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Worse than the 9-11 terrorist!

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posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 04:03 PM
More than 9 years since that horrible incident known to us as “9-11”. A terrorist attack on our mainland in America’s most populate city, killing thousands of innocent people.

Media tends to divert our outrage to the actual terrorist. The terrorist are scum and filth of the earth, and hopefully there will be a special hell just for them. But what of the ones who allowed it to happen, those who’s profession it is to insure such a thing never happens in America? What about the one’s receiving fat salaries from the US tax payer to protect America from these thug terrorist? The CIA, FBI, NSA, Air Force generals and others? What have become of those officials directly responsible for our security and failed miserably that fateful day on, 9-11-2001? Are any of these people in jail? Why not? Have any of these been demoted? Why not? Have any one these even had a loss in salary, Why not?

The terrorist itself is was horrible and should never have happened. That we can all agree upon. But what of a country that prides itself on being a “civilation” yet allow those who’s job it was to insure a terrorist on America never happens, walk away with not so much as a slap on the wrist? Where is the justice? How does this make us more secure? How does this ensure it won’t happen again? What sort of signal are we sending to our citizens and the rest of the world?

I mean like , our first responders did their jobs, some even paid the ultimate price. Citizens and on lookers did their jobs in rescuing victims and it wasn’t even their jobs to do so. All this heroism of which not enough has been said and acknowledged, against a backdrop of incompetent, treasonous, overpaid, worthless, scum, sitting in their plush air-conditioned offices sipping their morning coffee all acting like the three monkeys of, see no evil, hear no evil, feel no evil, the very ones who were supposed to not allow an incident like this to occur, what do they get………promotions?

It’s not like these a*s%les did not have the tools to defend this nation, they had the most up to date technology available to anyone. They can read your license plate numbers from thousands of miles in space, they know the intimate conversation you may have had with your own mother, they can tell which cow farted in a pasture of hundreds, but the very time we needed this technology and indeed, the very incident that would justify these scumbags even having this technology at tax payer expense, they all fall on their faces.

And if that were not enough of an insult, the actual terrorist have not been caught after 9 years. Now, I ask you , what is wrong with this picture?

IMO, those responsible for our protection are more guilty than the actual terrorist.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 04:09 PM
You will find in life that the government and police are a bigger threat to your life than any terrorist. The system is all about abuses.

The system has no safe guards for the victims of corrupt scum that get the obs that are supposedly there to protect the innocent people.

You can goto school with people today and with the tech around today, they may be using it on you to destroy your life and you have no idea your life is being destroyed by these murderers, and your crime just going to school with scum that wanted you dead, or locked up in prison.

These people are not there to protect anyone, but them and there friends, and believe me they will use any tech they can to ruin the lifes of people they hate.

So your right there is no way 911 happened without them knowing about it before hand, and how osama told norad to stand down with his thoughts is beyond all of us lol.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 04:57 PM
Did external to US terrorists do it ? Colin Powell was meant to have issued a white paper with the required proof linking 9/11 to Bin Laden , but so far there has been no sign of it. Who is assumed to have done it is only a matter of hearsay and conjecture. Makes you wonder how NATO's article 5 got to be invoked on the basis of pure speculation.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 05:10 PM
So what of the old cliché, “some heads are going to roll?”. fat chance of that ever happening.

I can remember 15 or 20 years ago when a kid accidentally flew his plane far into Russian aerospace. Heads did indeed roll of those responsible. Answers were demanded like right now, none of this butt kissing, “we know you didn’t mean to…” BS we see here in the 9-11 incident. There was a price to be paid for such stupidity and incompetence and every body knew it and no one tried to justify or make excuses for the scum who did not take their jobs seriously.

This country will never be secure as long as we tolerate what went on during the 9-11 incident. Until I see some heads roll, I cannot take seriously any investigation concerning 9-11.

In my opinion, it is absolutely inexcusable that no one has been reprimanded for what went on in the 9-11 incident. A government that finds “no one accountable” is itself unaccountable, is not one best suited to govern America.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 05:16 PM
This is something that people on all sides of the 9/11 debate can agree on. No one in the US government has been brought up on charges over what happened. Some people believe that in itself indicates that 9/11 was an inside job. Regardless, somebody should have been brought up on charges.

Why were there no charges of dereliction of duty or people fired for incompetence? Simple. The American people do not care enough about how their country is run to insist on accountability.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
This is something that people on all sides of the 9/11 debate can agree on. No one in the US government has been brought up on charges over what happened. Some people believe that in itself indicates that 9/11 was an inside job. Regardless, somebody should have been brought up on charges.

Why were there no charges of dereliction of duty or people fired for incompetence? Simple. The American people do not care enough about how their country is run to insist on accountability.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by ipsedixit]

Right! to much emphasis placed on the terrorist by the media (who I think are accomplices in the crime) and not enough questions of why it was allowed to happen.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 05:25 PM
I don't generalize and use the word "terrorist". I watched some videos on a SLAYER69 thread today. I saw my fellow countrymen terrorize a village in Afghanistan with my tax dollars. It's depressing.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
The American people do not care enough about how their country is run to insist on accountability.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by ipsedixit]

The American people are poorly represented.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by useless eaters
More than 9 years since that horrible incident known to us as “9-11”

It just turned 8 years last month, how is it more than 9 years?

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

My mistake, it was 8 instead of 9. thanks for pointing that out.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 06:47 PM
Never mind - have another burger and beer and turn on the football game.

The evidence that it was an inside job would be more than enough to get a conviction in a court.

You have more problems than 911 now though - and so does the world. I think I will post something regarding what is really happening, everyone seems to have fallen asleep again.

Can the US and people in general have such poor levels of concentration and memory - seems impossible, but the evidence is right in front of us all.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by useless eaters

I believe you have shown what the governments does for people who have help them in organizing a false flag operation, what would you expect the government to do fire them. No, they rewarded all of them for doing their jobs and that is proof that there is defiantly a conspiracy.

In reality, there should have been some military leaders’ heads on the chopping block immediately after 911. We didn’t see that no, in fact, the Bush administration did NOT want to investigate anything, nothing! All we saw was a cover-up of evidences immediately after 911 like the strange airplane parts on the pentagon lawn, which was, confiscated quickly just minutes after the alleged plane crash. Then we saw the WTC debris guarded and truck out of ground zero with GPS monitoring on the dump trucks. Their every movement guarded closely so, no one could really examine the WTC debris. Nothing, but a cover-up of destroying their evidences of demolition at the WTC. If there was nothing to hide then why the GPS on all the trucks?

You are right, there was no accountability in our government, and the Bush administration did not want it.

The message we all got from the Bush administration was, if a military ship was on its maiden voyage set sail with the most powerful people on board and blew up in the middle of the ocean killing everyone and the ship sank. We the people emailed, made phone calls, wrote letters demanding our leaders to investigate why did the ship blow up we want to know investigate it and our leaders responses was NOTHING! Not one word nada, the government totally ignored us, and will not let the Press print any stories about the event and no television coverage, nothing.

What does a criminal lawyer tell you, when you have broken the law or committed a crime, they tell you to keep your mouth shut and do nothing? That exactly what our government did.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by impressme

That was a spot on reply. You said it better than I did.

posted on Oct, 18 2009 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Amagnon

"Can the US and people in general have such poor levels of concentration and memory - seems impossible, but the evidence is right in front of us all."

That has been my question to. We have seen back to back outrages in the Oklahoma City bombings, Waco, 9-11. The same, "go back to sleep", "doesn't concern me" attitude we see over and over again.

What are the odds of people just falling back to sleep as you say. Are the American people doing this naturally (hard to believe), or is their sleepwalking part of the agenda? let's not forget the irony here, The famous minuteman of the revolutionary war and what used to be our reputation of dealing with injustices military, politically, economically, our tradition of being "the land of the free and home of the brave".

The idea of a nation tolerating what happened on 9-11 is more than what happens to a people through natural causes. Only soulless creatures could live along side those who allowed 9-11 to happen.

[edit on 18-10-2009 by useless eaters]

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