" with a question mark, once again leaving open to the reader's interpretation and somehow disavowing Wilcock from God, this could all end really bad for him.

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