posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 12:09 PM
The Hungarians listened the warning and not willing to play the guinea pig in this global H1N1 game. The vaccines are already on the shelves, but
almost no one is taking them at all.
Original source (Hungarian)...
The Google translation...
As the Hungarian truth seekers are spread the info between the citizens very efficiently as they're trying to care with their own, regardless how the
MSM is tried to cover the facts about this thing, it seems this resistance is possible. Although Hungary has only the population of 10 million, at
least those 10 million is not going to be infected with anything at all. The H1N1 flu season was predicted to the arrival to the very same time when
the vaccines was schedule to arrive, but as no one took the vaccine, no real H1N1 outbreak happened in this country.
Everyone can draw the real conclusions from this and I believe we can declare one victory already. As I read the Finnish people are also refusing to
take the vaccine. So, go Finland! Resist this thing.
[edit on 22-10-2009 by Sharrow]