Originally posted by antar I just cant believe that there are not more people commenting on your thread, I am sorry it is strange.
I think I can understand why there are few comments.
I can watch a person die and I have watched people die but for the life of me I cannot bear to watch a dolphin die on my screen. That is what is
really strange to me and so to watch video of dolphin slaughter and then to comment on the slaughter is to play chicken with the abyss because I have
a deep love of the cetacean.
Recently on the discovery channel there was a documentary about an Orca in Alaska that over a period of years would play with people on the water and
it acted like a dog, always seeking out human company like an old friend and seeking them out for company. Of course it ended badly after several
years and the Orca ended up being mangled in the props of a logging boat and died almost instantly of its injuries.
This death had such a remarkable effect on me I simply burst into tears as I watched the TV inconsolably in my lounge while my wife and my eldest
daughter looked at me in shock and surprise. I had to leave the room until I was able to regain control and this is not characteristic of me to shed
tears so easily but for some reason the knowledge that the Orca dying so horribly just because it had tried to make human contact was like plunging a
dagger into my heart.
Humans die all the time but I objectify it to an abstract in that it is easy for me to see that there is little to no innocence in them. Animals such
as the noble cetacean die all the time and as far as I am concerned they are as innocent as a new born baby when put into the context of a human mind
= I cannot watch a documentary on senseless dolphin slaughter.
Sure Orcas kill Dolphins and Dolphins also return the favour if they encounter lone Orcas and they kill each other probably quite often as they engage
in power games but when we engage in similar endeavours against each other we happen to lay waste to vast tracts of land and collateral damage to the
environment. Long term damage to generations of human health is endemic to the way we play out our own power games because we use heavy metals and
poisons and call it high tech weaponry and smart weapons.
That to me is not a natural thing and there is the difference because cetaceans kill each other for fear of threat to young or even for revenge but
even so there is natures balance as cetaceans do not level an undersea mountain or coral system during the process.
I happen to value true innocence in humans and animals much more than gold or precious stones a million times over.
Innocence and adherence to the laws of nature evolved over billions of years is a singularly extraordinary thing that I adore about the animal kingdom
and to see it turned against a noble, beautiful life by human design or human accident is always a sledgehammer blow to me because we will only know
what we have lost when we have lost it to industry and the mighty buck but by then it will be too late and too late is inexcusable.
Perhaps similar reasons are why many might not be willing to touch this thread because using my own trepidation as a template, to witness cetacean
murder by humans evokes a pain or a sense of shared responsibility within the soul, the very same pain I experienced at the death of an orca on my TV
screen I never met and who had died years ago. However I know of this Japanese business of Dolphin murder and it is an absolute filthy abhorrence to
me and the thought of such low acts evoke a rare sense of quiet fury deep within me as I am by nature not quick to anger and I do not like to seethe
– even silently.
Many argue that it is just a part of long cherished culture we do not understand and therefore have no right to comment on but I have never been one
to respect or to accept any tradition that requires the blood of another (innocent or not) so I say that it is time for this tradition to be
extinguished because this is one tradition that never should have started in the first place.
Starred and flagged OP for bringing it to notice but respectfully and with my sincere apologies I cannot watch it as I need to be able to sleep but I
will be passing the links onto my friends outside ATS.
[edit on 2-4-2010 by SmokeJaguar67]