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50 year old cartoon about American Life - Must See!

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posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 03:37 PM
would you please just watch the latest release of Alex Jones 'Fall of the Republic' and set aside at least temporarily, your personal views and just let it soak in a bit..... We really do not need more government to cover the latest mistakes of government, we need less.

Honestly, just get a nice cup of your favorite tea (herbal) and allow the message to find a small area to 'nest' and let your spirit review the truth.....

Good luck. Peace through Liberty.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 04:19 PM
no joke, i used this exact movie for my history project about how america is changing, and what it is becoming.
my teacher made me turn it off and gave me a D- for the whole project just beacuse of this movie.
thank for posting this mate.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 04:30 PM
At least the cartoons of the past educated the children, provided them with direction and guidance, and instilled in them the values and virtues that made America a great and proud nation. This video needs to be shared with as many Americans as we can send it out to. I have already sent the link out via twitter. Hopefully, people will watch it and send it out again.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by pieman

Bingo. This is an excellent propaganda piece. Subtle, entertaining, and true enough to not raise many eyebrows among adults. Add on that it's targeted towards children, and you have a masterpiece. Phillip-Morris wishes their advertising were this good.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by danishD

She gave you a D- because our nation was never as it's portrayed in the movie. You did a report based on a propaganda straw man. You might want to try harder and use actual reference material.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 04:53 PM
Regardless of how the left tries to demonize the capitalist system. It is the system that created more wealth and prosperity than any other in man's history
The free market is failing because of those within congress that are working together to dismantle the system that our founding fathers worked so hard to create.
The views of those in government right now do not align with those that America was built on.

There are 2 choices.
1 Submit and give up all of the rights given to us as Americans and welcome the new system.
2 Stand up and say hell no, not interested. Take your idea somewhere else.

When its time to vote rally together and vote for someone who will make a difference. Inform your children about propaganda, government and social structures and how to prevent their generation from making the same mistakes we did.

BTW, this cartoon is available for free here

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
Regardless of how the left tries to demonize the capitalist system. It is the system that created more wealth and prosperity than any other in man's history
The free market is failing because of those within congress that are working together to dismantle the system that our founding fathers worked so hard to create.
The views of those in government right now do not align with those that America was built on.

There are 2 choices.
1 Submit and give up all of the rights given to us as Americans and welcome the new system.
2 Stand up and say hell no, not interested. Take your idea somewhere else.

When its time to vote rally together and vote for someone who will make a difference. Inform your children about propaganda, government and social structures and how to prevent their generation from making the same mistakes we did.

BTW, this cartoon is available for free here

Really? Are you sure it wasn't a form of economic colonialism that spanned from WWII to now that did it? I would argue that it's probably quite a bit more of the latter. For details watch a video about Confessions of an Economic Hitman or read the book.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

Yah. That "ISM" contract was dead on. I wonder if the irony was lost on the propagandists who made this.

The snake-oil salesman was sharp. He put on his shady scheming face and started with the pitch for one ism, pulled in a trust-inspiring ringer to downplay the quality of the product and suggest another, then raked in the cash as the morons bought his unlabeled "ISM" tonic from the ringer. Brilliant!

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by wanderingwaldo

So you dont agree with these two points?

The free market is failing because of those within congress that are working together to dismantle the system that our founding fathers worked so hard to create.

The views of those in government right now do not align with those that America was built on.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:19 PM
So class warfare is destroying lives and taking freedom? You don't think you are allowed to start a business or vote or strike or unionize in a country like France? They still have all the benefits of free enterprise despite having universal healthcare (the number one system in the world as rated by the WHO) and maintains the 5th largest economy in the world. No one here is advocating the U.S.S.R. This isn't even remotely relevant in today's word. It's awful propaganda designed to brainwash kids into all thinking the same way and not being open to other forms of government. America might not be a terrible country but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be open to improvements and possibly a little experimentation. It's this nationalist garbage propaganda that tries to glorify a class system, wage slavery and exploitation that's taking away your freedom. Your freedom to think critically and for yourself.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:24 PM
The cartoon is propaganda at its best, but its understandable why people take it not as such nowadays. I will try to explain.

The thing is you've had your freedom and security, at the time. Government used the propaganda to protect itself from other "isms" stating how "our ism may not be perfect but it makes lots of cars". You get the picture?

Now that you've lost your freedom it's reasonable to use this propaganda as it really actually does show how freedom and security are stolen from you. The problem though is that it was stolen by your own government.

Too bad snakes are not as stupid as they look on cartoons.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:54 PM
link all are amazing. Propaganda, really? A bunch of college kids produce a film and it is Propaganda. You just don't get the message. Freedom is not takes responsibility and hard work, of which many of you never will understand. You are all so comfortable in the system of government wiping your a$$e$ and watch how other government wipe better, you don't even get the message. I truly believe most of you have ISM in your DNA from decades of Utopia infusions.
Go ahead trade your freedoms for your ISM's. The rest of us Brave Americans will fight the battle without you cowards.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by patmac

meh, scene by scene would probably be overkill, although every scene counts in animation.
i'll just pick a few key points, you probably won't even bother to read this far, every scene is a major waste of time.

it starts off telling you it comes from harding college's extension program and illustrates why they think "america [is] the finest place in the world to live". this marks it out a propaganda.

they kick it off with "god save the queen", the british national anthem, playing behind a picture of the statue of liberty, a light bearing queen type. dunno, seems symbolic to me, but i could be giving the good people of the harding college to much credit.

then you have a ton of various floating heads scrolling up against the flag, there is one brown face in the crowd, we'll meet him again in a minute or so, he's the "bad guy" with the snake oil.

we then get a few different rose tinted ideas of "what america is". right in the middle you get a view which shows various "creeds and religions" with a blond arian chick sitting upright and looking determined front and center while the ethnic kids look dumb and lazy in the background.

the next thing i noticed is the headline on john q publics paper, it reads "blatt strike farm riots inflation", i've no idea what blatt means, but i get the message that strikes and farm riots cause inflation.

then we have some rubbish about an american having an idea for the car, which was invented and developed in europe. dunno why they picked the car, it must have suited the story they wanted to sell regardless of the details being accurate.

here's the pyramid bit.
they describe how capitalists are "friends and family" which help the management set up the business altruistically, they don't believe in the project but they believe in the man. the management then take an unemployed man and made him "skilled labour"and that this creates a mutually beneficial relationship. everybody wins and everybody should be grateful fo their part in the project. it's what makes america great.

at that point things seem to go a bit alice in wonderland, clearly they are demonising stalin's regime in russia, but the fact that they keep calling it "ism" means that it becomes the same as communism or socialism.

then you have an interesting little sentence which is worth quoting, "when anybody preaches disunity, tries to pit one of us against the other through class warfare, race hatred or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives", this means that if you speak against the injustice of inequality, you are attempting kidnap and murder. what a line.

my point is, there are repeated attempts to show the drive for equality and the power of the masses for the good of the masses as being "bad" while the unequal capitalist system is repeatedly claimed to be the only path to freedom.

the propaganda i fairly typical for the US, fair enough, but it is what it is.

[edit on 23/10/09 by pieman]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Digital_Reality
Regardless of how the left tries to demonize the capitalist system. It is the system that created more wealth and prosperity than any other in man's history

i think, with a little education, you'll find that the capitalist system didn't create all that "wealth", it could probably be best described as a usuarist system.

if it was capitalism, the most wealth would have lain in the capital markets, stocks and shares, but it didn't, the wealth was in the derivatives market, which was buying and selling debt for the sake of the profit from the interest repayments.

capitalism didn't create the wealth we've seen in the last 20 or 30 years. there are tons of threads on the subject if you need more detail.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 06:27 PM
that was such an inspiring video.

Capitalism , I believe, is not as bad as I thought it to be. Many huge corporations make you think you need their product, and they are successful in making you think so. They make you believe that their product is a necessity and thats one downfall in the capitalist system. Such brute advertising and exploitive advertisements make it real hard to stay away from the product. BUT, if you look past all the crap, the advertisements can easily be shrugged off. Needs are completely different from wants.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:19 PM
The definition for propaganda was already posted here. It doesn't matter if it's a government, a corporation or a bunch of five year olds with a camcorder, propaganda is propaganda plain and simple. And what's worse is that this video is obviously targeting young children and attempting to indoctrinate them with a biased pro capitalist mindset. As if children don't have enough trouble thinking for themselves instead of spitting out whatever ideology their parents and advertisements feed them.

If you were truly interested in giving a child an unbiased opinion on economics (a concept they probably won't understand anyway) you would present data in support of and against both sides instead of showing them stereotypes about the USSR.

You can love your country without loving the status quo. True patriots are progressives who see that change is necessary for the good of the whole and not the individual.

[edit on 23-10-2009 by The Transhumanist]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

Hi, SonicInfinity......I thought I was having deja vu. Yep, seen this here before, however, it's fun to see it again. Meanwhile, the American flag in the kids' classroom was displayed backwards on the wall,......hmmmm.......and who is Sam Dodson? And why is he seeking a new trail? I saw that header somewhere within the first few minutes of the cartoon.

My thoughts about this cartoon, and those from the 40's and 50's: They were pretty cool. Unlike the tripe my grandkids watch today. Just mind-numbing, nonthought provoking stuff. Although I did watch a Sponge Bob cartoon about stealing which was good to watch, and another one quite a few years ago starring the Bugs Bunny and Daffy kinda kids characters where they stole a bottle of beer and took a car for a joyride and suddenly they developed a surly attitude from drinking the beer, suddenly grew whiskers on their faces, looked rather undesirable and as they headed for a cliff in the stolen car, there was a sign that said, "You Are Leaving Reality"

There were also cartoons of Hitler making him out to be a buffoon, and likewise, cartoons depicting Jews as having big noses and squeezing coins for all the juice in them.

Oh, the things they did to young minds back then, as now.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by fordrew

Foredrew, I watch commercials on TV and some of them are so blatantly full of crap, that I laugh at them and then make a mental note to never buy the product they are pushing. I have 4 grandkids, sometimes 5, living with me and I point out this crap to them whenever they watch TV. I remember very well watching TV as a kid and everytime a commercial came on for a new toy I was jumping up and down wanting to get that toy. Having gone through this myself, I figure I have a duty to go ahead and be a killjoy for my grandkids. Lord knows I could have used a killjoy when it came to such propaganda when I was a kid.

Meanwhile, the cartoon in the OP is very indicative of America during the introduction of communisim to America's political process. I find it very interesting that 50 and more years ago, or so, Hollywood was basically supporting the government of the U.S. Now it seems the majority are using their talents to change America, not preserve American society. I'm sure there's many ideas of why this is so. I can think of a few myself.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by kingoftheworld

Yeah! Bloody well right! The "ISMs" will take our freedom away.
That cartoon is as actual as can be!
The NWO is knocking on our door.
We have to defend our rights, our constitution(s) and our freedom.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by truthseeker58

You think the NWO is a bunch of socialists? The closest thing there is to an NWO is a cartel of international bankers and ceos. They are the most successful CAPITALISTS in the world. The very last thing they want is for the state to take away all their power and money. The NWO are the kind of people that would push propaganda like this.

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