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From the White House, a nightmare scenario

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posted on May, 18 2004 @ 01:46 PM

"White House officials say they've got a "working premise" about terrorism and the presidential election: It's going to happen. "We assume," says a top administration official, "an attack will happen leading up to the election." And, he added, "it will happen here." There are two worst-case scenarios, the official says. The first posits an attack on Washington, possibly the Capitol, which was believed to be the target of the 9/11 jet that crashed in Pennsylvania. Theory 2: smaller but more frequent attacks in Washington and other major cities leading up to the election. To prepare, the administration has been holding secret antiterrorism drills to make sure top officials know what to do. "There was a sense," says one official involved in the drills, "of mass confusion on 9/11. Now we have a sense of order." Unclear is the political impact, though most Bushies think the nation would rally around the president. "I can tell you one thing," adds the official sternly, "we won't be like Spain," which tossed its government days after the Madrid train bombings."

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 05:54 PM
The results in Spain may very well have spurred the terrorists on to try that action in the US to impact the election here.

If they do, I hope they want Bush as President - the whole country will rally behind our leader in times of crises, like we always have.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 06:00 PM
We need to stamp out the terrorist and the treasonable scum who support them.

We should turn Washington (the places where the majority of government buildings are) into a fortress. Its stupid to attack the US/Irsael with terrorism, we just attack harder with more ferocity than before. also it our economy rebounds massively after every major terror attack and even supercedes the prevous numbers. The idea of distroying a superpower is stupid. Its a power that cannot be distroyed by military means.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 10:57 PM
You'll be suprised taxman, dont forget the roman empire fell partially to babarian invasion. And terrorists are just like the babarians of the modern age. The most they'll do is get bush out of office, and that is something i long to see... hopefully it wont come about by terror strikes though but just the inteliigence of the american people (second thoughts if we're relying on that i dont think it will happen...)

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:04 PM

by they see ALL
"I can tell you one thing," adds the official sternly, "we won't be like Spain," which tossed its government days after the Madrid train bombings."

By natas
If they do, I hope they want Bush as President - the whole country will rally behind our leader in times of crises, like we always have.

Both these quotes put it perfectly. Can't you see that that's why they're saying this? They're banking on your fear and 'patriotism' to secure them the election.
It's so frickin obvious! They're playing you like a cheap violin, and succeeding.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kegs]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:11 PM
No one is playing me for anything. Like I said before, I am undecided about my vote. I will vote on ISSUES only - not who hates who, or who slings more mud, and I will DEFINITELY not allow any terrortit (like the new name?) attack or the threat of a terrortit attack sway me one way or the other.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:14 PM

by natas
if they do the whole country will rally behind our leader in times of crises, like we always have.

Didn't you just say that? That's them playing you. Bum notes and all.

[Edited on 18-5-2004 by kegs]

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:40 PM
"If they do" refers to terrorists attacking (or trying to attack) on our soil again. If that happens, it's a fact - our country will rally around the president.

Did I say that I WOULD DO THAT? No. I said that I will vote on ISSUES, NOT emotions.

No one is playing me - like I said.

posted on May, 18 2004 @ 11:48 PM

By natas
"If they do" refers to terrorists attacking (or trying to attack) on our soil again.

I know. Them just saying it once has riled your patrotic fervor enough to go into "well try 'an just see what they get, gosh darn it" mode. A few more months of that and for people with a mindset like yours there won't need to be even a hint of an attack. The propoganda will have worked its magic, once again.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 12:01 AM

by they see ALL
"I can tell you one thing," adds the official sternly, "we won't be like Spain," which tossed its government days after the Madrid train bombings."

I think its very arogant of the current government to assume that they are going to be re-elected in the first place. "terrorist" attack or no "terrorist attack".

If there is a terrorist attack before the election and Bush is re-elected I can imagine all kinds of new laws being put into place, bringing the US closer and closer to a police state.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 12:13 AM
If there is an attack in these places and they are predicting it , isnt that a little fishy? I guess scare tactics work too, but IF it happens , well then they knew it was? and nothing was done to stop it. VERY VERY weird statement to come out of the Whitehouse

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