Originally posted by one4all
As a resource in a Galactic war the human population of Earth is very important,our capacity to mine this planet is equally important,imagine if all
of humanity worked as one what we could accomplish.
Calculate how much iron,copper,gold,quartz,silver ect that HAS EVER BEEN MINED BY A HUMAN HAND,it doesnt matter what form it is currently in just how
much exists todat on the face of the planet and you will get my drift.
Remember that every pound of resource available could potentially be thrown behind one common cause.
We are talking about resources on a planetary scale and all you need to do is educate the six billion people on earth to have complete unfettered
acess to all of it.
We were supposed to mine earth and we all have a responsibility to continue contributing to the Galactic war cause however we can.
We will all soon understand,you dont save billions of human lives for nothing,we so underestimate our own value.When we are saved we will understand
our value and our destiny as equals to our saviours.
Its not quite about this. Earth was an intergalactic project storing dna and information for many races, the living library, and the take over
occurred by the annanuki's, not just here, this was the old empire, much like star wars, this involved absorbing other planets and destroying those
that would not submit, such as Lyrae, my own planet in this creation. The empire ended, as it was stretched to thin, and once their home planet was
discovered to be in ruins all planets took themselves back. The nuki's are our leaders and they are attempting a negative harvest, so when the
disaster happens, people who have been asleep and not said no to their many crimes agains their fellow humans and nature may be considered
co-conspirators, and not be rescued or portalled out and stuck as their slaves for the next cycle.
The multiverse operates on a spiritual principle as well, due to the fact that once 5D is reached we experience the universal understanding and one
mindedness, and the spiritual is known and experienced. For example, archangels meet with the high councils of planets. We see more than currently,
we experience more than currently. The human ets that you're speaking of are 5D and higher.
As a living library earth is very important to many civilizations in the universe. Also, its a bottle neck for souls that come to experience the
lessons here, and those who are trapped here as well, the bad guys and the ones they subdued, so its like a prison planet as well.
The Federation and Andros do not wish to use humans as a resource. The purpose is to free this planet and its people. But there are many different
groups of people visiting this planet and not all are advanced thinkers. The idea of an exodus before the disaster would be only a small numbers
compared to the whole, such as what happened before Lyrae was destroyed, where billions still perished. And 3D humans exiting would not be
necessarily all subject to the same conditions, ie. some may be utilized as resources by more neutral or colder ets. This will have to do with the
level of our hearts and minds, our own vibration of love and light, what lessons we still need to perfect our souls. Though if it is up to me, I'll
be spray painting their lovely crafts with: freedom, slavery, resources.
The goal is the ascension. I've been told after the ascension humans in 5D will all leave this planet for it doesn't belong to them. And it has to
do with our own vibrations, our own state of being, our own readiness to move into different experiences that will probably draw us to various groups,
or our family will be there. 5D is different.
The old war is over, the battles that take place now have to do with the nuki's and greys here, and those battles are taking place between the
Andross/Federation and even archangels against the dark forces. Earth itself is set up currently, with the ones incarnated here, from both sides,
from the old empire too, such as those who destroyed Lyrae, and many Lyreans, for example, almost in an armeggedon style should people wake up and if
the negotiations to free us not happen. There are different possible events that could be drawn in for the timeline, as these things exist as
probababilities and we do need to awaken to use our insight and to set intentions.
Our biggest tool we have to change things an make a difference, aside from making noise with our leaders, and demanding disclosure, is to visualize,
in a format for the good of all, the endings we wish, and the positive things we wish to see, with emotion, strongly pulling them in. Also the
healing and shielding this planet needs. Intention is a training for this. "It is my wish that I am in impeccable knowing" "It is my intention
that I am growing into unity with my higher self" This is a training for commands/statements, "I am in impeccable knowing," "I am growing into
unity with ...." which is partially a training for advanced visualization.
We are the love of Creator, in action. We are the love, the light and the heart of God, in action. We are here for a reason, and need to wake up to
who we are and how we need to shine our light and love frequency into the world. So many of us are still asleep.
[edit on 20-10-2009 by Unity_99]