reply to post by Historical-Mozart
In another thread, I described my thoughts on how the world is tied up in a massive Gordian Knot...
...that will be cut by the sword that is the ET/UFO Disclosure. The Disclosure will happen and the Gordian Knot will be cut.
To sum up, I think that the following will happen post-Disclosure:
Final defeat of the NWO/Illuminati ~~ Who are the Supranational Sovereignty of Intellectual Elites and World Bankers -- total defeat. The
world will no longer be conducive to their secrecy, no longer enable them to dominate the world like they did before. And don't worry about the UN
guiding the world post-Disclosure -- the UN (once was dominated by the elites, yes) is now, under the control by the BRIC nations and it is they who
are demanding transparency, accountability and justice in the world's affairs. They are FED UP with the secrecy, the dominance of the elites, so
they want radical change and they will get it.
The Maharishi Effect ~~ This alone will radically change our world for the better, like how the world changed after Galileo pointed out the
obvious that the Earth revolved around the Sun; Galileo's revolution took more than a century to come into effect -- this post-Disclosure change will
happen overnight, literally, thanks to the TV and the Internet.
So the entire world will now understand that we really are not alone, that there really are huge populations of intelligent, highly-evolved beings and
that they, for the most part, are benign and benevolent; furthermore, the positive ETs are far more powerful than the negative ETs, thanks to the
power of the Law of Squares of the exponential positive energy over the negative energy. FEAR NOT -- things will soon turn out for the better for the
entire world.
The Maharishi Effect had a
measured, proven effect of reducing crime by 72% from
only 7,000 people thinking together in like mind Can
you IMAGINE the Maharishi Effect when over 6 BILLION people are thinking together in like mind? My, oh my. Big!
Free Energy ~~ The release of these free energy devices will radically change our world for the better, as it will auger an eonomic boom for
the entire world by having many factories being set up in economically-disadvantaged areas and putting people to work in the factories making these
devices that will then go into people's homes, factories, businesses, cars, etc. The Age of Petroleum will finally be over, but, of course, the
transition from one to another will take several years going at a full-speed transition, but it will happen.
Military Transformation ~~ The US and other militaries will stand to gain an enormous amount of money from the demand and need for the world
to start to travel about to the Moon, to Mars and to the stars -- it is the military-industrial complex that has the factories, the manpower, the
skills and the know-how to make the ships that will be needed to move people about. The military also already has several hundred huge "UFO" craft
of their own in the skies -- this has been publicly confirmed by Wilcock in one of his blogs, so now I'm free to talk about it -- so the military
will put to use their giant space craft to good use.
Many people will want to go up there to visit, to be in space. The military will also have a world-wide stand down, withdrawing from many bases, but
it will also transform some of those existing foreign bases into distribution/logistical centers for pollution clean up and the like. (It's 11:11
right now as I type this out and I had not looked at the clock for a couple of hours)
Pollution Clean Up ~~ The world will be astonished at the speed of which so many forms of pollution would be cleaned up, some with the
assistance of the ETs, who have the technology, the ability to clean up our nastiest, dirtiest pollution problems, like the radiation in many places,
such as Chernobyl; deep pollution effecting our water supplies; pollution of our oceans and so on. The pollution will be cleaned up with astonishing
speed. Of course, humans will be tasked with cleaning up as much as they can on their own.
Transparency in governments ~~ Thanks to the defeat of the NWO/Illuminati factions, the world will finally be able to have transparency in
the respective governments of the world -- not all of them -- but a majority of them. Economics would finally cease to be dominated by the
Supranational Sovereignty of the Intellectual Elite and their World Bankers -- NO MORE! Massive funds would be released to the suffering world in
many ways, ending the financial deprivation that is currently going on.
The UN once was a tool of manipulation of the world, but, thanks to the brave moves of the BRIC nations, the UN is no longer under the control by the
elites and it is now under the control by the BRIC nations, so the governance of the UN -- while totally respecting the Sovereignty of each nation --
will auger in an unprecedented period of world-wide cooperation that will astonish even the most cynical of us. I was once totally against the UN,
but, after seeing the changes that have happened inside it, I now am convinced that it will be a force for good, rather than for the negative.
Universal Balance ~~ And, finally, the Law of Balance comes into play here with the positive, benevolent ETs finally asserting themselves,
pushing out the negative ETs that have dominated our world for the last 60 years and auguring in the badly-needed transformations that our world needs
so badly. The positive ETs are
far more powerful than the negative ETs, thanks to the universal Law of Squares, so they will easily be able to
assert themselves to help us out after we've been totally screwed over in the last 60 years by the negative ETs and the elites.
I have read in many places that it is the decree of the One Infinite Creator that our world is to be transformed in wonderful ways shortly before the
seminal 2012 Event Horizon, so who can counter a decree of our Creator? No one.
The ET/UFO Disclosure will proceed forward and the world will change in astonishing ways that can bring tears and joy to the most-hardened skeptics
amongst us. Fear not.
[edit on 22-10-2009 by Historical-Mozart]