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Is this a photo of bone fragments from Shanksville?

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posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Rewey

no this implies i went to the mans office had a discussion with him, looked through them personally, and inquired about how to obtain copies of them but just never followed up on doing so.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by wholetruth

That's really interesting. Were they just of human remains or of other elemnts of the scene? Was there any other debris 'in the background' of the photos?

It's a real pity you didn't grab a copy of them. You would have become an internet cult hero overnight...


posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Rewey

there was virtually nothing. there were tons of photos of the crash site and the debris. the majority of the debris is silver. in fact i dont recall seeing any gray or blue anywhere.

example : i saw a severed arm laying in the dirt. not the crater. veins were hanging out of the arm and what amazed me most was that there wasn't a drop of blood on the ground anywhere near it nor was it burned. i asked miller about the blood at the scene and he told me he never found a single drop of blood there.

debris photos outnumbered remain photos 25 to 1 easily.

as for being a cult hero i have nor want nor need. however the phone number is right there waiting for whoever wants to step up to the plate right now and get their 15 minutes.

i assure it will be worth your time.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by wholetruth

If most of the photos are of debris, I'm a little surprised that they haven't been released earlier. Seems strange, as it would appear the best way to shut the truth movement up with regards to Flight 93, wouldn't it?

I'm looking for an email address to contact now. If no luck, I guess it's the phone call... stupid time zones...


posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by wholetruth

example : i saw a severed arm laying in the dirt. not the crater. veins were hanging out of the arm and what amazed me most was that there wasn't a drop of blood on the ground anywhere near it nor was it burned. i asked miller about the blood at the scene and he told me he never found a single drop of blood there.

debris photos outnumbered remain photos 25 to 1 easily.

Because the passengers were chopped into small pieces wasn't much to
see - also most photographers and news editors shy away from
showing gruesome pictures out of respect for victims families

Seen this up close and personal - not a lot left of the people onboard
compared to aircraft debris

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Rewey

if you need help with funds for these pics hit me up.

the fact that he said there wasn't a drop of blood was a more than a little interesting.

can anyone provide a reason why no blood would be found...even right next to a limb?

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by iamsupermanv2

I've found an email address for Miller from 2006, but it does not appear to be valid any more. I've sent an email to Dr Dirkmaat, the Chief Scientific Advisor to see if he can assist... we'll see where it goes...


posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Rewey

ive never contacted dirkmat i'm interested in what his reply maybe.

the difference with millers photos and the fbi photos is that miller doesn't work for the federal government. he is an elected official for the state.

the reason nothing has ever been released is because no one has ever asked for it to be or if they did obtain them they didn't feel the need to put them on the internet.

its that simple.

posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by wholetruth
the reason nothing has ever been released is because no one has ever asked for it to be or if they did obtain them they didn't feel the need to put them on the internet.

I didn't mean 'released' as in the official sense... I just meant that there hadn't been copies widely circulated.

Just seems odd, though, that after all these years of people saying there's no debris, that someone is sitting on numerous photos showing a wide range of wreckage.

I mean... for some people, what happened at Shanksville is their entire reason for doubting the OS.


posted on Oct, 22 2009 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by wholetruth
i highly recommend it. until you view them you really have no idea how little remains there were.

Did he by chance say how what % of the minuscule 8% total remains supposedly recovered was found below ground versus above ground?

Did he mention what % of Flight 4?? he mentioned in that video were identified out of the 30% total remains recovered? That one should 100% too.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by Rewey

Just seems odd, though, that after all these years of people saying there's no debris, that someone is sitting on numerous photos showing a wide range of wreckage.


I also ran across this article yesteday.

Crews Begin Investigation Into Somerset County 757 Crash

Crews Begin Investigation Into Somerset County 757 Crash
Officials Said Plane Targeted Camp David
POSTED: 10:27 am EDT September 11, 2001
UPDATED: 8:52 am EDT October 11, 2001

STONYCREEK TOWNSHIP, Pa. -- WTAE-TV reporter Jim Parsons and a cameraman hiked more than two miles along old coal-mining roads through the woods leading up to the point where a Boeing 757 passenger jet crashed in Somerset County, Pa., Tuesday morning.

They were looking for a clear vantage point to view the crash scene, but they found themselves in the midst of debris.

"We (were) literally surrounded by debris, and there's a very strong odor of scorched earth," Parsons reported. "It doesn't smell like jet fuel, it smells like ... How do you describe it? Burned earth. It smells like burned earth."

If he was with a cameraman, chances are there is video.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster

"It doesn't smell like jet fuel, it smells like ... How do you describe it? Burned earth. It smells like burned earth."

Wow. It didn't smell like jet fuel at the scene. Imagine that!

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 12:13 AM
Isn't if funny that the skeptics aren't weighing in on this thread?

I guess they realized they lost a piece of their argument.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster

"We (were) literally surrounded by debris, and there's a very strong odor of scorched earth," Parsons reported. "It doesn't smell like jet fuel, it smells like ... How do you describe it? Burned earth. It smells like burned earth."

Hmmm... it would be interesting to see on a map how far away from the crash scene they were when they mentioned about the smell.

This seems to be wandering away from the topic of bones...


posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:34 AM
yea..i find it odd no debunkers are here...yet...i say wait till morning.

but the coroner seemed a little there a reason? that's just the skeptic in me talking. he probably has many reasons...the scientific/medical types have a habit of "knowing" what they know to be true and not wanting the facts to be questioned. as an educated man, he truly believes facts, especially as he sees them. and no problem with he seems like an innocent person in the midst of a huge debate.

the smell thing is interesting. i just wish i would've been old enough/in a position to investigate all of this first hand after it happened.

also...i kind of find it hard to swallow that the only real evidence of human remains would be limbs. doesn't it make sense that there would be, as morbid as this sounds, but a torso or two, maybe even a head? i'd fully expect a head bc of the amount of bone and the structure of the skull....but that's an uneducated assumption. anyone able to help explain that? if so thanks!

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by iamsupermanv2
also...i kind of find it hard to swallow that the only real evidence of human remains would be limbs. doesn't it make sense that there would be, as morbid as this sounds, but a torso or two, maybe even a head?

Not sure about full torsos or anything, but I think someone above, or someone in another media report, mentioned that Miller found pieces of spinal cord, which is more than a little distressing...


posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by iamsupermanv2

also...i kind of find it hard to swallow that the only real evidence of human remains would be limbs. doesn't it make sense that there would be, as morbid as this sounds, but a torso or two, maybe even a head? i'd fully expect a head bc of the amount of bone and the structure of the skull....but that's an uneducated assumption. anyone able to help explain that? if so thanks!

Have you ever seen a high speed airrcraft crash scene?

Anybody on board is chopped into "human hamburger" with little left recognizable. Had to walk a crash scene marking pieces (and thats all
there was) for the coroner to recover - only things identifible as human
were half of chest, hand minus fingers and 4 severed fingers...

From 44 people on board were able to recover about 600 lbs remains - rest were ground up and sprayed all over scene or burned in post crash fire....

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by thedman

fair enough, like i said, i'm not scientist or expert or anything, just asking questions of things i don't understand. thanks for the input.

and spinal cord finding...that is disturbing.

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by thedman

Had to walk a crash scene marking pieces (and thats all
there was) for the coroner to recover - only things identifible as human
were half of chest, hand minus fingers and 4 severed fingers...

This by no means is an attempt to derail or side step this thread, but I must ask, was the crash you speak of the plane crash in California in early December 1987?

Dorian Soran

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by thedman

From 44 people on board were able to recover about 600 lbs remains - rest were ground up and sprayed all over scene

Sprayed all over the scene, but not a drop of blood? There's a word that describes that; impossible.

or burned in post crash fire....

What post crash fire?

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