posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 07:31 PM
So, about 2 months ago I broke up with my now ex. The relationship lasted about 10 months, so it was fairly serious. I didn't break up with because
I wanted to, but instead because I was forced to by reasons that amount to a very long story that I believe I've already shared once on this board.
I won't bore everyone with the details, but in a nut shell she invited me to stay with her for a while when she went home for the summer (She's here
for college,) and while I was there, she was sneaking around behind my back with another dude.
I felt like I dealt with this one pretty well -- infinitely better than my last breakup. I still think about her, but I'm not obsessing, I'm happy
with my life, etc. About 2 weeks ago, she emailed me. It was just a short, simple "How are you doing?" email. I really appreciated this gesture,
since the last time I had a serious breakup the girl never spoke to me again, and that was Hell for me. She asked me a few questions, so I responded
cordially and told her what was going on. She responded one more time, and asked me a few questions once again. I responded with a short, friendly
paragraph and answered her questions (she asked what I was being for Halloween, and how work and classes were going, etc.) It's been a week and a
half now, and she hasn't responded. I'm most of the way over her now, so it's not as if I'm freaking out, it's just really irritating. I was
making some really good progress; thinking about her less and less, moving on with my life. Then, out of nowhere, and after only a month and a half,
she emails me. Wanting to make the best of it, I respond, and she ignores me!? What the Hell? Can't I just have my peace? Now I'm thinking about
her again...the feelings of loneliness and anger for what she did to me are back. I was doing good. Is she just heartless? Was she trying to draw
me back in, or did she email me and then forget about it? She knows I'm the type who can never stop asking "Why!?," so....why!?