posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:49 PM
Ok, so whether I'm going to vaccinate my family and myself is yet to be determined, but I am exploring all of my options. In doing this, I have come
across an issue that I am curious to explore. All over the media I see stories of people unable to get the vaccine due to lack of availability,
clinics simply run out, and doctors are unable to order it (which is another issue entirely), yet I received a standard letter from my child's
school. The school is clearly advocating vaccination and they are offering a clinic in a few weeks to provide both the shot and the mist. From what
I have seen both on line and various other news outlets, I am led to believe that vaccine is in very short supply, and if one wanted it be prepared to
wait for hours, and most likely be turned away. The letter I received came complete with an order form (the order can be placed online or through a 1
800 number), you are billed immediately (unless you have medicare or medicaid in which you enter you number), pick at time for your visit, and that's
it, you're done and according to the school and site you are guaranteed a vaccination of your choosing. The situation here, does not seem to be one
of lack of vaccination (of either type). So, I am curious has anyone here actually seen the shortages (other than msm coverage)? Have you or anyone
you know been unable to receive it IF you wanted it? Or is this simply more scare tactics to get everyone to rush right out?
Edit bc I didn't want to needlessly bump my own thread but I also didn't want to post and sign off (it annoys me) but I will be back in a bit in
case anyone does respond.
[edit on 23-10-2009 by searching4truth]