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Ark of Noah in Google Earth

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posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 07:12 AM
Plot in the following in your Google Earth:

Latitude: 39°26'26.26"N
Longitude: 44°14'4.26"E


Archeologists scanned the formation of fossilised wood with radar and found metal embedded with equal distances all along the "ship". It's size and proportions match the biblical accord. It's even sited in the very mountain range the Bible records -- Ararath. The political and security situation in that part of Turkey is rather shaky these days and has been for decades. Was this site where Noah, his wife and children walked out of the Ark with what they had gathered of animals where they once lived?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic
Plot in the following in your Google Earth:

Latitude: 39°26'26.26"N
Longitude: 44°14'4.26"E


Archeologists scanned the formation of fossilised wood with radar and found metal embedded with equal distances all along the "ship". It's size and proportions match the biblical accord. It's even sited in the very mountain range the Bible records -- Ararath. The political and security situation in that part of Turkey is rather shaky these days and has been for decades. Was this site where Noah, his wife and children walked out of the Ark with what they had gathered of animals where they once lived?

I always thought the bible was speaking in meterphorical terms but if that really is the Ark that would be so intresting. I hope someong can go and research this.

How come they havent yet? is it laying on some sort of border or something? Forgive me if thats a stupid question its just I am not familiar with Turkey geographics etc.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 07:43 AM
This has been on a few docu's..
I can't remeber which, they are rather old guessing the late 90's
It was on history channel I believe, I don't recall the out come, but if there was something there that they had a shread of evidence that took them any further towards their thesis, I'll bet we'd know about it!

My memory is not as good as I thought, I believe that some of the local population, let them down in a hurry, by telling them of prior industrial, or agricultural history's from that area, seems that I remember it being a large sheep/cattle ranch????

Srry for no direct linky's

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Doc Holiday
This has been on a few docu's..
I can't remeber which, they are rather old guessing the late 90's
It was on history channel I believe, I don't recall the out come, but if there was something there that they had a shread of evidence that took them any further towards their thesis, I'll bet we'd know about it!

Below are a few wiki articles on the subject.

My memory is not as good as I thought, I believe that some of the local population, let them down in a hurry, by telling them of prior industrial, or agricultural history's from that area, seems that I remember it being a large sheep/cattle ranch????

Srry for no direct linky's

Cattle and sheep farm at 15,500 ft where there's snow most of the year?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by Neo Christian Mystic

I never understood the Ark scenario. If God told Noah to collect to of every creature, because God was going to flood the land, did Noah collect the golden starburst baboon tarantula from Tanzania? What about the Giant Anaconda of the Amazon? Or the Golden Eagle of North America?

Metaphor, wrapped in myth.

Noah, was just a captain of a big boat. God talked to him as much as my morning cheerio's talk to me.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by tempest501

Some people tell the story a little different. In Genesis everything is written twice. Once as a general summary and then as a more specific telling in detail. Almost to the point where it looks like two different versions of the story got stuck together.

Back then they had a list of the animals that were considered clean, unclean, sacrificial, birds, and things like that. The lists weren't very long and were very specific, and they are given in the Bible. The only animals on the list were the animals they actually used for like farming, medical reasons, or religious reasons. Any other animal they didn't use could take a hike.

So when it says things like, Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate and every kind of bird. Well what's clean and what's unclean and birds were a specific short list of animals.

When it says two of EVERY animal that's earlier in the book in the more general summary part where it doesn't go into detail as much.

It probably doesn't mean every animal in the world. Just the ones that were on their lists and the ones they cared about. Going over the lists some people claim you would have only needed around 300 actual animals to satisfy the requirements or less.

Also, it can be confusing when reading the Bible sometimes when it says world, because sometimes world can mean the whole world, or sometimes the "world" just means the holy land or the surrounding areas. Not necessarily the WHOLE world. Back then they considered just that the whole world.

What you probably get in Genesis is probably confusing because what's actually there is probably a mixing of what actually happened with the miracle version that got passed down by word mixed along in our head with the way people tell the story now.

But it is God after all. Who knows, maybe he tweaked the 4th dimension just a little bit to make some extra space lol.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by tempest501
I always thought the bible was speaking in meterphorical terms but if that really is the Ark that would be so intresting. I hope someong can go and research this.

There have been several expeditions in the area up through the ages trying to locate the ark.

How come they havent yet? is it laying on some sort of border or something? Forgive me if thats a stupid question its just I am not familiar with Turkey geographics etc.

The Ararat anomaly rests in a mountaineous area on the border between Turkey and Armenia (of former Soviet). Most research from Westerners since the War has been shrouded in secrecy, because of military and intelligence implications due to the fact that it was a border area between former Soviet and Turkey, a NATO nation. Why the American military has had so great interest in the area appart from this, pussles me.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by InSpiteOf

Gen 6:20
20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive.

Apparently the animals he needed just came to him. Came to him to be kept alive I guess. I guess God texted them or something. I dunno.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by tinfoilman

That's damn convenient. I guess the spiders just hitched a ride on a birds back. Snakes must've coiled around a giraffe neck.

Its all bollocks

All this site does is suggest that there is potentially a big, fossilized boat in a mountainous region.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:20 AM
In the following BTS thread, I investigated a few strange things in the written text which may conceal what really happened prior to the great flood. Did the moon suddenly come conciderably closer to earth? My interpretation suggests this.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by InSpiteOf

Well let's not forget that if it happened. The reason it's in the Bible is because it was a miracle. A miracle of course is something that by definition isn't really possible. From their point of view they would have felt the same way.

They would have been saying, "Okay that's F'in friggin ridiculous. That's not even possible!". Hence that's why they wrote it down lol!

After all, if it was really possible, it would have just been another day at work for people and there wouldn't have been any mention of it at all lol.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by tinfoilman
reply to post by InSpiteOf

Gen 6:20
20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive.

Apparently the animals he needed just came to him. Came to him to be kept alive I guess. I guess God texted them or something. I dunno.

Not to take anything away from the OP, but you reminded me of "Evan Almighty". If you haven't seen it, IMO, it's worth a watch. It's comical when the animals start to follow him [Evan] around.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
reply to post by tinfoilman

All this site does is suggest that there is potentially a big, fossilized boat in a mountainous region.

Isn't that the point? The only fossilized big boat that should be there is the supposed Ark. You don't see big, fossilized boats in every mountain range now do you?

If it is the Ark then why is the local gov't trying to hide it? Trying to prevent people form investigating it furthur?

This conspiracy continues....

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by Nutter

LOL, yeah I seen it, but I still like the first one better.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Nutter

Yeah, great movie. Love his tools!

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:31 AM
the ark´s in the bible have precise measures
big and small yet precise

anyone care to enlighten as to why ?

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:33 AM
This was highlighted in a court case between Prof Ian Plimer and an ordained minister in Australia in the 90's. The minister, Dr Allen Roberts, was claiming that there's scientific evidence to support a site in Eastern Turkey being the resting place of Noah's Ark.

Here are some exchanges and going-ons between the two during that time.

In 1992 Ian Plimer found an opportunity to publicly attack the claims of creation science.

Dr. Allen Roberts: “Here we have it seems a real boat. It is in the right place to be Noah’s Ark, it is about the right size to be Noah’s Ark.”

Dr. Allen Roberts, a minister and historian, made a public lecture tour, speaking about a site in Eastern turkey.

Dr. Allen Roberts:“ If it’s not Noah’s Ark, then what is it?”

Prof. Ian Plimer: “It is a normal hill There are lots of hills like it It is a normal geological structure called a syncline.”

When Ian Plimer questioned Roberts Geological knowledge he was removed from the meeting.

Prof. Ian Plimer: “I found that this was really quite an insult to my science and I found that this was quite an insult for what I stand for in the education system. As one who is committed to education I thought well no I have to stand up and be counted.”

“I’d seen previous people who had worked on this problem as writing articles and writing books, and that had no effect. I thought it was much better to come out and make it public and to really stand up to the one thing that I saw in every creationist writing and every creationist argument and that was misleading and deceptive conduct.”

Half a world away in San Diego another Ark Hunter was to give Plimer a chance to expose that misleading and deceptive conduct. Dave Fasold had been to the same site as Roberts, and believed he had found the Ark. His book “the Ark of Noah “detailed his research.

David Fasold: “ I first heard of Allan Roberts when he left a message on my answering machine. He said, my name is Allan Roberts, and / I’d like to talk to you

By that time I’d probably spent over 200 thousand dollars on it, and to me it was beginning to get like a hole in the ground that you throw money into. So I really didn’t care if I ever talked to him again.”

However, Roberts used Fasolds work in his own lectures, and that was the crucial link for Plimer.

David Fasold: “Plimer then got back in touch with me and said that he had read my book and seen that these people had pinched my work and what was I going to do about it.”

Plimer and Fasold agreed to meet at the sight in Turkey.

Fasold was still trying to prove it’s authenticity. He had previously taken samples from the area that were identified at the time as man made iron.

David Fasold: “I really believed I had found Noah’s Ark because I was surrounded by people who wanted to find Noah’s Ark. It had all the right dimensions it was in the right location and I had people telling me that the evidence we were finding was good evidence.”

But as the digging continued, the evidence began to mount against the ark. Fasold could not find the iron he had previously identified. And worse still, a revaluation of his original samples showed that they were not after all, man made.

Fasold no longer believed in the Ark and the former Ark Hunter and the Geologist now became allies.

He had discovered that a diagram published by Roberts bore striking similarities to one in his own book.

To strengthen his own case Fasold made a joint claim with Plimer, who was accusing Roberts of misleading and deceptive claims. Plimer was now using his case against Roberts to question the integrity of creation science as a whole.

David Fasold: “Well, I don’t think that anyone should have to do a court case like this on their own. I think that you bring it out into the public, after all Roberts lectures were public lectures, and he paid for advertising in newspapers to bring this to everyone’s attention. So we are bringing the real story to the public.”

Early in 1997 Dave Fasold, and Ian Plimer met in the mountains outside Sydney. With their legal team, they made final preparations for the case.

Maya Plimer was also at the end of a long and difficult road to the trial. She had been a driving force behind Ian.

Maya Plimer: “We have been living this case for 5 years now. We have sold one house, we are living in a tiny cottage. I don’t care about the money, but my wish is that every parent in Australia would become aware of what Creation Science is about.”

After such a long preparation, the trial lasted only seven days. Although the media called it another Scopes trial, the judge was careful to confine the court to the much narrower legal issues.

Justice Sackville: “ The applicants case insofar in that it is based on the Trade Practices and the trading Act fails. Mr Fasold succeeds in his claim for infringement of copyright against Dr Roberts, but he is awarded damages of only 2,500 dollars. “

Justice Sackville found that Roberts had made some false and misleading representations. However, as they were not made in trade or commerce, Plimers case failed.

Fasold won his copyright claim. Roberts was ordered to pay him damages, but he still claimed a moral victory.

Dr. Allen Roberts:“ I’m delighted particularly because the judgement that was handed down by his honour has in fact preserved the free speech of anyone that has something important to say publicly.”

Although his side of the case failed, Plimer still took some satisfaction from the judges statements.

Prof. Ian Plimer: “We were able to show legally that this work was misleading and deceptive, and I have argued for decades that the one golden thread that unites creationists is misleading and deceptive conduct......”

If Plimer felt defeated he did not show it. Since the trial he has lodged an appeal, hoping that the court will this time find that Roberts was acting in trade and commerce. For him the fight goes on...

Prof. Ian Plimer:“I feel very strongly about what Creation Scientists are doing to Science because they completely denigrate the value of inquiring, the value of not knowing, the value of exploring the unknown the value of being a critical thinker.”

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by InSpiteOf
That's damn convenient. I guess the spiders just hitched a ride on a birds back. Snakes must've coiled around a giraffe neck.

If god was flooding the earth because of man, why did he also punish the animals? An almighty, all knowing being couldn't find a way to kill off mankind (except Noah and his family of course) without killing the innocent animals?

Disease would have done the job better IMO. Speaking of disease, wouldn't a flooded earth filled with rotting corpses be a cesspool of bacteria? Unlike just dead human corpses on the ground rotting (which would be eaten by the still alive animals)? Oh, the endless questions.

I guess that is a little off topic though. Sorry OP.

As far as what this structure is in the mountain. I'd be interested to know one way or the other what it actually is.

[edit on 20-10-2009 by Nutter]

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 08:49 AM
I'm having a really hard time with all this. I just can't understand how so many people can believe something so ridiculous because it's written in a book. So there might be a fossilized boat half way up a mountain and people immediately jump to the conclusion that it's Noah's party boat. I thought Christians believed fossils were the work of Satan anyway. As well as every species of animal and enough food to last the flood. Noah would also need to build tanks for all the sensitive salt water creatures that would die when the rain water diluted the oceans.

If you believe it was a local flood but was still Gods work, then you're just twisting everything to fit your warped world view.

Most people believe alot of the Bible stories came from other cultures. I think the same is true for Noah's Ark. I think the story was based on King Ziasudra and one particularly bad flood at the Euphrates river.

As for the boat up the mountain. I think we need to get some real scientists up there to study it. But it doesn't look like that is going to happen any time soon.

posted on Oct, 20 2009 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Neo Christian Mystic

Cattle and sheep farm at 15,500 ft where there's snow most of the year?

Going by googles terrain tool that site is only at a height of under 2000m where the boat is said to rest, there are other areas where the boat was said to have hit land before coming to rest on that mount.
wether it's the ark or not I think also that some of the nearby villiage names also translate to something to do with god/bible/noah or something like that. can't quite remember what though.

2000 m = 6561.6 ft (decimal)

[edit on 20-10-2009 by redgy]

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