More than 9 years since that horrible incident known to us as “9-11”. A terrorist attack on our mainland in America’s most populate city,
killing thousands of innocent people.
Media tends to divert our outrage to the actual terrorist. The terrorist are scum and filth of the earth, and hopefully there will be a special hell
just for them. But what of the ones who allowed it to happen, those who’s profession it is to insure such a thing never happens in America? What
about the one’s receiving fat salaries from the US tax payer to protect America from these thug terrorist? The CIA, FBI, NSA, Air Force generals
and others? What have become of those officials directly responsible for our security and failed miserably that fateful day on, 9-11-2001? Are any
of these people in jail? Why not? Have any of these been demoted? Why not? Have any one these even had a loss in salary, Why not?
The terrorist itself is was horrible and should never have happened. That we can all agree upon. But what of a country that prides itself on being a
“civilation” yet allow those who’s job it was to insure a terrorist on America never happens, walk away with not so much as a slap on the
wrist? Where is the justice? How does this make us more secure? How does this ensure it won’t happen again? What sort of signal are we sending to
our citizens and the rest of the world?
I mean like , our first responders did their jobs, some even paid the ultimate price. Citizens and on lookers did their jobs in rescuing victims and
it wasn’t even their jobs to do so. All this heroism of which not enough has been said and acknowledged, against a backdrop of incompetent,
treasonous, overpaid, worthless, scum, sitting in their plush air-conditioned offices sipping their morning coffee all acting like the three monkeys
of, see no evil, hear no evil, feel no evil, the very ones who were supposed to not allow an incident like this to occur, what do they
It’s not like these a*s%les did not have the tools to defend this nation, they had the most up to date technology available to anyone. They can read
your license plate numbers from thousands of miles in space, they know the intimate conversation you may have had with your own mother, they can tell
which cow farted in a pasture of hundreds, but the very time we needed this technology and indeed, the very incident that would justify these scumbags
even having this technology at tax payer expense, they all fall on their faces.
And if that were not enough of an insult, the actual terrorist have not been caught after 9 years. Now, I ask you , what is wrong with this
IMO, those responsible for our protection are more guilty than the actual terrorist.