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An apology for all my fellow writer.

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posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:46 PM
In my story Day 1 I dropped the F-bomb a couple of times. This was unintentional. When I write I get lost in the story. I should have reviewed it to see if it conformed to the T&C, I didn't.

I apologize to all the writers, readers and mods in this forum. It's a mistake I will not repeat.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:47 PM
No beer for you, One Year !!!!

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:52 PM
A word is just a word same as any other, words get more accepted overtime and are sometimes introduced officially.

And if your writing about a story in your head than maybe that swear word is , 1. what the character would have said , 2. the best word to describe the situation.

To me its not a big deal , but i guess t&c and if children browse the site i can see your point.

I guess what i am getting at is applaud you for your humbleness but don't let rules and regs get you down or stifle your creativeness when it flows like this.


posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Not to worry intrepid.

Everyone loses themselves in their biggest moments of passion.

No harm no foul.

Good luck in the contest.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:08 PM
oh me gets to slap the mod boy on the hand!

I understand being a writer how that goes...and it takes a real man to admit it when he goofs up.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by elevatedone

No, but you can have a Scotch if you want

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by AccessDenied
and it takes a real man to admit it when he goofs up.

How is it a "goof up" to say "[snip]?"


profanity removed

[edit on 23/10/09 by masqua]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:17 PM
In my case, apology not accepted!

For i don't believe you should have to apologize, writing should never be restricted or censored.

Although i suppose mods have to set some kind of 'example'

Nice story too by the way


posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Cadbury

Originally posted by AccessDenied
and it takes a real man to admit it when he goofs up.

How is it a "goof up" to say "#?"

Because it's against the T&C.

LiveForever8 got it. Staff should set the example.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by Cadbury

Originally posted by AccessDenied
and it takes a real man to admit it when he goofs up.

How is it a "goof up" to say "#?"

nice try.
caught up in the moment, it was an oversight i'm sure.
those of us that frequent other sites, or tend to write as we would speak..sometimes GOOF UP on ATS, forgetting the censors.
please Cadbury, don't start something.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by LiveForever8

"Word," Liverpool. "Word."

Destroy glass castles. Destroy them all.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

I'm not going to start anything, Ma'am, don't worry. This has been a peaceful protest. I understand the law and why it is in place, but I would like to raise a point against the utter senselessness of creating a language to communicate with that contains words that you're not allowed to use.

A gripe I have with the psyche of contemporary mankind, not with this board or its members particularly.

Good evening.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Ahhhh, it's so nice of you to apologize. I read it, I noticed it, wasn't offended, giggled at the audicity of the T&C violation, and moved on. If there is a board where it is not quite as bad, it is Member's short stories. So there.

No biggie.

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 04:36 PM
Just noticed this thread that was linked in someone else's thread.
I enjoyed your story, Intrepid. The "cleaned up" version is just as good. Hope to read more of your literary creations in the future.

Also, stepping up to the plate and admitting a mistake takes class. You earned my respect (fwiw).

posted on Oct, 26 2009 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Oddly enough, I did not notice the F-Bombs. Not like you were carpet bombing. I chalk it up as something that the character would say in laying out his characterization more than free-form potty mouthing from you as a poster.

But then again, I rather enjoyed the old Carlin bit of when the bad guys get the drop on the sheriff and say "We are going to # you. # you, real slow." as opposed to the original line of kill.

Just so long as the "not repeating" does not mean not writing again. Thing about creativity is, sometimes you just got to get it out. Just like sometimes it has nothing to do with passion it is all about having a cold, hard...well you know.

posted on Oct, 27 2009 @ 05:51 AM
For heavens sake - there are no bad or good words regardless of rules, laws and censorship. I can not believe you were made to apologize.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:47 AM
Sometimes a story needs a certain kick and this kick sometimes comes with the dropping of an F-bomb from time to time. Accidents that break the t&c happen.

Thanks for the apology but as a reader/writer I do not think you should sweat it

[edit on 31-10-2009 by SmokeJaguar67]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 07:35 AM
you know what i just realised,

nearly every other user content submitted website i've ever seen has a 'mature content' warning & some kind of age verification process.

some of these process are honesty based & therefore no real means to prevent children from seeing inappropriate content HOWEVER if it keeps the other websites out of the fire, surely a similar set up could work for ATS?

I write stories myself, one of them contains alot of swearing but the language helps define the character & without it the character would suffer.

Because it is fiction writing specifically,
I don't think its right to censor it.
same as art.
it should not be censored.

I understand the ATS perspective, I just don't think its fair or 'right' in the context of art.

In fact i imagine if i were an ats staff member and i gave this topic the consideration it deserved, I would be struggling to reconcile my feelings about the T&C with the rational my mind was presenting.

Just because it makes sense, doesn't always make it 'right'.


posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by B.Morrison

some of these process are honesty based & therefore no real means to prevent children from seeing inappropriate content HOWEVER if it keeps the other websites out of the fire, surely a similar set up could work for ATS?

The problem is Net Nanny programs, installed by parents, libraries, universities, workplaces, colleges, etc. On top of that is the politically correct desires of advertisers not to offend. If certain 'adult' content were publicly allowed anywhere on ATS, then we might lose a portion of the advertising dollars which keeps ATS free for its membership.

I write stories myself, one of them contains alot of swearing but the language helps define the character & without it the character would suffer.

I also write stories and ATS is almost exclusively the only venue I use. Often, I'm tempted to fill out character roles with language common in every day life (see Teaser Story in the latest Writing Contest). The Terms and Conditions prevent me from doing so.

Because it is fiction writing specifically,
I don't think its right to censor it.
same as art.
it should not be censored.

Now you are firmly on my territory. As you might know, I both write and paint to the exclusion of all other activities. The creative arts are my entire being and when I'm not in my studio slapping paint, I'm on ATS writing something.

With writing, since I (almost)exclusively do it here, I give nodding assent to the Terms and Conditions and restrain myself in regards to profanity. BUT, I also have other venues
where such restrictions do not apply. When writing fictions on these other boards, it has been my experience that the skills of fellow wordsmiths are mostly applied towards 'shock value' rather than 'emotional sensitivity'. It is a difference most apparent when comparing the poetic work of Charles Bukowski (of Barfly fame) and the works of previous generations (Emerson, Shelley etc.) In the Twentieth Century, we have Yeats, Frost, Graves and Ondaatje to name a few. Seldom have these poets resorted to the mundane with a determined use of profanity as Bukowski did.

As far as paintings are concerned, if I want to portray sexualty, nudity or other human pastimes not allowed on this website, then I just don't post pics of them here. Out of the hundreds (if not thousands) of my paintings/sketches done over the past 50 years, I can honestly say that 99% fall within the confines of the Terms and Conditions. Yes, I've written about the depths of human degradation and, yes, I've portrayed them on canvas, but I feel no need to showcase them here.

I understand the ATS perspective, I just don't think its fair or 'right' in the context of art.

In fact i imagine if i were an ats staff member and i gave this topic the consideration it deserved, I would be struggling to reconcile my feelings about the T&C with the rational my mind was presenting.

I have no problem, as stated above. Opinions may vary, but that is mine.

Just because it makes sense, doesn't always make it 'right'.

Question... what, pray tell, does 'sense' have to do with the creative process? The arts make no sense whatsoever. Anyone, like myself, who embarks upon a 'career' in the creative arts is, in many ways, doomed to a life of struggle and poverty. It is NOT a 'career' in that it is an enterprise rarely associated with profit.

It is a passion, a search for meaning and truth behind the lies we have been spoonfed. It is NOT only a search for love and beauty, nor a plunging into the depths of despair and ugliness... it is a study of ALL that life offers, both materially and spiritually.

To focus only on one small facet (ala Bukowski) is to narrow the scope of study to the mundane and shallow. What is the beauty of a black eye as our famous Mickey Rourke said in the movie 'Barfly'? What prompted him to say that while looking at the broken face of his lover? What truth is being laid open and studied? Answer that and you touch the creative process.

Art is the study of 'meaning', the result of spiritual conceptions dating back to visionary activities in Stone Age caves. Compare that to the conversation from the gutter and you have my complete concept of it's relative importance.

ATS really CAN do without it and survive.

sp, etc.

[edit on 24/11/09 by masqua]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 09:02 AM
Hello there Intrepid, I've just read your story. It's very good and you've got your own style of writing going there, something that's refreshing to see.
Regarding your apology: all these rules and regulations may be a bit of a drag on ones creativity, especially if it means you can't portray your ideas in the way you would like; but to be fair, you were right to apologise, as this is a public forum with members as young as 13 readding and contributing to the contents. I reckon they've said worse themselves, but thems the rules.

I can imagine the size of the apology I'd have to make on here if I posted something that hadn't been censored! However I generally don't swear in my writings, just let other people do it and enjoy myself reading!

Good luck!

Ramadwarf on apologies and foul mouthed kids.

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