posted on Feb, 21 2003 @ 02:15 PM
FOOLS! Sick English men. This is made by English men for English men. Horny pervs. Hey little girl, don't have sex with me, just get on your
knees. Sick! How could they do this? This hurts women and helps men. Come on, who's sex drive is at it's peak when they can first get off? Men.
Women? They thirty something. This is so old men can get oral from young girls and so there sons can get oral from a girl. Sick
If you aren't married/engaged shouldn't have oral sex. Shouldn't have sex either. Why is one worse than the other? Both spread disease. Sure,
haven't gotten laid in a few years, but around here, only reason to get laid is if you want a STD. Have your pick of Syphilis, genital warts, the
clap, so forth. I swear, England is messed up.