posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 10:49 AM
my opinion again LOL
well I don't think there really are hard truths out there, everything is subjective unfortunatly.
While I do not think that everyone believes everyone is inherently good and see's everything in black or white. I do have to agree with you on the
premise of people preferring to stay ignorant.
But on climate change I don't think people are staying ignorant!! with the internet science from "non mainstream" channels is released which
questions the "offical" hypothesis.
(alot of scientists and people would say it's a theory, as theory is as close to truth as science can ascertain) (I choose hypothesis as I am not yet
I think more people are investigating what they are being told and are becoming more educated because of the internet.
yes I know there is alot of junk pseudo science and information that people will believe also.
But my opinion is that the internet has had a positive effect on intelligence worldwide as information not available to some is now readily
(sorry for going a bit off topic there)
but I'm just a lay person who has bad grammer , sentence structure and spelling what do I know.
as all this has been my opinion