posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:59 AM
I have seen a few of these threads, and while the thought behind them may be well intentioned, a money free system cannot work.
Our society has become much to large and complex for a barter system to work.
For example:
Person A has chosen to be a shoe maker. If he wants to acquire a house, how would he do this? Offer a home builder 20,000 pairs of shoes?
How would the home builder pay his employees?...With said shoes?
Reverse the situation, if the home builder needs to acquire a weeks worth of food, does he try to pawn off said thousands of shoes or somehow offer to
build a house to the grocer for so much food?
Multiply the above situation by the 3 billion people on this planet, can you not see the problem with not having a exchange instrument? The example is
one small exchange, imagine all the products and services that are used and needed in the world, how would you barter for all those things?
Most things made require multiple people to produce, think about your electric or phone service, how many people working together to produce those
service and the vendors that sell them supplies.
Money is not the problem, there has to be a medium of exchange, much like the gun controversy, its not the money, its how people use the money that
can make is dangerous.
Also, 3 billion people are not going to all of a sudden become farmers living off the land. This would not be practical and just would not plain
happen. In that scenario, you still would need money to acquire supplies
[edit on 23-10-2009 by Dreamwatcher]