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"There will come a prophet like Mosjeh"

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posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by The time lord

The reason I use Jesjuah or Jesju instead of Yeshuah or Yeshu has to do with me being Norwegian and our translitteration is somewhet different than English. Shin would in Norwegian become "Sj" or Sjin. Similarily Yod would be translitterated "J" or Jod.

[edit on 3/11/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:26 PM
Oh okay, I understand now no problem.
But have you heard that they reprinted Bibles with the name Allah in it, I think for Christians it is insulting and for Muslims its a riot and lots or burning.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by The time lord

But there are millions of arab christians, and the arab word for God is "Allah".
So in arabic versions of the bible, that'd be what God would be called.

PS: As to the original topic, you'd agree, that using a local method of pronunciation on an international english forum, while speaking in english (and not your local language) would be somewhat confusing, no? For example, taking a name from this thread, while I know what the actual nickname of "TheWalkingFox" is, it'd be weird if I started calling him/her "ThaWakin'Foks", and then move on from there because my (hypothetical) language doesn't have a "tha" or "W", so I'd start typing out "DaVakinFoks" when chatting with him/her, which would be plain confusing and probably wrong.

Heck, if everyone wants to be exact and consistent while speaking english, we could use the IPA Chart for English and use the name "Yēšûă‘".

[edit on 6-11-2009 by babloyi]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by The time lord
Oh okay, I understand now no problem.
But have you heard that they reprinted Bibles with the name Allah in it, I think for Christians it is insulting and for Muslims its a riot and lots or burning.

The etymology of the Arab word Allah is exactly the same as the Hebrew Elohim. I don't see the problem. There has been around Arabic Tanakh's almost as long as there has been Arabic, for more than 1000 years in other words. In all of these translations, the word Allah is written where Elohim is written in the Hebrew versions and the word God is written in English renditions. The word "god" rests upon the old Norse word goð or guð, and was the word we used for the Norse gods like Odin (Wedin in English) and Tor (Thur in English). So before you start to talk about who'se heathen and who's not, take a look at your own language.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:11 PM
Okay but God has a name does he not he is also Lord? I know the Koran calls him with 99 other names, but the Bible also calls God kind, peace, Love liberator ect... and is no different but that is a title and not a name. So we could say Allah is just another Arab Translation to fit it's cultural surroundings, people relate it to a moon god but that is another argument.

So what it comes down to is the real name, in the Bible the personal name of God is Yahweh, GOD what ever form is always going to be a word and not a name and every country will have it's own version of God.

"Then God spoke all these words. He said, ‘I am Yahweh your God who brought you out of Egypt, where you lived as slaves. You shall have no other gods to rival me.’

What about Jehovah then, is that right or wrong?

God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, 'I AM (hayah) has sent me to you.'" Ex 3.14

Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM." John 8.58

Jesus said...

I AM the bread of life John 6.35a
I AM the light of the world. John 8.12a
I AM the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, yet he shall live. John 11.25a

At the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which is translated, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" Mk 15.34

God (caps and lower case) almost always translates Elohiym, which means "mighty ones."
GOD (all in caps) translates YHWH.
Lord (caps and lower case) translates adonay.
LORD (all in caps) translates YHWH.

God is just a description but he has a Name, Jesus the name has meaning too Yeshua in Hebew means "Salvation" so it fits his title of the Gospels and faith.

So why the name Christ too? Christ is the spirit that was in the man. Christ is the same spirit that is in you as men and women or Christ means 'messiah'. the Salvation Messiah which is what he did.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
Deuteronomy 18:15 "The LORD thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken; "

In Hebrew there are basically two words meaning Salvation:

"Mosja'ah" and "Jeshuw'ah" -- Mosjeh (Moses) and Jesju (Iesos)

"God is with us! He brings Salvation" or "Immanuel Jesjuah"

According to the prophecy of Immanuel he would be a prophet like Mosjeh. Therefore his parents called him Jesjuah (Iesos). It has the same semantic meaning as Mosjeh (Moses).

Anyone care to argue?

[edit on 22/10/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

It's really quite simple why there has been no prophets since Jesus Christ.

To put it very simple. The Jew and the Israelites incurred a 2000 year top level Leviticus 26 curse for the death of Elijah the prophet. Or John the
Baptist. There has not been any prophets since then because the world has not been worthy.

But my best guess is that this 2000 year curse has approximately 18 years 7 months to go. May of 2028 being the last possible date that the curse can end on. It could happen a couple of years earlier.

Heres the verses to back this up.

Malachi 4 last 2 verses. Matthew 17-12 and 13. Then the book of Hosea.
But for the sake of brevity Hosea 5 verse 14 and for the time frame
To put it very simple. The Jew and the Israelites incurred a 2000 year top level Leviticus 26 curse for the death of Elijah the prophet. Or John the
Baptist. There has not been any prophets since then because the world has not been worthy.

But my best guess is that this 2000 year curse has approximately 18 years 7 months to go. May of 2028 being the last possible date that the curse can end on. It could happen a couple of years earlier.

Heres the verses to back this up.

Malachi 4 last 2 verses. Matthew 17-12 and 13. Then the book of Hosea.
But for the sake of brevity Hosea 5 verse 14 and for the time frame read Hosea 6-2. And remember the days are 1000 year periods of time..

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by ntech
It's really quite simple why there has been no prophets since Jesus Christ.

I'd say there has been more than a couple. Though true or false, I wouldn't even care to argue.

The institution of the Pope is a prophetic one, every pope since God knows when has had Prophet as his line of work.

Then we have Mohammed (peace be with him), though many Christians would argue I guess.

And let us not forget St. Malachy, the Irish monk whose prophecies have all come true except for one, the next and also the last pope Peter the Roman who'll abdicate and step down from the throne as Rome is burning to the ground. Do a search for Malachy.

Nostradamus, need I say more.... And a bunch of others from Don Edwards with his Coyotes to Martin Luther King, Leonard Cohen and Bob Marley.

There has been a bunch of prophets the last 2000 years, but people doesn't listen and are too blind to see.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 08:20 AM
The Name Of God In Different Languages
Language Name of God.

Assyrian.................. Eleah
Chaldaic............. Eilah
Egyptian (old).............Teut
Egyptian (modern).........Teun
German (old)...............Diet
Hebrew...........Elohim, Eloha
Madagascar..... .......Zannar
Low Latin.................Diex
Low Breton................Done
Lapp ................Jubinal
Olalu Tongue..............Deu
Old Saxon..................God
Runic... ...................As

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 08:48 AM
Oh brother! Op i appreciate your sentiment, and as a messianic christian myself I totally believe in Bar Enash Yeshua. But i speak hebrew and i feel i must correct you in your misstranslations; Moses or Moshe does not have "salvation" in his name, his name actaully means "drawn out of water." Oshua is the hebrew for salvation.
Yeshua DOES have "salvation" in His Name. The literal translation being "I AM salvation" or Yah is oshua. The letter "J" does NOT exist in the hebrew language and i challenge you to find a hebrew word that does! Sorry to be a stickler because i know your heart is in the very right place.

When the angel appeared to Miriam (Mary) he didnt say His name would be Jesus, Iseous, Joshua or any other Helenistic (greek) name, but that He was to be "called Yeshua, for He will oshua (save) His people.

S N F for your post

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Selahobed

According to my dictionary, there is a Hebrew word called Mowsha`ah (which I translitterated into Norwegian Mosja'ah) which means salvation. You'll find this word in Psalms 68:20. See below....

[edit on 22/11/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Selahobed
The letter "J" does NOT exist in the hebrew language and i challenge you to find a hebrew word that does! Sorry to be a stickler because i know your heart is in the very right place.

The letter J is Jod. Since Y and I (as in Greek Iota) are wovels, and I speak Norwegian, I translitterate Yod or Jod into J. We even call the letter J Jod up here.... As for my heart being in the right place, thanks man, I do as well as I can. Blessings back to you!

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

Yes, but it is only mentioned once, and even then it it is feminine. Moshe is mentioned way too many times and is masculine, and beyond that has a different meaning.....
If Moshe was a woman, that would be ok but he wasnt. Actually it still wouldnt be ok..

Mannn, i hate to have a go but its a square peg in a round hole and will not fit into your study. I simpathise as i have had many occasions where i have had had to revise deeply held beliefs and admit i was wrong. And this is such a moment for you....

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

I hate this, but there is no "Jod" but there is a "Yod" which is the 10th letter of the hebrew alaphabet... Again... "j" does not exist in hebrew, aramaic, phonecian, proto phonecian, it just doesnt!!!

"J" is a helenistic construct and will NOT be found in ANY hebrew writings.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Selahobed

Hehe, please, I am corrected every day, and to be honest, correction is one of the best teachers around. Back in grammar school we were also taught that Mosjeh (and that's the way I write it, with an SJ as in Sjin
) meant "Drawn out of the water", but Mosjeh is actually an Egyptian name, not a Hebrew one. Tutmosis (as in the Pharao's name) may be his original name meaning "Born/Son of Thoth", and Thoth would be the Egyptian god of wisdom. In Egyptian Tuthmosis becomes Djehuti (Thoth)-Mes (Born or Son).

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Selahobed
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

"J" is a helenistic construct and will NOT be found in ANY hebrew writings.

I beg to differ. Hebrew Jod (the consonant "J") became Greek Iota (vowel "I", Hellenistic), and via Latin it became Y in many European languages, and that was where the confusion started in my opinion. It's infact Greek that has no "J", and Hebrew has no vowel letters (unless you count the Nikkuds), but follows a system where the composition of the consonants produce "invisible" vowels, which has been drawn out in the system of the Nikkud points. I also translitterate Vav into V, since Wav or W is infact a vowel, the Greek minuscle (lower case) of Omega (also Hellenistic). In English however, J becomes Djei, and the closest letter to Jod in English pronounciation is Y or I. However, being a Norwegian, we translate Jod (or Yod/Iod if you like) into J. (In Eglish the closest sound to Norwegian J (or for that matter Hebrew Jod) is Y, while J in English becomes "dj").

Some might argue that Alef is a vowel, but it's more like the Consonant syllable Ach or Ah. than the vowel A.

[edit on 22/11/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 11:32 AM
Moses was driven out of water, he was found in a stream or river was he not? He by chance freed the Hebrews or Israelites through water by parting it so his life and name is destined; he was drawn out by an Egyptian who he herself drew out from Egyptians his people.

Old Hebrew was based on hieroglyph type symbols which have been streamlined, so the connection could be that the words are similar anyway and the Hebrews taught them ancient secrets which make sense why they were looking for a resurrection with mummies in their culture. Because this all goes back to the start of man, biblically speaking the influence on the Egyptians through Hebrew influence threads under Egyptian culture and some words could have been cross pollinated like Latin and English.


The etymology and original meaning of the name Moses have been long disputed. Jones derives it from the Egyptian word for water, mo, and the verb to save out of water, `uses'. BDB relates it to the Egyptian word mes, mesu, meaning child, son.

Then, of course, there is the Hebrew verb (masha 1253), which is identical to the name save for the Masoretic additions. It means draw, draw out and is used only two times in Scriptures: 2 Sam 22:17 in a Psalm of David that was copied into the Psalter as Psalm 18 (see verse 16), "He drew me out of many waters". The other occurrence of the verb is in Ex 2:10, where Moses is named, "And she named him Moses, and said, "Because I drew him out of the water"."

Since it is highly unlikely that the Egyptian princess was speaking Hebrew when she said it, Moses was probably known by the Egyptian word for Draw Out. Then, when he began to play a role in a Hebrew text, his name must have been subsequently translated into Hebrew. turn suggests that the emphasis in Exodus 2:10 should not be placed on the verb drew - 'because I drew him out of the water' - but on the princess who claims right to adopt and name Moses because she drew him out: And she named him because she drew him out of the water.

That Moses went on to become the founder of an independent Israel, and author of a text that contained unprecedented insights in the nature of man, may have reminded a Hebrew audience of the third creation day, when dry land came forth from the waters. To that audience, the name Moses means He Who Extracts; He Who Draws Out Of The Waters.

[edit on 22-11-2009 by The time lord]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by The time lord

There is also another thing with Mosjeh being drawn out of the water. For in ancient Egyptian lore, their "messiah" As-ar (Osiris) was "drawn out of the water" too, in a similar story as Mosjeh, as he came floating down the Nile on a float, just like Mosjeh (and for that matter Remus and Romulus as they washed ashore the Tiber River, and there is also a similar story of goddess Venus washing ashore the Euphrates River). This was probably why the unknown Egyptian queen took care of him, and brought him up as her son, since he reminded her of the As-ar stories.

[edit on 22/11/2009 by Neo Christian Mystic]

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

For the love of Mosjeh, thanks for posting that vid - a bit of Badder Meinoff going on but today I decided to check out Mos' stuff to see if I like it - like his personality, never tried his music. Tis good.

As for the mathematical predictions for the next coming of the next prophet, I agree, - don't think they'll work out. I do think there's someone/thing coming but I don't know how 'religious' they'll be - I think we've moved past that - religion doesn't unite us anymore - I think it'll have to be something else.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by XHellcatX
I do think there's someone/thing coming but I don't know how 'religious' they'll be

Indeed. As far as I have reasoned around most "religious" personalities ([Mosjeh, Jesju(-), Buddha, Mechemmed ]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 04:14 PM
Jeg=I tror=believe i=in/on=på Sjetong=Chàue-Thong-RknenRole

Don't tell me where my damn "Owr" was Avrim -- when his damned name was Abraham(KM)! Anyway, his skute=ship was an aRk=st-I*l. Short and gæli=cRZy-Z Vaseline?)


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