posted on May, 25 2004 @ 02:44 PM
I found a small portion of a reprint of some of the Warren Comission's interviews on the subject. Fool that I am, I failed to bookmark it. There
was a claim that he had come down the ramp when the armored car arrived to take Oswald from the jail, but there was contradictory testimony given by
practically everyone, that a person coming in that way would have been seen by the driver, as well as police on duty across the street and within the
sally port of the jail.
So then, is it your opinion that there never was a press pass, and that Ruby was merely covering for his friends in the dept?
I guess I find that idea difficult as well. Even if one friendly officer got Ruby in the back door, there are still checkpoints around any high
profile prisoner, especially during transport.
I'd expect the dept. to have a logbook of all visitors (including press) to the jail. Anything in that direction?
(thanks for your time and input, by the way!)