posted on Oct, 24 2009 @ 08:57 AM
Originally posted by MrVertigo
For what it's worth, I don't think this is a hoax on the part of Wilcock.
He has a lot of big stuff coming up (Film, Book, TV special etc.)
That alone should tell us something...Is he trying to generate publicity for his new book/film by any chance?
The thing that bothers me is this:
Obama is being touted as the man who is pushing for disclosure.
Sorry but NO WAY IN HELL would any US prez get away with official disclosure.Why?
Because he is just the front man-The real controllers of the world do not want disclosure...imagine the effect on world economies,the panic,the
Sure the NWO love to create panic and chaos-but only as long as they control it themselves.
Letting the alien cat out of the bag would destroy their power over the masses.
The chaos and panic would lead to their downfall-and that is something that they would protect themselves from by killing off 9/10 of humanity if they
thought it necessary.
I believe that for disclosure to happen,it would need to be initiated by the aliens themselves,none of this global announcement by world leaders/white
house lawn garbage.
TPTB have no interest in disclosure-after all it would be a global consciousness altering event,which TPTB are terrified of IMO.
Its a shame,as Wilcock seems a likable kinda guy,who has some great theories.
I do hope I am wrong though,and would be more than happy to eat my words if disclosure happens as he claims it will.