posted on Oct, 21 2009 @ 11:15 AM
If your spending around £150 than a 5" newtonian is about what you'd expect to get.
The celestron will be ideal as a serious starter and you realy wont find better new at that price.
To give you some reassurance i have had a go with all types of scopes from 60mm refractors to 10" Schmidt Cassegrains.
I have settled now on a 6" Celestron Newtonian on a nice Eq4 mount with tube legs. Cost me £229.
The reason i have this is it gives great viewing for its cost and is just about manageable for 1 person to transport and setup easily.
My previous fave was a 4" Skaywatcher skyhawk so small but excellent optics.
I had a Meade 8" Schmidt Cassegrain that i had to sell (gorgeous) and would buy again in a hartbeat if finances would permit!
Best value for money have been Skywatcher and Celestron.
One more thing, Clarity when viewing differs each night. Sometimes you will be amazed at detail and sharpness of the images and be chuffed as nutz
with your purchase, whilest other nights you will curse ever buying the damn thing and think there is something wrong with it!
Enjoy those times of clarity!!