Good news to share with everyone.
The New World Order is emerging at an Incredible rate, but it's not the NWO everyone is talking about.
The "NEW" New World Order is the world that we have ALL been waiting for.
The Internet is and was the Solution to the Elite's world manipulation.
The Internet is and was the Revolution.
The Internet and its flow of information helped create a network of like minded people who started discussing world events, and came up with answers
to problems.
It allowed analytical, creative, and socio-mental thinking and networking.
It helped connect Humanity to the TRUTH.
The Truth is that we are all One.
Check out some of these website stats:
David Icke's website gets visited an estimated amount of 67,300 times a month by people. Out of that 67.3k visitors about 66% are passer byers, which
in the internet world means New Visitors.
This is 44,418 New Visitors going to his website Each Month. (67.3k x .66)
Alex Jones' website gets visited an estimated amount of 563,800 times a month by people. Out of that 563.8k visitors about 69% are passer byers,
which in the internet world means New Visitors.
This is 389,022 New Visitors going to his website Each Month.
Alex Jones' other website gets visited an estimated amount of 726,800 times a month. Out of that 726.8k visitors about 61% are passer byers.
This is 443,348 New Visitors going to his website Each Month.
Jeff Rense's website gets visited an estimated amount of 805,700 times a month. Out of that 805.7k visitors about 63% are passer byers.
This is 507,591 New Visitors going to his website Each Month.
These four websites ALONE get a Total of 1,384,379 NEW VISITORS Every Single Month.
That's 1,384,379 that are getting Awakened.
This means (for those 4 sites alone) OVER 46,000 people are waking up Daily!
If you go to Youtube and type in "9/11 inside job" you see that there are 26,900 videos about it!
The most visited video for the search "9/11 inside job" has OVER 13 Million Views and it's only 2 years Old!
If you go to Youtube and type in "swine flu hoax" you get 1,650 videos, and the most viewed for that keyword has Over 107,000 views and it's only 5
months old!
The Internet has allowed us to overcome the thousands of years of manipulation by Religious Doctrines and Greedy Globalists.
If the U.S. or Israel do declare a war on Iran, it won't be long until EVERYONE finds out who the Evil are behind the scenes (bankers, Elite
families, etc.)
We will then prosper into a NEW Beautiful World!
The Time has come for a NEW World Order, so sit back and enjoy the ride.
Consciousness Is The Key.