posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 01:07 PM
In this day and age people are so worried about being chipped. Verichip this and that but when it comes down to it, what is it designed to do? At the
most complex level it's designed to give your location and maybe some environmental details. Data Mining.
Now, enter Twitter. People unknowingly post what they're doing,did or going to do, where they are, who they're with and what they think about
things. No chip can broadcast your info and thoughts so well while costing slim to nothing to implement.
I'm not saying Twitter is evil or people shouldn't use it, just be aware of how it can be used. Data mining is a big goal these days, they want to
know as much about us as they can, and we're willingly giving it to them with mediums like Facebook and Twitter.
Tweets like:
"Just payed taxes, stupid government. Going to mall with leftover money to buy shoes"
Not only did you give them your opinion, you also gave them your location and buying preferences.I'm sure similar example exist.
Anyway, just some food for thought.
(*Oh and I realize that even posting here it could be analysed, but on this site it's only my OPINION and not hard facts about my personal life. Best
part about opinion is it could be different by tomorrow.)