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ALERT: Special Swine Flu Update, something you need to know

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posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:33 PM
We're almost to the end of October & noone I know has been forced to take this vaccine. I don't think anyone I know has taken it voluntarily either. I know very few people that have gotten Swine Flu & none of them have died or come close to death; including childeren. My kids have both been a bit sick once or twice this year; one with fever, but thats about all.

I wouldn't know where to go get the vaccine if I wanted it. I don't have a regular doctor because I make too much money for the free doctors & too little for the other ones.

It seems to me that this Swine Flu scare is just that...

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

Here in GA, we were inform in the news that the CDC were not testing anymore for the swine flu, meaning no more samples were collected.

In my neck of the woods the health department announced that they will be classifying any death related to any flu symptoms or complications to the swine flu regardless.

So I wonder if individual states are doing their own thing regardless of what the CDC is saying.

So far only 3 related deaths to the swine flu so far and the rest are just mild cases of the swine flu.

The hospitals are advising parents not to bring their small children to visit family members that are hospitalized regardless of condition for their safety, now, no school closing so far since the swine flu has been active in the area, also I have only seen one person wearing a mask while visiting my doctors office.

So far millions have been infected and many has been hospitalized but the death rates has been very low, we should be thankful for that.

I don't think the swine flu will come back again anytime soon if history proves right, we have an out brake in the 60s one in the 70s and since the seventies only sporadic cases has been reported until now.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by DocEmrick

When the outbreak of the flu in the 70s the vaccination started on October 12, by December 16 the vaccinations were stop about 50,000 were vaccinated the target group young adults and the elderly, not children and pregnant women, by that time more deaths and paralysis were attributed to the vaccine than the swine flu.

I personally will wait until Jan for the result of the vaccination before considering a vaccine

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:45 PM
I have a question, who's paying for all of these Swine Flu vaccines to be made? Are the companies paying for the manufacturing, shipment, and marketing, or did all the governments?

If a swine flu shot is sitting at my doctors office, has the pharma company already been paid, or are the only paid after the shot is administered?

BTW, for those of you who blindly say "vaccinate" against everything, you guys need to do your research, it's a corrupt process and I would encourage you to dig and dig hard on Dr. Paul Offit.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Finalized

The initial bashes were paid by the government, that is why many can get vaccination for free as long as they provide information of financial hardships, also people with many children can get free vaccine.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:00 PM
How often have we heard this over the past several months. WHO created this swine flue virus blabbering some reason that only a psychotic 2 year old could have made up. Almost any crape coming out of almost all governments is just that "crape for the masses". So many obvious (now) deceptions how could anyone (not in a comma) not begin to smell this vial rotten NWO. They have become so ridiculous with their lies but I am not laughing at these sadistic monsters. To dam serious at this stage.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by emsed1

And who do you suppose pulls the strings of the USFDA puppets?

Ding ding: Corporate America

= a group concerned with bottom line profits and share holder dividends. This group have no interest as to whether anything (drugs or medicine) actually works or not. It is all tied to the bottom line of their particular interests (where they make the most profits from).

Eg. for clarafication: I am an exporter. During an export to China, what I was allowed to do and not do by Government officials, was directly related to how badly my competition wanted me out of what they considered to be their affairs. To the point that they (Government Inspection Agency) deliberately created a false set of tests to make the export fail quarantine. I even got a letter from the person in charge and the same guy who wrote the protocoll, saying that the omitted tests were an oversight by his department.

Now, I trust very little of what any Government agency says is good for me, without my own investigations on the issue at hand. In fact, based on experiences, that whole system is corrupted and can't be blindly trusted.\

Lemon's boost your immune system.

Good chance, stay healthy and take care all!

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:16 PM
Remember folks, dont take the vaccine and build up an immunity to this virus...

there simply isnt enough vaccine to go around, so what better way to cull the population than to spread a rumor saying the government is out to get you by putting slavejuice and nanomachines in the virus...

that way, the vaccine goes to "good" people of the USA and the death rates are mostly on the sholders of those conspiracy theory troublemaker.

The logic is that the vaccine works, the logic shows also that the scary government vaccine death squads is a rumor put out by either idiots or people whom want to kill off a decent amount of rebel mindsets while making an example out of them as to what happens when you listen to wacky conspiracy theorys verses the government.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:19 PM
ATTENTION PARANOID MASSES!!!!! They do not want you dead. They cannot make money of you or your work if you are dead. They dont care if you do die but they are not going to kill you. This is just a ploy to get money that is all. Lots of money (which definetly sucks) and something needs to be done but running around claiming they are trying to kill us is childish and not helping solve anything.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by marg6043

Here in GA, we were inform in the news that the CDC were not testing anymore for the swine flu, meaning no more samples were collected.

In my neck of the woods the health department announced that they will be classifying any death related to any flu symptoms or complications to the swine flu regardless.

So I wonder if individual states are doing their own thing regardless of what the CDC is saying.

The hospitals are advising parents not to bring their small children to visit family members that are hospitalized regardless of condition for their safety, now, no school closing so far since the swine flu has been active in the area, also I have only seen one person wearing a mask while visiting my doctors office.

So far millions have been infected and many has been hospitalized but the death rates has been very low, we should be thankful for that.

I was told by the nurse that only the dead and hospitalized patients (tests) would be sent to CDC. Ours was sent to PAML lab for confirmation.

My kids had the nose swab test. I was also told the reason they are sending them to PAML is 10% are showing up as a false negative. It's important to be treated with Tamiflu during the first 48 hours of the onset of the fever.

I do have another concern. The doctor told me to notify the school that my daughter is forbidden to take the live nasal mist. There is a clinic coming to the school. I asked if it was manatory and was told "it's just a clinic"

I also agree about children visiting people in the hospital. We recently encountered that too. I think it was NO children allowed in ICU under the age of 13? and NO sick people in the waiting room.

I'm not sure of the death toll but heard that last week alone 11 more children had died. There was also a healthy 31 year old woman from Vegas who also died yesterday.

I dont know if my kids have a mild case or severe. They have temps of 103, Tylenol brings it down to 100. They have all other symptoms too. If this is mild I'm scared to see what severe is. I know for sure this isnt a seasonal cold.

Like my doctor said all tests sent to PAML lab tested 99.9% H1N1. They test for all type A, B and others. The test is accurate.

I also read today that a 20 something year old pregnant woman is Clinging to life in critical condition.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by wonderworld]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:29 PM
This is from Infection Control Today. It is taken from an article to be published in CDC's online journal of "Emerging Infectious Diseases"

University of California at Davis researchers studying the 2009 H1N1 influenza virus, formerly referred to as "swine flu," have identified a group of immunologically important sites on the virus that are also present in seasonal flu viruses that have been circulating for years. These molecular sites appear to result in some level of immunity to the new virus in people who were exposed to the earlier influenza viruses.

More than a dozen structural sites, or epitopes, in the virus may explain why many people over the age of 60, who were likely exposed to similar viruses earlier in life, carry antibodies or other type of immunity against the new virus, immune responses that could be attributed to earlier flu exposure and vaccinations.


"These findings indicate that human populations may have some level of existing immunity to the pandemic H1N1 influenza and may explain why the 2009 H1N1-related symptoms have been generally mild," Cardona said.

At first, this H1N1 influenza virus apparently caused a high number of deaths among patients in Mexico and among people with certain pre-existing medical conditions. But as it has progressed to become a pandemic or geographically widespread virus, H1N1 has caused relatively mild symptoms and few deaths.

This inclusion of vaccinations in this quote "immune responses that could be attributed to earlier flu exposure and vaccinations", in my opinion, is just covering all the bases because they have not studied it separately.

What I got from the article is that the immunity is coming from regular influenza which is largely avian based. In fact, to my limited knowledge there is not any flu that doesn't have an avian component.

I say now as I have always said, our body knows best. However, in this instance for children, I might choose life now as opposed to a possible side effect of the vaccination.

Vaccination must be a difficult call for parents to make and I am just glad I no longer have to make the decision.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by wonderworld

Thanks for the information is nice to be able to share across state lines, I keep informed by my neighbor that works at the main hospital pharmacy in the area.

She got the regular flu vaccine but she is waiting for the swine flu to be mandatory as right now is not for health care workers in my neck of the woods.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by liveandlearn

Thanks, that is one of the reasons that the swine flu may get more people in countries in the world that never had an epidemic of regular flu, like my Island in PR, been a tropical Island we never had a flu epidemic, never had the need for vaccinations for flu.

But since the swine flu, they are now vaccinating people with regular flu vaccine, something I find hardly weird as the seasonal flu doesn't survive on tropical warm weather.

Also they have been giving tamiflu to anybody that shows sign of flu symptoms without testing.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

What colour is the sky in this utopian world?

Oh, my sister (head ICU nurse) says she will not take the vaccination.

[edit on 21-10-2009 by win 52]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Thank you! Nice thread.

Here's a link for that Malaria, one million deaths per year, in case it hasn't been posted above:
"Each year 350–500 million cases of malaria occur worldwide, and over one million people die, most of them young children in sub-Saharan Africa."

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:03 PM
the bbc news just had a piece about the swine flu shots being given out...and at the end had an interview with some random guy on the street who had obviously said what they wanted to hear..and spread..

quote (im paraphrasing):

'im not too scared about getting it but ive heard that pregnant women can be badly affected by this ill be getting the shot as i dont want to be responsible for a pregnant woman getting the swine flu'

very clever...presses all the right buttons...and sticks out like a saw thumb to any conspiracy minded/tuned in individual..

[edit on 21-10-2009 by alienesque]

[edit on 21-10-2009 by alienesque]

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I think lack of immunization may be most evident in this map. Notice how little flu Africa has. Or could it just be that WHO hasn't cared enough to keep track in the more undeveloped countries?


posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:29 PM
I know someone who has a young cousin that was diagnosed with H1N1 a few days ago. It turns out the doctor didn't even run tests on him. He just claimed it was H1N1. The child was give Amoxicillin and Motrin and he's perfectly fine now. I wonder how often this is happening?

Just got an email from a healthcare worker friend of mine. Her adult daughter was just diagnosed the night before last with H1N1 and guess what? Yup, no testing on her either.

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 02:43 PM

i truly am not sure what the truth is here on ats because ive recently found out the personal way, that ats is just as equally censored as the msm they so often attack, and with recent issues, even more so

however, i do believe this thread

what i urge is for people to think for themselves

dont take everything you read or hear as 100 percent until you've truly looked into it yourselves, especially when concerning your health or the health of your families

when it comes to medicine (any kind of medicine or illness) everywhere and everyone has their own opinion and agenda, including ats, so make decisions based on your own brains, only you should have control of your health

ats along with all the other news outlets each have their own agendas, beliefs, and loyalties/images to keep up which will always affect the information you are privileged to

that being said, read the threads, watch tv, talk to your drs, learn your history, and do some reading, so that you may know your own truth, not just the truth of someone else who has fed theirs to you

posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by notreallyalive

Thank you! Nice thread.

Thank you for the link on the malaria, when my daughter was in her last year of college at UGA she was into cell biology and doing research with malaria, specimens were brought from Africa their facility is a state of the art building that is backed by the CDC.

Believe it or not Malaria in undeveloped countries and developing countries is a big deal when it comes to mortality and is nice to know that the US is doing all they can on how to study this devastating disease.

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