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Political Storm over BNP on Major BBC Programe

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posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:49 AM
I would vote bnp for one reason although i dont like there policys, they really seem to scare the esthilment

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by THELONIO
reply to post by Cythraul

how many of you have taken the time to actually read there policies?

What makes you think their policies won't change like their extremist ideoligy has changed in the past few years?

Recently they have been forced to accept people from different ethnic groups because their party would have became extinct due to crippling costs of court cases.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 06:35 AM

Originally posted by Koka

Originally posted by XXXN3O
Erm... if you want my real opinion take the above paragraph and reverse the meaning

Didn't really have to as you have posted your opinion in your following paragraphs, which pretty much defeated the point of your initial sarcastic paragraph.

Complete sham of a show, also I must say that Nick Griffin was in complete control of the "gang shafting" almost all of the time,

Are you you sure you watched the show?
If you were satisfied with his answers, which were completely lacking on any solid ground, then I think it best you continue to steer clear of such shows.

if you watch it you can see that the other politicians end up arguing amongst themselves about which of them has made more mistakes than the other.

What do you mean "if you watch", they are opposing parties, what would you expect? They aren't trying to hide that fact. If you watched you may have noticed how they were all pretty much of the same opinion regarding the BNP and Nick Griffin......

I am not a supporter of any political party, im just telling my view.

I take it this means you do not vote, trust me, you have a political view it is an injustice to not use your vote, however if you are convinced that the BNP is for you, please don't.

You can see that the media really fears this man for some reason,

The fear is for any like minded person of Nick Griffin's ilk, and it is the general populous that feels this way, and what do you mean "some reason", have you not taken anything in about this man and the people he represents?

Well done to the BBC for completely making a fool of themselves and showing what they are yet again

I have my opinion regarding the BBC but you haven't actually told us "what they are"?

[edit on 23-10-2009 by Koka]

That was nice dissection of my post there.

If you think that what aired last night was a chance for a man to state his views then I let me make a assumption like you did. I assume you watched the news before the program was aired?
I also assume that you watched the news this morning that also contained many of the quotes from the pre recorded show that were taken out of context?
Lastly allow me to make one final assumption, you believe that this country is a democracy?

I take an interest in this country, not its politics. Politics has no power whatsover in this country as the power of this country was signed away in 1997 by the Labour government, that does not mean its the Labour governments fault, it means it is everyones fault. Any party that has to answer to another authority to use its own money is constantly subjected to that other powers motives to get that money.

Politics used to matter in this country until the public used that power to elect a party that gave the governments power away.

If you think politics matters anymore your only fooling yourself and I say that not against you but for your benefit, I have given you the year it happened, go find all of this out for yourself as I did if you dont believe me.

Either that or switch on the tv and believe its lies.

I am not a BNP supporter either as you have probably gathered from the above but falsely assumed before.

[edit on 23-10-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by blupblup

Hang on Griffins father was in the RAF, so what is the difference?

It is complete double standards, if one rule is set out for one political party not to use Military images in thier campaigns, leaflets, political brochures etc, then it should apply to them all.

The 3 mains political parties are just about as bad as the BNP, except they are not supposingly racist or extreme.

Yuh they the main political parties all wear nice shiney halo's

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by merkava
Of course they're an evil group with hidden agenda.

Now try and reply to my post on P.6 than wasting your time defending Dick griffin oops nick griffin.

Of course they're an evil group with hidden agenda.
Of course they're an evil group with hidden agenda.
Of course they're an evil group with hidden agenda.
Of course they're an evil group with hidden agenda.
Of course they're an evil group with hidden agenda.

Keep repeating that 1000 time and it will come true... honest.

Now, how about we establish your age. Based on your school playground wit, I'm going to say "roughly 9".

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by merkava

Just read your post on page 7 (not 6, by the way) and it was difficult to peel away the blatant anti-British racism and ignorance to a point where I could discern something worth commenting on. Sorry. I don't have time for racists.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by Cythraul

Your entire post is out of order here, you accuse someone else of acting like a 9 year old and yet that is exactly what you are doing. Step back and think of how immature your response was.

The rest of this post isn't directed at you Cythraul

As for the BNP, they are not hiding their agenda, their constitution states quite clearly that they doon't want non indigenous people breeding with indigenous people. On Question Time he was pushed as to what indigenous meant. He went on a long rant about how people would not see it as wrong to call the aboriginis of Australia indigenous. He skirted calling the indigenous white people because he knew how that would sound.

The simple fact is that they want a country of indigenous (white) people. The comments i point out above prove that. I'm all for controlling immigration, limiting numbers and only taking skilled immigrants, but the BNP is a great deal different to this sensible view.

They want an all white country, their constitution, whilst not using those words, does encourage that.

[edit on 23-10-2009 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Your entire post is out of order here, you accuse someone else of acting like a 9 year old and yet that is exactly what you are doing. Step back and think of how immature your response was.

You can interpret it as so. I consider my response 'witty' - you'll probably disagree, that's fine. Just pointing out that the last time I heard someone deliberately substitute "Nick" for "Dick" was back in primary school.

[edit on 23/10/2009 by Cythraul]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Manwin
Just a thought: Maybe TPTB in the UK are trying to censor the BNP, because they resonate so strongly with a big demographic on the Island? Maybe the BNP's opponents are scared?

You can't have it both ways; either you are for Democracy/freedom of speech, or you are against it. Enough of the double speak. If people truly believe in a free society, opposing views shouldn't be silenced.

Just my opinion. I don't particularly agree with the BNP's stance on a lot of issues, but I defend their right to express them.

Just a thought? Possibly?

It hurts my brain that people have no idea why there is such a big deal being made of this - the BNP are getting political power over the two headed NWO political system - so they are using their media, paid protestors - slander, bias, mud slinging =- whatever they can to bring t5hem down.

Go BNP!! They are not being racist - that is a purely BS angle that is being used against them. They are anti immigration, especially at a time when the UK is suffering financially.

They are also against those who would come to the country but have cultural values that conflict with the mainstream culture of the UK - and fail to integrate. If you move to a country - then leave your own conflicting cultural values at home - and adopt the new values of the country you move to - if you cannot achieve that - then stay in your own country.

This is niether racist - nor anti Islam or anything - it is purely styating that there is a set of common values in the UK - if peole wish to immigrate - then they need to adopt those values, and get rid of any cultural values that cause them to fail to integrate within society.

Failure to integrate is a serious issue - it creates divisions - and the country can become fractured - a common set of cultural values is critical - in extreme cases it has lead to civil wars.

Why import a civil war into your country voluntarily?

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:50 AM
Lets not stray away from the topic please, with name calling or making assumptions over someones age!

Thank you very much!

Well seems Mr Griffin has launched a complaint over why the venue was changed to the London studios! The show was watched by over 8 million out of what 60 million, off the population, not bad even for Question time.

BNP leader Nick Griffin is to complain to the BBC over his controversial appearance on Question Time, saying he had faced a "lynch mob".

Mr Griffin claims the normal format of Thursday's programme was changed and it should not have been held in London.

Out of those whom watched the show, only a tiny majority complained with regards to Mr Griffin being on the show, a small majority compained with regards tothe biased of the show. So mch for the politicians whom brought this into the limelight saying there weouldbe an increase in racials violence as a result. So much for te public storm over the show also. Police estimate there were over 500 protestors at the BBC Centre before during and shortly after the show was recorded.

This just shows that the elitist politicians did not win thier argument by trying to put fear into the public.

More than 240 complainants felt the show was biased against the BNP, while more than 100 of the complaints were about Mr Griffin being allowed to appear on Question Time.

In addition, more than 50 people contacted the BBC to show their appreciation for the programme.

Griffin on Question Time

[edit on 23-10-2009 by Laurauk]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Cythraul

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Your entire post is out of order here, you accuse someone else of acting like a 9 year old and yet that is exactly what you are doing. Step back and think of how immature your response was.

You can interpret it as so. I consider my response 'witty' - you'll probably disagree, that's fine. Just pointing out that the last time I heard someone deliberately substitute "Nick" for "Dick" was back in primary school.

[edit on 23/10/2009 by Cythraul]

Agreed his post was pathetic but you lowered yourself to that level, it was not wit. Wit reuires a certain level of intelligence, you went for basic, bottom of the barrel ridicule. I have seen many of your posts, they are great and i'm surprised you lowered yourself to that level. If yo uconsider that response of yours witty then you need to bone up on comedy material.

Sorry to sound judgemental i'm just tired of these playground arguments and i think certain peopel are above them.

[edit on 23-10-2009 by ImaginaryReality1984]

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 08:05 AM
If you are from the UK you can watch the question time episode here

Question Time

If you are from anywhere outside the UK then you can't watch this, unless you use a proxy server that can be found free online on many websites. That is illegal though so i don't recommend it

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

The BBC have rigged competitions and rigged votes on several of their programs, what makes you think they would not pre-select the audience at the door (as they do anyway to screen the nut jobs)? This was the most biased Question Time I have personally seen in probably the last 10 years. On any other QT you would not get all the questions but one being about the BNP, so the fact they were and on the same day Griffin just happened to appear on the show, yeah, just another BBC fix to get themselves out of a tight spot. Rather that be accused of censorship, they just coordinated a character assassination instead. This is just typical BBC tactics.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 08:19 AM
So here we go, Nick Griffin has issued 3 challenges.
1. He wants to do Question time again, but with its original format, and not with some 'lynch' mob baying their general thoughts of the bnp to him. He wants to show that he can answer questions.
2. He wants a one on one live disscushion with Jack Straw to talk about 5 of Britans current affairs. Such as recession, immigration, education. E.t.c.
3. And lastly he wants a live disscustion with the Conservative leader David Camaron about how he supported the riots outside the BBC H.Q. Yeasterday and what was the cost of providing Police protection? As well as supporting a riotus Mob of people.

Now he's got a point with the Question time format, usually its a case of exactly what the programe is called. Asking political questions and the likes, and not a case of trading verbal insults. As well with Jack Straw, im sure the British public know how he 'skirts' around difficult questions and with Camaron, i think his incompetence would show with a one on one talk with Bnp. Politics today, in the UK is a shambles, and no matter who's in power, things will never change.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by quackers
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

The BBC have rigged competitions and rigged votes on several of their programs, what makes you think they would not pre-select the audience at the door (as they do anyway to screen the nut jobs)? This was the most biased Question Time I have personally seen in probably the last 10 years. On any other QT you would not get all the questions but one being about the BNP, so the fact they were and on the same day Griffin just happened to appear on the show, yeah, just another BBC fix to get themselves out of a tight spot. Rather that be accused of censorship, they just coordinated a character assassination instead. This is just typical BBC tactics.

Quite simple really, the tickets are sent out to anyone who applies, they couldn't fix it because they don't know who is going to show up. The applications for tickets are made through a website, all they have is a name. The people that turn up could be utterly racist or completely liberal but the odds are it will be a general representation of the public mood.

You say it was biased but i say you are biased and that clouds your view. I have watched almost every Question Time in the last 10 years and they have always attacked people. The chair has always pushed for answers, always pushed certain points. I think the audience was mostly against the BNP and that is why you are confused into thinking it was biased. The audience represented the public, and the public, generally speaking don't like the BNP.

All you are seeing is the majority of a country speaking out and you see that as biased reporting. I have seen Questionn Time episodes where Labour have been utterly destroyed and the Conservatives utterly destroyed and yet the outrage for those episodes is non existant.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire
So here we go, Nick Griffin has issued 3 challenges.
1. He wants to do Question time again, but with its original format, and not with some 'lynch' mob baying their general thoughts of the bnp to him. He wants to show that he can answer questions.

That lynch mob was the British public and their opinion. What does he want, a hand picked audience? The audience was a random sample who applied for tickets.

Originally posted by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire
2. He wants a one on one live disscushion with Jack Straw to talk about 5 of Britans current affairs. Such as recession, immigration, education. E.t.c.

This would be fantastic but certain limits would need to be set. Let's say 1 minute to propose a question, 2 minutes to reply with a 30 second overlap to finish a point and a referee to make sure rulse are followed strictly. I have to admit that i would love to see that debate.

Originally posted by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire
3. And lastly he wants a live disscustion with the Conservative leader David Camaron about how he supported the riots outside the BBC H.Q. Yeasterday and what was the cost of providing Police protection? As well as supporting a riotus Mob of people.

Again i would like to see this.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by ImaginaryReality1984

Just want to add a touch on the audience part. Most people who apply for tickets to a show sutch as this know who the Confirmed guests are. They were well aware that Nick Griffin was going to be on it despite all the 'will he, wont he' turn up due to fears over his own safty. But still, with him confirmed, any people that 'may' wish to portray their oppinion to him would have had ample time to try and get tickets for the show. Also, when Griffin walked on and took his chair, i only noticed one member of the audience clapping to welcom him. Then, upon taking his place, he was the main fixation of the night. And the FACT that viwing numbers DOUBLED! For this show portrays the intrest in what may probably happen, what with the 'Churchill would be BNP Member in todays Britan' opinion. It makes for a good drama and disscusion that'll be talked about for a while. And also the BNP have said how support and intrest in their web-site has grown since last nights programe.

I hope the BBC repeat it. Im not into politics but like the fuss this rubbish causes. It gives me something to read about.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by XXXN3O
That was nice dissection of my post there.

Thank you

If you think that what aired last night was a chance for a man to state his views then I let me make a assumption like you did. I assume you watched the news before the program was aired?
I also assume that you watched the news this morning that also contained many of the quotes from the pre recorded show that were taken out of context?
Lastly allow me to make one final assumption, you believe that this country is a democracy?

Wrong, on all accounts.

I take an interest in this country, not its politics.

I would like to know how you acheive this, given they go hand in hand?

Politics has no power whatsover in this country as the power of this country was signed away in 1997 by the Labour government, that does not mean its the Labour governments fault, it means it is everyones fault. Any party that has to answer to another authority to use its own money is constantly subjected to that other powers motives to get that money.

Politics used to matter in this country until the public used that power to elect a party that gave the governments power away.

If you think politics matters anymore your only fooling yourself and I say that not against you but for your benefit, I have given you the year it happened, go find all of this out for yourself as I did if you dont believe me.

I take it you are reffering to the Bank of England being given free rein to control interest rates out with short term political influence.

I will not pretend to understand how the banking process works, the governing regulations are not designed for the layman to understand, but am more than aware of the influence corporate banks, and large corporations in general, have over our government, which ever one is in power, and to say I am dis-pleased would be a gross understatement.

I am guilty, as are millions of others, for voting Labour in, and have many regrets based on decisions they have made since they came into power, one thing I do not regret is the removal of the Conservatives, it is my belief that things would be alot worse had they remained.

Either that or switch on the tv and believe its lies.

You do me a dis-sevice, as I hope I have explained.

I am not a BNP supporter either as you have probably gathered from the above but falsely assumed before.

I am glad to hear as much and have not infferred as much, only that if you were, I would prefer that you didn't vote.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Esrom Escutcheon Esquire
Just want to add a touch on the audience part. Most people who apply for tickets to a show sutch as this know who the Confirmed guests are. They were well aware that Nick Griffin was going to be on it despite all the 'will he, wont he' turn up due to fears over his own safty. But still, with him confirmed, any people that 'may' wish to portray their oppinion to him would have had ample time to try and get tickets for the show.

Supporters of Nick Griffin would have the same amount of time to apply for tickets and compile questions.

Also, when Griffin walked on and took his chair, i only noticed one member of the audience clapping to welcom him.

There were a couple of occasions where he did garner applause, but it was from a very small section. A very rough estimate of one in every sixty people voted for the BNP which would go some way to explaining the lack of applause he received, proportional representation.

And also the BNP have said how support and intrest in their web-site has grown since last nights programe.

Clicks on a website does not equate to votes, they are deluding themselves if they believe people viewing their website is support for their policies.

People want to see for themselves and I am happy to see that people are willing to do this.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 09:58 AM
the thing thing that surprised me about the show last night was how competent, honest and well informed griffin made the other politicians look. if i was a leader of any of the three major parties in the UK, i'ld demand that i share every platform with griffin.

the other thing that struck me while watching that program last night was how much the guy went on about history and how far of the mark the "British" bit of BNP is, historically speaking.

how many countries were called british at some point in the last 100 years.

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