posted on May, 18 2004 @ 10:50 AM
this is something that shows the true nature of man. and most ppl take this as a incident on itself, but in fact it is still related to the iraqi
bombing and everything that happened around it.
iraqi rebellions and america are at war. quite simple and i'm sure we'll see more actions like this taking place in the future between these two
countries. it's an old struggle that will keep going untill one of the two sides admits "defeat". current president bush is not the kind of guy
that will let it rest so will go full force against it.
1. i can understand that because terrorists need to be shown they cant do what they do.
2. a lot of "innocent" people will die on both sides.
so this american died. i can't feel sorry for it. it's a result of the conflict going on. because the american authorities issued a fight against
terrorism. this death needs to be concidered as an expected/acceptable loss.
it's just one american. and because of it being just ONE AND AMERICAN we suddenly should feel sorry? sorry but i won't. after all...who felt sorry
for the innocent iraqi civilians that died in the last bombing? that news dissapeared rather quickly.
now there are captives of the last "war" and those got treated badly. well they are terrorists and should be dealt with. then again these prisoners,
how "bad" they might be. they still got human rights. so i can see where these rebels are coming from with their last footage. Personally I
would've tried a more sublte approach then beheading someone to get a point across. but they are in a different atmosphere, constantly under attack
so you will have to show the opposition that you're serious. and that is what they did.
people call it barbaric. well so is war in general. and everything goes in war, i can't remember someone saying "sorry i killed your civilians'.
there are no rules. and saying you would re-pay the rebels with equal coin will just show you're no hair better then them. we're all barbarians in
one way or another. I'd like to see how you would perform when being under constant attack, stress. surely you wouldn't try to come with a more
subtle approach to deal with. instead you'd act more by instinct
like stalin said "1 death is a tragedy and a thousand is a statistic". it is sad, but it's true.
this 1 american is top page news while the death of a few hundred during a railroad defect is mentioned in a small bulletin on the 4th page. now that
is wrong.
I'll be following the news on this as well. but i doubt i'll be changing my mind. and i think both sides are in the bad and people need to open
their eyes instead of gullibly following the news and saying "oohh, aahhh this is bad. I feel violated".
I also think that the 4 man captured don't have anything to do with this. they are just used to pin things on so this issue can be dropped asap and
give some form of relief to the family of the beheaded american.
[Edited on 18-5-2004 by Enyalius]